Holy Cow!!!
I did not expect all these replies but I thank you all for each and every one of them. I did read them all..
First, I should have added some info so I am sorry for the lacking information.
1. I did purposely use the pronoun they. I didn’t want gender to be an issue but most assumed/figured out it is a guy.
2. Non unionized employee
3. I have documented everything I posted to date. When the internet issue were happening, it only got “fixed” once I stated he had to get it fixed that week or the following week I was sending our IT guy out. Everything except one phone call has been recorded.
4. I have software that tracks logins and stuff. Employees have no idea. So I know when he has been lying about doing an actual client’s job. He could be doing prep work before logging in to add it, but it still shows some of the times he has been lying.
5. I am not trying to fire this person. I feel that is the way it is headed, but I was truly hoping for ways to motivate at home working because I understand it can be an adjustment and one that some have more difficulty with then others. I am trying to be understanding and helpful. To the best of my ability, but he is making it harder and harder as the deadlines pass.
6. I always give my staff a different deadline then the client. He is starting to learn that but it is generally a week or two difference in the deadline timeline. Sometimes though, and with his department, it can be shorter which makes it more difficult.
7. His workload varies. Sometimes it is full because he is developing the product for the client, sometimes it is slow because he is only doing maintenance. Lately it has been the latter
8. I can do the maintenance and stop offering the service to new clients, but I would like to continue on with it if I can.
9. Staff are all back to work next week. They have Christmas off. We take the two weeks every year so that my staff can spend time with their family/kids. Most are women with kids and it keeps from needing daycare. I am hoping to have a plan for him drafted by then.
10. He has only been employed with me for a little under 2 years.
I figured out one thing I will do since it is looking like I will have to get rid of my receptionist. She has helped him on some projects and learned a little. I will see if she wants to learn more, we will work out all the training, etc. She can then transition in the company to his field. I have never lacked a back up with the exception of him and his field. This is the exact reason why but when he approached me, it was to experiment and see. Things went well for a year and then when we would be looking at expanding and training, etc COVID happens and we just never get to it. Which if I was smart, I would have used this time to get my receptionist on board.
So now I have to come up with a way to let him know his job is on the line and he is on a short leash or he is being let go. I personally can’t deal with chasing him to meet his deadlines. It is a huge pet peeve of mine. I feel like a mother chasing after a kid to do his chores. Not a boss with clients, and other staff who need my time. I just want to do it in a way that lights a fire under his butt, not make him bitter and resenting.
I am not worried about law suits and all that. I am worried about employee sabotage though. Going after my clientele to keep them with him for this part of their business. I would be mortified if my clients were brought into our company drama. It is something known in the industry I work in. Not often but enough to make me worry.
I can honestly say I have never really had this issue with other employees. Back in the beginning but I have been much better at vetting resumes and interviewing. Before him there there no new hires for about 5 years.
Oh and I will be treating salary increases and bonuses differently. It will be based more on performance then just the naturally expected raise and Christmas gift. Well maybe the salary increase. I don’t think I can make the bonuses based on performance. I don’t think I could handle giving different people, different amounts at Christmas.
Anyway, any suggestions on how to motivate this person. Anyone have any tips about working from home? How to get out of the “home“ space and into the “work” space? My problem when working from was that I worked too much. Work was always “available” so I did it non stop and did not live “home” life enough. So I am the opposite of him. I don’t know how to relate to his issues.
Hope that cleared some of questions. Thanks again for all the replies.