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Facebook loses 6 million US users and 1.5 million Canadian LAST MONTH ALONE


Active member
Mar 1, 2011
The craze phase of social networking has passed. Usage may drop off but it will not go away or die. There will always be some kind of activity, but it will seem moderate by comparison. Sites like LinkedIn is where it's at. More than 100 Million subscribers and almost none of the crappy feeds.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
nope, i just drink a lot and instead of going out in public and cracking my knuckles up fighting and going to jail and fucking my life up i just go online and fuck with people relentlessly. if i came clean about how many accounts and mults i have all over the internets you all would be shocked. i have been banned and blocked and removed from more sites and forums than i can count and in fact there are websites that now have mods and security cuz of the ettacks me and my friends have pulled off. i have been involved in people getting locked up in nut houses, wives leaving husbands, families breaking up. i am the quintisential asshole. everyone needs a hobby and this is mine.
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