Exactly! But at least Kerry says it directly based on the issue, instead of being a chickenshit chickenhawk "war time" president.langeweile said:Yeah, like Kerry is ever going to appoint a judge that deosn't fit his style??
Exactly! But at least Kerry says it directly based on the issue, instead of being a chickenshit chickenhawk "war time" president.langeweile said:Yeah, like Kerry is ever going to appoint a judge that deosn't fit his style??
All presidents do this. If you were president wouldn't you do the same thing? I know I would.langeweile said:Yeah, like Kerry is ever going to appoint a judge that deosn't fit his style??
Those people were prominent in his campaign and during the convention - they were in those jobs (at least in Bush's head) before the mess in Florida. Give credit where credit is due, it will make your criticisms more cutting.bbking said:I don't - considering how he won in 2000 - he had no choice.
I agree. On appearances credit certainly should be given. However Colin Powel was marginalized. Only the sycophant Rice was given what "appears" to be any influence. Rod Paige was appointed as pay back for cooking the books in Texas' "no child left behind" program. But yes with regards to public relations and appearances, credit should be given.onthebottom said:Those people were prominent in his campaign and during the convention - they were in those jobs (at least in Bush's head) before the mess in Florida. Give credit where credit is due, it will make your criticisms more cutting.
Believe the base got the message.tompeepin said:Exactly! But at least Kerry says it directly based on the issue, instead of being a chickenshit chickenhawk "war time" president.hehehe Bush should have said: yes my conservative "base" ("the haves and have mores") are for overturning Roe vs Wade and I will try and get it done for them, appointing Judges that pass my litmus test. "I don't believe in liberal activist judges." Judges should be conservative and uphold the status quo even if that means overturning "progress" made thus far.
I agree. But because of that, one simply does not ban abortions categorically. Also Kerry voted against partial birth abortions not because he was for them, but rather because the legislations was so absolute and did not provide provisions in cases where the life of the mother was at stake. That is the problem with Bush. He is all or nothing.langeweile said:While I believe in a womans right to make her own decision. I don't believe abortion should be used as a means of birth control.
tp, you only lessen your own credibility when you find it impossible to admit something that is counter to your propaganda - the above back handed comments are more of this. You just become a demagogue.tompeepin said:I agree. On appearances credit certainly should be given. However Colin Powel was marginalized. Only the sycophant Rice was given what "appears" to be any influence. Rod Paige was appointed as pay back for cooking the books in Texas' "no child left behind" program. But yes with regards to public relations and appearances, credit should be given.
Goverment should provide sex education through schools, based purely on biological and scientific factors. Goverment has no business getting in to the politics of sex education.tompeepin said:I agree. But because of that, one simply does not ban abortions categorically. Also Kerry voted against partial birth abortions not because he was for them, but rather because the legislations was so absolute and did not provide provisions in cases where the life of the mother was at stake. That is the problem with Bush. He is all or nothing.
Also one would be strongly for advocate contraception and sex edu, no? And certainly not deny aid to third world countries that advocated "planned" parenthood, based on their doing so.
Talking about demagogues; isn't Bush the master demagogue? "Mr. Terra, himself". But that is a whole different topic.onthebottom said:tp, you only lessen your own credibility when you find it impossible to admit something that is counter to your propaganda - the above back handed comments are more of this. You just become a demagogue.
I believe that your children or whomever wants it, should have confidential access to birth control. It might mean that they do not have to seek access to "secret" and or "illegal" abortions in the future.langeweile said:When and how to distribute birth control to my children, should be my decision alone. Period.
Absolutely positively not. It is my responsibility as a parent to educate them on the issue.tompeepin said:I believe that your children or whomever wants it, should have confidential access to birth control. It might mean that they do not have to seek access to "secret" and or "illegal" abortions down the road.
I don't think you need parental consent to buy a condom, or do you?bbking said:My point is that it should be available to them, without parental consent. I would sooner any child of mine would not, but if they did I would like them to know that they could easily get protection. Having the State force me to run interference will most likely cause the child to ignore safety. Now having said that, I do think an underage minor requires parental consent for abortions as I do think a minor is not capable of making that decission alone. Minors are going to have sex, I would sooner any child of mine do it safely than behind my back.
And now the biggest department of the government ever created in one go, that of homeland security. As if the CIA and FBI could not have been overhauled. Nope need big brother. No one is concerned about the American deaths due to hospital errors or due to the lack of poor treatment of medical conditions or of the flu every year. No 3000 in NY was spectacular and sensational. Then 1000 and counting had to be added to that. No one pays attention to the fact that the US finances are the real clear and present danger to US national security in the coming years.assoholic said:.. I always have to0 laugh at thye notion that Republicans favour small Governments, oh sure they always talk about it but do you know who added more civil servants then any one else, Ronnie Reagan. I just dont get how conservatives dont get upset when there champions do the oppossite of what they ay they are going to do, and still support them.
The Homeland Security Department is a Democrat idea that Bush opposed but it gained so much traction in the media that he relented and formed it.tompeepin said:And now the biggest department of the government ever created in one go, that of homeland security. As if the CIA and FBI could not have been overhauled. Nope need big brother.
You can make it available to them, but studies in the US have shown that handing out condoms does not increase condom usage among high school students...bbking said:My point is that it should be available to them, without parental consent. I would sooner any child of mine would not, but if they did I would like them to know that they could easily get protection. Having the State force me to run interference will most likely cause the child to ignore safety. Now having said that, I do think an underage minor requires parental consent for abortions as I do think a minor is not capable of making that decission alone. Minors are going to have sex, I would sooner any child of mine do it safely than behind my back.
Government is always involved in morality to a certaine extent. Otherwise, "separate but equal" would still be considered legal!tompeepin said:Government should stay out of the bedrooms of the people and also out of advocating "morality" ie: abstinence and out of a women's right to choose.