Just putting it out there...WHO which most reasonable people know are full of shit pandering to CCP have stated that there is no evidence that antibodies help against covid...if that’s the case then neither would a vaccine... Vaccines work by introducing an antigen, thus stimulating the antibody response of the body. If the who now says antibodies won't combat the virus, then neither will a vaccine....they should just let us start building herd immunity already...
Doesn't really follow. Herd immunity is also based on antibodies/resistance to the virus. If you get no immunity at all from being exposed, then there will never be herd immunity by "building" since people who are infected don't stop being susceptible.
But you need to remember that the immune system is not completely based on antibodies (although they are very important). You can get vaccines that provide some resistance or immunity that work through other parts of the immune system. It tends not to last long, though. Even antibody-based ones can fade fairly quickly.
In the end, herd immunity happens when we get R < 1. That can be achieved through a mix of things (social distancing, isolation, quarantine, vaccines, natural immunity, etc.)