Ever knock up an SP?


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Actually, I do have the balls....

Diode said:
Nice. "anti-choice Fucktards". Hmmm...really. What's your real problem with birth? Try as you might ( and we all do) to seperate SEX from Creating Life...

Sometime...The two are going to mesh,,and imagine that, a baby will be created.
It's too bad you don't have the balls to deal with this reality.

Are you so simple, to think that "pro-life" people are not willing to help?( jusk ask!)
Come on..friend....We are.

( And please don't say "this never happend to you")
You know f**k all about what My reality is...OK
.. I had them cut many decades ago. And I was dealing with REALITY years before you were born. Women share their REALITY with me, though I cant really be in their place, since I dont have a uterus. Of course, neither do you.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Can4You said:
Time and time you hear about professional athletes getting caught with a child out of wedlock............recently one of the Oilers............which caused a trade and there was that famous baseball player with the Dodgers who ended up with I think 3 kids from different woman.
Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Tom "Flash" Gordon already had six kids by five different women when he first came up to the majors in 1988, at age 20.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
TheLastSamurai said:
I was just thinking that. She could have easily gone to a walk-in clinic and got a prescription.
It is available without a perscription, but there can be some pretty undesirable side effects, although probably not as undesirable as being preggers by a client when it was not intended.
Bear669 said:
.. I had them cut many decades ago. And I was dealing with REALITY years before you were born. Women share their REALITY with me, though I cant really be in their place, since I dont have a uterus. Of course, neither do you.
Sorry my friend. Too much beer that night I think. I don't have a uterus. You are right. I do, have a heart. I can Love. I can love my children, both those living today, and those taken away from me before birth.
Women share their reality with me too! Imagine a almost 16 yr old, pregnant by her almost 17 yr old boyfriend. Imagine us deciding together that, while we could not possibly take care of a baby, we could never terminate.
We both had friends who were adopted, and in loving homes. Imagine the crushing blow, the loss od a miscarriage about 15 weeks into this ordeal.
Imagine the two love birds..parting.
Then almost 20 years later a phone call from the now married-mother-girlfriend.
She said..." Iwas thinking of you....You were the stongest man I ever met....Thank you for loving me. Thank you..We would have done the right thing."
That's reality Great Bear.


Jan 31, 2005
Diode you can do whatever you want, just don't go around telling other people what to do. Not everybody believes that a fetus is a person. You do, so you are pro-life. Others don't, so they are pro-choice. Until you can convince everyone to believe in your religion or your beliefs or whatever just let everyone make their own decision.


Flies do doggy too
Sep 23, 2004
69 Hobby Road
burnandturn said:
Anyone ever have this happen to them?
No cards on Fathers Day Yet,so i guess not. also none from mexico either so i guess my trips went good. LoL
fuji said:
Diode you can do whatever you want, just don't go around telling other people what to do. Not everybody believes that a fetus is a person. You do, so you are pro-life. Others don't, so they are pro-choice. Until you can convince everyone to believe in your religion or your beliefs or whatever just let everyone make their own decision.
That would be nice. But don't you think if there is even the Slightest chance that an unborn baby is a person, then there is a duty to get involved, and stop people from aborting.
For the record...I don't go about with placards shouting at young women going into clinics that they are going to hell.
There is no use in it, and infact I belive its an evil way to treat a woman who has decided to terminate.
For the record..I said it was a "shame" that the sp was going to abort. Not that she'd burn in hell.
Somebody else said "the world needs more abortions"
It got my dander up..OK?
But answer me this...The SP did call the guy, right? Cause when a woman gets pregnant, she realizes that it is a big deal...and More than ONE person is involved.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
I hope that's a joke..

Oil Please said:
I have been hobbying for over 40 years and I have only knocked 4 up!

...because that is nothing to be proud of...Hope you financially supported those kids over the years..if you're not snipped...you run the risk..and even then, no method is perfect....so that's why Ive always hobbied with MPA's...and never look to have intercourse with them..



Jul 22, 2006
Depo, the lifesaver

There is a magical hormonal birth control injection that you can get every three months, and it costs $40.

You never get your rag, ever. No cramps, PMS, or off-time. And NO BABIES.

Of course, it is not perfect, nothing is, and not everyone can take it, but honestly, if you have sex for a living, its a pretty good investment. I also do not understand why any full-service provider would ever not be on birth control. Honestly, unless youre planning a family, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't be on birth control!

It's called Depo Provera. I highly recommend it.

Now all we need is a male birth control pill.
LadyXavery said:
There is a magical hormonal birth control injection that you can get every three months, and it costs $40.

You never get your rag, ever. No cramps, PMS, or off-time. And NO BABIES.

Of course, it is not perfect, nothing is, and not everyone can take it, but honestly, if you have sex for a living, its a pretty good investment. I also do not understand why any full-service provider would ever not be on birth control. Honestly, unless youre planning a family, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't be on birth control!

It's called Depo Provera. I highly recommend it.

Now all we need is a male birth control pill.
It's called alcohol.
new2game said:
...because that is nothing to be proud of...Hope you financially supported those kids over the years..if you're not snipped...you run the risk..and even then, no method is perfect....so that's why Ive always hobbied with MPA's...and never look to have intercourse with them..

I Agree.


New member
Feb 15, 2004

DistantVoyeur said:
It's called alcohol.
...I wouldn't want to try to count how many unwanted pregnacies happen cause a male is drunk..that's when a guy will shag even the ugliest woman jsut to get his rocks off....a sober penis at leat has some sort of conciense...lmao



Jan 31, 2005
Diode said:
That would be nice. But don't you think if there is even the Slightest chance that an unborn baby is a person, then there is a duty to get involved, and stop people from aborting.
No I don't. You do. I don't. Get it yet? Not everyone shares your beliefs.
fuji said:
No I don't. You do. I don't. Get it yet? Not everyone shares your beliefs.
Fair enough. Let's look at it this way fuji. Assume that a baby becomes a person the second is cord is cut ( that's a strech, but), you can't deny that the "fetus" has a least the potential to become a human being.
Abortion has no positive outcome. Adoption how ever lets you make a real diffenence in a childless couples life.
Why not do something truly positive with this situation. Why no even consider a selfless act, instead of the abortion.
So even if you don't share my belief...You must ( I hope) see that putting the child up for adoption, is a much more "human" thing to do.

I not a radical....But I have thought this out.


Jan 31, 2005
Diode said:
you can't deny that the "fetus" has a least the potential to become a human being.
You believe there is some mystical significance in "potential to become" that I don't. I could potentially become the president of the united states. So what?

Abortion has no positive outcome.
Sure it does! Someone who didn't want to go through a pregnancy doesn't have to go through one. It plainly has positive outcomes. You just happen to think for weird religious beliefs of your own that the negatives, which only you and others with your beliefs see, outweigh the positives.

Why not do something truly positive with this situation.
I have enough things to do in my life that I don't have time for already, I don't need to add "helping out childless couples" to my list. If that's really what I wanted to do I'd probably go donate to a sperm bank or something, but I am too busy to do even that. I certainly don't have time for pregnancy!

So even if you don't share my belief...You must ( I hope) see that putting the child up for adoption, is a much more "human" thing to do.
Nope, I think it's a demented thing to do. I think it would cause me to waste a lot of time and energy on something that is just not one of my priorities, all because some people out there have some mystical belief about "potential" that I just don't share.
fuji said:
You believe there is some mystical significance in "potential to become" that I don't. I could potentially become the president of the united states. So what?

Sure it does! Someone who didn't want to go through a pregnancy doesn't have to go through one. It plainly has positive outcomes. You just happen to think for weird religious beliefs of your own that the negatives, which only you and others with your beliefs see, outweigh the positives.

I have enough things to do in my life that I don't have time for already, I don't need to add "helping out childless couples" to my list. If that's really what I wanted to do I'd probably go donate to a sperm bank or something, but I am too busy to do even that. I certainly don't have time for pregnancy!

Nope, I think it's a demented thing to do. I think it would cause me to waste a lot of time and energy on something that is just not one of my priorities, all because some people out there have some mystical belief about "potential" that I just don't share.
OK. You my friend have made your point. Funny, as Canadians we are told to do things for the less fortunate. I in fact have no time (Even though forced to) to look after adults who have fucked up their lives and require government assitance. Yet I'm forced to pay better than 45% of my salary for a big Government Program of Social Saftey nets.
There are many things we do that we don't want to...and not too many have any real significance.
It saddens me to think you think adoption is demented.
But fine....Live on. Someday you will think otherwise, I hope.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Bear669 said:
The world needs MORE abortions!
some of them retroactive to whatever year you were born :p


New member
Sep 9, 2004
Hey... just to let everyone know... happened to me once before too.... Condom broke and I let go. She was a black stripper I had picked up at a club. Anyways, I tested negative afterwards and about 5...6 months later, i was in the same club and she came up to me and said she was pregnant with mine. Didn't want any compensation... nor anything else to do with me. Chatted some that evening, but tell you the truth, I have stayed away from that place since.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
wow In the years that I've hobbied, I always tend to come inside the girl. Luckly the condom has never broken all these times. But just recently, I had a condom break on me, without me even noticing until it was time to change positions. I'm so glad that I did not come before noticing. Just an advice to all, try pulling out just before you come, just to check. Also don't take chances with addicts, you can NEVER tell when a condom will break on you.
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