Ashley Madison

Facebook loses 6 million US users and 1.5 million Canadian LAST MONTH ALONE


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I joined Facebook about a month ago, and now Hotmail is telling me about all the comments and other social stuff/activities on my facebook page, even though its non of their fucking business.

Also Imageshack knows about my Facebook page(fucking cookies) and wants to load the deviant pictures I am posting on Terb, onto facebook.

There was also another site that knew about my facebook page, but only when I was logged in.

My facebook page is none of these other sites fucking business.

All my different personna are now on a fucking colliision course, and I am pissed but impotent (figuratively).
You need to adjust your security settings so that it stops sharing with those sites. That's one of the problems with FB, it assumes that you want to hang yourself out there for everyone to see.


Jul 20, 2006
I can think of a few reasons:
1) The various site redesigns have sucked. People liked the old Facebook.
2) People are just bored with it.
3) You can only spend so much time on pointless games on Facebook before they get old.
4) The initial rush of catching up with old friends is gone. Personally, I've tracked down/Facebook creeped anyone I can think of.
5) When Facebook was new, "Are you on Facebook" was an effective pickup line. Now, not so much.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i have an account for me, an account for each of my kids that only i have the password to and they are only allowed on when i am there with them and about 5 other accounts just for fucking with people when i get bored.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
i have an account for me, an account for each of my kids that only i have the password to and they are only allowed on when i am there with them and about 5 other accounts just for fucking with people when i get bored.
That sounds like a full fruitful life, Simon.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
Facebook, the social networking giant lost nearly 6 million users in the United States in May, along with 1.52 million in Canada and hundreds of thousands in the United Kingdom, Norway, and Russia. The company still managed to add 11.8 million new users worldwide last month
Seems to me that facebook is still gaining, just at a slower rate.


Mar 29, 2002
the one reason that i am VERY surprised is not being discussed her for WANTING to use Facebook is to meet new people.

I have personally met 3 different girls who I had no idea were until I added them - they were "friends of friends". I ended up sleeping with one, the others - nothing at all came out of it.

The second reason that has NOT been mentioned here as a reason WANTING to use facebook is how easy it is to just simply add someone by using their name or e-mail address - comes VERY handy when meeting women! On this note, I can't remember how many women I have added after meeting them clubbing or at a bar or party or whatever. It's so convenient - very helpful to be able to look at the girls pictures the next day and see if you even want to see her again!


New member
Dec 31, 2003
i have an account for me, an account for each of my kids that only i have the password to and they are only allowed on when i am there with them and about 5 other accounts just for fucking with people when i get bored.
That sounds disturbingly like Ceiling Cat picking out random escorts, calling them blindly, and posing as a lawyer and offering them legal advice in which he was in no position to give. All because he was 'bored'
Are you guys the same person???
I think I've cracked a mystery


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
That sounds disturbingly like Ceiling Cat picking out random escorts, calling them blindly, and posing as a lawyer and offering them legal advice in which he was in no position to give. All because he was 'bored'
Are you guys the same person???
I think I've cracked a mystery
nope, i just drink a lot and instead of going out in public and cracking my knuckles up fighting and going to jail and fucking my life up i just go online and fuck with people relentlessly. if i came clean about how many accounts and mults i have all over the internets you all would be shocked. i have been banned and blocked and removed from more sites and forums than i can count and in fact there are websites that now have mods and security cuz of the ettacks me and my friends have pulled off. i have been involved in people getting locked up in nut houses, wives leaving husbands, families breaking up. i am the quintisential asshole. everyone needs a hobby and this is mine.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
nope, i just drink a lot and instead of going out in public and cracking my knuckles up fighting and going to jail and fucking my life up i just go online and fuck with people relentlessly. if i came clean about how many accounts and mults i have all over the internets you all would be shocked. i have been banned and blocked and removed from more sites and forums than i can count and in fact there are websites that now have mods and security cuz of the ettacks me and my friends have pulled off. i have been involved in people getting locked up in nut houses, wives leaving husbands, families breaking up. i am the quintisential asshole. everyone needs a hobby and this is mine.
To quote Jimmy Buffett;

Well I was drivin' down I-95 the other night.

Somebody nearly cut me right off the road.

I decided it wasn't gonna do any good to get mad.

So I wrote a song about him instead.

It goes like this...

Were you born an asshole?

Or did you work at it your whole life?

Either way it worked out fine

'cause you're an asshole tonight.

Yes you're an A S S H O L E...

And don't you try to blame it on me.

You deserve all the credit.

You're an asshole tonight.

You were an asshole yesterday.

You're an asshole tonight.

And I've got a feelin'

you'll be an asshole the rest of your life.

And I was talkin' to your mother

just the other night.

I told her I thought you were an asshole.

She said, "Yes. I think you're right."

And all your friends are assholes

'cause you've known them your whole life.

And somebody told me

you've got an asshole for a wife.

Were you born an asshole?

Or did you work at it your whole life?

Either way it worked out fine

'cause you're an aaaass...hole tonight.


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
Psst'''' No offence intended. I'm an asshole too.



New member
Dec 31, 2003
nope, i just drink a lot and instead of going out in public and cracking my knuckles up fighting and going to jail and fucking my life up i just go online and fuck with people relentlessly. if i came clean about how many accounts and mults i have all over the internets you all would be shocked. i have been banned and blocked and removed from more sites and forums than i can count and in fact there are websites that now have mods and security cuz of the ettacks me and my friends have pulled off. i have been involved in people getting locked up in nut houses, wives leaving husbands, families breaking up. i am the quintisential asshole. everyone needs a hobby and this is mine.

Well whatever floats your boat, I guess.
As long as you know that's generally psychotic behaviour, and just cuz your not 'fucking your life up' by beating on randoms at bars, and instead fucking with randoms on the Internet, doesn't mean it's not psychotic. But I suspect you know this and have no problem with it. So c'est la vie

I was in university when Facebook hit it big, so it was pretty much required I sign up. Much like Twitter, I thought it was pretty stupid at first, but definitely warmed up to it. I do agree that the original site was better, though I thought that other than the wall and the pic-sharing applications, the 'news feed' was the best addition to the site. I remember when that feature debuted, people went crazy and said it ruined Facebook. Now, most people are glued to their newsfeeds.
The games and the relentless status updates of how much vampires you've killed, or how many new cows you bought on Farmville are incredibly aggravating, especially since it seems the same people are always buying new cows or inviting me to join their mafia. Douches. You can disable the feature, though Facebook does make it difficult. I know people who have actual real-world cash playing these games, though I never understood how. As you get older, on one hand Facebook is less useful, simply because there's fewer parties to be invited to/see pictures of, fewer new people you can add, and people are usually too busy with actual careers and lives to update their status every 5 minutes. However, on the other hand, as you move away from friends, it does allow you to stay in touch, and see what people are up to. I see a lot more marriages/engagements then I did five years ago. I'm just waiting for the first wave of divorces to hit Facebook lol. It also makes organizing reunions, or small get-togethers easier.

I will say that though I added a shit-ton of people I vaguely knew in high school and primary school, I haven't ever re-connected via Facebook with anybody that I wouldn't have otherwise. Haven't gotten laid by an old high-school crush either, though you can't blame Facebook for that.
LinkedIn is increasingly much more useful for my generation though. I wouldn't be surprised to see the team behind Facebook launch a feature or new site that's more tailored to professional connections than Facebook. Seems like the next logical step for the people who joined Facebook as college students/high school students, and are now career-oriented. I read in the book that the movie Social Network was based on, that Sean Parker, the entrepreneur behind Napster and Facebook getting venture capitalist funding, was working on a site similar to LinkedIn, but for more politically-minded jobs and activism.

I do think that unless the privacy and spam issues are dealt with, (There's been a pretty heavy wave of spam in the last few months that advertises 'Osama Bin Laden death photos' and 'OMG you'll never believe what happened after this girl's father walked in on her stripping in front of a webcam' and floods your status and news feed if you're stupid enough to click on it) the usage will decline, and another site will take over. Facebook has saturated so much of its potential market, so decline in new users is inevitable, but unless they innovate a bit, and take care of privacy issues, in a couple years they'll be a new site. I'm not a stock market expert by any means, but I think whenever Facebook IPOs, that stock will be massively overpriced, just like GroupOn


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
add friends, if you don't talk about 2 weeks delete friends. then when they asked why you deleted them explain you were friends before but are no longer friends now and to fuck off.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
It's gotten way too commercial, with companies wanting you to "like" their junk..
And work colleagues wanting to be added to your friends list (NO, NO, NO!!!)
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