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Doug Ford is screwing up Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Wrong, DoFo gets to choose where to spend money. He chose to spend $1 billion to put beer in corner stores instead of health care.

Building housing is provincial, under DoFo we have the lowest housing starts in a decade. Even with the feds working directly with the city of Toronto to announce public housing and bypassing DoFo.

Bullshit, other provinces are doing it, but DoFo chose not to use fed money and implement cheap daycare. DoFo hates kids and hates families.

You think spending $150 million on 2km of walking path for the Rail Path is smart? Metrolinx is provincial, TTC is city, but DoFo took the builds and gave them to Metrolinx.

Idiotic, $650 million for a parking lot for a foreign company on park land?

DoFo also increased the speed limit on highways, now highway deaths are up. Alcoholism already puts thousands in ER's a day in Ontario, ER's that already stuck with 6 hr waits.

Bullshit, we are spending the least per capita in Canada.
Everything you say is just subjective opinion driven by your DoFo hatred.

Federal Health Transfers are for healthcare. You're lying about him using it for other things. That's just one example of how you like peddling misinformation.

I could go on and on about the other points but it's clear you just like making shit up to what's the point?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Now why would the feds go to lengths about housing if they are not responsible?

Canada’s Housing Action Plan

btw it's funny that the non-identified-sourced pic you presented is called "handout"...isn't that what you and your Marxist friends are always looking for?
They aren't responsible but have found ways to act because the provinces have failed so miserably.
DoFo has failed to get housing built forcing the feds to step in.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Everything you say is just subjective opinion driven by your DoFo hatred.

Federal Health Transfers are for healthcare. You're lying about him using it for other things. That's just one example of how you like peddling misinformation.

I could go on and on about the other points but it's clear you just like making shit up to what's the point?
The province decides how much to spend on healthcare, not the feds.
DoFo chose cutbacks, he is planning to cut another $21 billion in health care spending on his own.

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Ford is a clown. Make a laughing matter of Ontario Patients suffering:

Premier Doug Ford’s joke about sending patients waiting for an MRI or a CT scan to a newly opened animal hospital is garnering criticism from opposition MPPs at Queen’s Park:



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
The simple fact that our homeless population has ballooned to 1400 encampments under his watch indicates he is a total failure. We really need to get this cheesecake baking fool out of here.
Lol! You're blaming the province and no mention of the Feds, who are the ones that have the most impact on the economy and immigration, and no mention of city council who has done nothing for homeless with all the taxes they are collecting.

So tell me...how is Ford responsible for the homeless population you referenced and what responsibility does the province have here exactly?
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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
Lol! You're blaming the province and no mention of the Feds, who are the ones that have the most impact on the economy and immigration, and no mention of city council who has done nothing for homeless with all the taxes they are collecting.

So tell me...how is Ford responsible for the homeless population you referenced and what responsibility does the province have here exactly?
Essentially the responsibility is collective and definitely includes the federal government but since he's the premier of our crumbling province I feel like a little more of the blame falls on him but hey, if you think he's a good representative please vote for him again. Maybe even make a campaign contribution


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Ford is now the worst Premier of Ontario!!
Really? By what official measure?
(fyi your biased hatred is not an official measure)

If I had to guess based on general opinion alone, Kathleen Wynne would be the worst Ontario Premier of all time. I don't think many would argue.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Essentially the responsibility is collective and definitely includes the federal government but since he's the premier of our crumbling province I feel like a little more of the blame falls on him but hey, if you think he's a good representative please vote for him again. Maybe even make a campaign contribution
You say it's a "collective responsibility" but can't explain what part of that the province has responsibility for except they should take more of the blame??? Not the city. Not the Feds. But the province?
Can you explain?
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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
I'm not involved in politics to the point that I can analyse the breakdown of who is responsible for what percentage of the finances allotted to tackle the homeless problem so if your looking for a complicated answer I can't give you one. As the person designated to oversee our province and it's finances it's quite clear to see he totally turns a blind eye to the homelessness issue. As someone who lives in a home I can see how that wouldn't concern you but I have a huge problem with the fact that thousands of Canadian citizens live in tents. I'm not sure how that doesn't concern everybody but clearly it doesn't


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Still better than McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne.
Nope, DoFo beats them hands down.
Biggest scandals.
Biggest debt
Most corruption
Stupidest plans
Worst health care handling

The feds funded all the provinces for $10/day daycare.
DoFo responded by not putting it place, cancelling day care builds and then raising rents on daycares.

He doesn't want Ontario to be able to afford to have kids.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'm not involved in politics to the point that I can analyse the breakdown of who is responsible for what percentage of the finances allotted to tackle the homeless problem so if your looking for a complicated answer I can't give you one. As the person designated to oversee our province and it's finances it's quite clear to see he totally turns a blind eye to the homelessness issue. As someone who lives in a home I can see how that wouldn't concern you but I have a huge problem with the fact that thousands of Canadian citizens live in tents. I'm not sure how that doesn't concern everybody but clearly it doesn't
200,000 more homeless because of DoFo policies.
- killing rent control made rents too expensive
- freezing minimum wage
- freezing disability
- freezing social assistance

All of those have left people suffering from inflation broke and unable to afford housing.
Same reason the Daily Food Bank is seeing such massive usage.

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
Nope, DoFo beats them hands down.
Biggest scandals.
Biggest debt
Most corruption
Stupidest plans
Worst health care handling

The feds funded all the provinces for $10/day daycare.
DoFo responded by not putting it place, cancelling day care builds and then raising rents on daycares.

He doesn't want Ontario to be able to afford to have kids.

It's funny how some people still champion this guy. What do they see in him? Like seriously....


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
It's funny how some people still champion this guy. What do they see in him? Like seriously....
He was the lesser of 3 evils and the only other alternatives were smaller parties with not much to offer. I voted for the New Blue Party because the founders are enemies of Ford. Belinda Kahalios was ejected from the PCO by Fat Ass much like Roman Baber was because she opposed the lock downs.
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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
He was the lesser of 3 evils and the only other alternatives were smaller parties with not much to offer. I voted for the New Blue Party because the founders are enemies of Ford. Belinda Kahalios was ejected from the PCO by Fat Ass much like Roman Baber was because she opposed the lock downs.
That's the saddest part about this, who is the better alternative? We get to choose between bad or worse 🤷‍♂️
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