Ever knock up an SP?


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Diode said:
OK. You my friend have made your point. Funny, as Canadians we are told to do things for the less fortunate. I in fact have no time (Even though forced to) to look after adults who have fucked up their lives and require government assitance. Yet I'm forced to pay better than 45% of my salary for a big Government Program of Social Saftey nets.
There are many things we do that we don't want to...and not too many have any real significance.
It saddens me to think you think adoption is demented.
But fine....Live on. Someday you will think otherwise, I hope.
That was spot on, Diode.


Terb post count xxxxxx
Oct 27, 2005
new2game said:
...I wouldn't want to try to count how many unwanted pregnacies happen cause a male is drunk..that's when a guy will shag even the ugliest woman jsut to get his rocks off....a sober penis at leat has some sort of conciense...lmao

Can't agree about a sober dick. I was told years ago "A stiff dick has no conscience" - and I know it's true.
Jan 15, 2004
Toronto, Ontario
I am disgusted.....I cannot believe persons are against adoption. I for one am adopted and so is my little brother. My mom could have children of her own but with that big loving heart of hers she decided to adopt. And I am so greatful for that. I am also greatful to my biological mother who gave me a "second" chance at life. Me, personally would rather give my unborn child up for adoptin than have an abortion. There are many persons out there who want and deserve to be parents.

Jan 15, 2004
Toronto, Ontario
mandymarie said:
i agree with you 100%. very well said.

i didnt see who wrote that they were against adoption. there is nothing wrong with adoption.
Thanks Mandymarie....Adoption is a blessing in disguise...

I am not saying abortion is right or wrong. I just hope the persons who are having them are doing so for medical reasons as apposed to a method of birth control ( there are serious sdie effects of having one let alone numerous ones). I just believe a woamn has the right to decide what to do when she becomes pregant. I just hope she makes the best one for her and the unborn child.



New member
Sep 9, 2004
I may have a child or not.... haven't been in touch since. She was not upset or anything with me. In fact she was very nice and very friendly afterwards too. Said she could not hold anything against me as we both knew what we were doing and we were at her place and she had supplied the condoms. I did offer when we last met to help in some way but she wanted nothing to do with such. And as for me staying away, in wasn't because of not wanting to help or such..... but some other "friends" I had seen her with in the past before we had gone out together.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Diode said:
I do, have a heart. I can Love. I can love my children, both those living today, and those taken away from me before birth.
Women share their reality with me too! Imagine a almost 16 yr old, pregnant by her almost 17 yr old boyfriend. Imagine us deciding together that, while we could not possibly take care of a baby, we could never terminate.
We both had friends who were adopted, and in loving homes. Imagine the crushing blow, the loss od a miscarriage about 15 weeks into this ordeal.
Imagine the two love birds..parting.
Then almost 20 years later a phone call from the now married-mother-girlfriend.
She said..." Iwas thinking of you....You were the stongest man I ever met....Thank you for loving me. Thank you..We would have done the right thing."
OMG Barf! Can we say romance novel wannabe? I'm with guy saying more abortions are needed. In fact, not abortions, but more sterilizations.
originalserena said:
I am disgusted.....I cannot believe persons are against adoption. I for one am adopted and so is my little brother. My mom could have children of her own but with that big loving heart of hers she decided to adopt. And I am so greatful for that. I am also greatful to my biological mother who gave me a "second" chance at life. Me, personally would rather give my unborn child up for adoptin than have an abortion. There are many persons out there who want and deserve to be parents.

You my dear...Understand.
rama putri said:
OMG Barf! Can we say romance novel wannabe? I'm with guy saying more abortions are needed. In fact, not abortions, but more sterilizations.
Barf.....Huh? You my friend....Don't understand.
Just because YOU have had no real test in life means squat.
Read the thread...Learn about REAL life...OK?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
In response to the original question. I might have. A few infact. But I never repeat with SPs, so never find out.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Malibook said:
Every time you jerk off you are destroying numerous swimmers who had "potential to become".:eek:
...and every time you cum in her mouth

Rockky said:
Hey... just to let everyone know... happened to me once before too.... Condom broke and I let go. She was a black stripper I had picked up at a club. Anyways, I tested negative afterwards and about 5...6 months later, i was in the same club and she came up to me and said she was pregnant with mine. Didn't want any compensation... nor anything else to do with me. Chatted some that evening, but tell you the truth, I have stayed away from that place since.
This is why I make sure they never have my last name, or phone number


Jan 31, 2005
Diode said:
Barf.....Huh? You my friend....Don't understand.
Just because YOU have had no real test in life means squat.
Read the thread...Learn about REAL life...OK?
You still going on about this fantasy you have that a fertilized egg is a person? It's not a person anymore than my cum dripping down some SP's face is a person.


Jan 31, 2005
Ok so "the world needs MORE abortions" is not a popular idea, but what if it happens to be true? Anything that reduces the birth rate on this planet is likely to lead to increased prosperity and well being. The one child policy in China seems to have done wonders to help lift that country out of poverty--of course now they have a problem with having too many men, but that was because of some latent sexism (aborting more women than men) rather than abortion per se.


Semi-Retired Shill Hunter
Jul 15, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
fuji said:
Ok so "the world needs MORE abortions" is not a popular idea, Anything that reduces the birth rate on this planet is likely to lead to increased prosperity and well being.
how about you cut your balls first before you consider an abortion isn't that a " way to reduce the birth rate on this planet"

if you are going to be a dick at least be a responsible dick
fuji said:
You still going on about this fantasy you have that a fertilized egg is a person? It's not a person anymore than my cum dripping down some SP's face is a person.
Seems some others have a similar "fantasy", my friend.
You just don't want to acknowledge what may be one of the Most important "truths" in life, because it will interupt your self-serving opportunity to "fuck" with wreckless abandon.
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