Don Jr gets Triggered and walks out his book launch, heckled by supporters


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You can't make this shit up.

Donald Trump Jr walks out of Triggered book launch after heckling – from supporters
Event at University of California is cut short amid anger at his refusal to take questions from the audience

Donald Trump Jr ventured on to the University of California’s overwhelmingly liberal Los Angeles campus on Sunday, hoping to prove what he had just argued in his book – that a hate-filled American left was hell-bent on silencing him and anyone else who supported the Trump presidency.

But the appearance backfired when his own supporters, diehard Make America Great Again conservatives, raised their voices most loudly in protest and ended up drowning him out barely 20 minutes into an event scheduled to last two hours.

The audience was angry that Trump Jr and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, would not take questions. The loud shouts of “USA! USA!” that greeted Trump when he first appeared on the stage of a university lecture hall to promote his book Triggered: How The Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us quickly morphed into even louder, openly hostile chants of “Q and A! Q and A!”

Donald Trump Jr wants to trigger and expose liberals, and they’re letting him

The 450-strong audience had just been told they would not be allowed to ask questions, “due to time constraints”.

At first, Trump and Guilfoyle tried to ignore the discontent, which originated with a fringe group of America Firsters who believe the Trump administration has been taken captive by a cabal of internationalists, free-traders, and apologists for mass immigration.

When the shouting would not subside, Trump Jr tried – and failed – to argue that taking questions from the floor risked creating soundbites that leftwing social media posters would abuse and distort. Nobody was buying that.

In minutes, the entire argument put forward by the president’s son – that he was willing to engage in dialogue but that it was the left that refused to tolerate free speech – crumbled.

“I’m willing to listen…” Trump began.

“Q and A! Q and A!” the audience yelled back.

“We’ll go into the lion’s den and talk …” Trump tried again.

“Then open the Q and A!” came the immediate response.

Guilfoyle, forced to shout to make herself heard, , told students in the crowd: “You’re not making your parents proud by being rude and disruptive.”

She and Trump Jr. left the stage moments later.

The fiasco pointed to a factional rift on the Trump-supporting conservative right that has been growing rapidly in recent weeks, particularly among “zoomers” – student-age activists. On one side are one of the sponsors of Trump Jr’s book tour, Turning Point USA, a campus conservative group with a track record of bringing provocative rightwing speakers to liberal universities.

On the other side are far-right activists – often referred to as white supremacists and neo-Nazis, although many of them reject such labels – who believe in slamming the door on all immigrants, not just those who cross the border without documents, and who want an end to America’s military and diplomatic engagement with the wider world.

A number of the loudest voices at Sunday’s event were supporters of Nick Fuentes, a 21-year-old activist with a podcast called America First that has taken particular aim at Turning Point USA and its 25-year-old founder, Charlie Kirk. In a number of his own recent campus appearances, Kirk has faced questions accusing him of being more interested in supporting Israel than in putting America first. He has responded by calling his detractors conspiracists and racists.

On Sunday, Kirk appeared alongside Trump Jr. and Guilfoyle but said nothing.

Two Fuentes supporters, delighted with the outcome of Trump Jr’s appearance, later told the Guardian the pro-Trump movement was being infected with “fake conservatism” and that the president himself was at the mercy of a cabal of deep state operatives who wouldn’t let him do many of the things he campaigned on.

The pair, who called themselves Joe and Orion Miles, said: “It was an absolute disaster for them. We wanted to ask questions about immigration and about Christianity, but they didn’t want to face those questions.”

Also, if Trump Jr was expecting “triggered” leftwingers to clamour for his silence, he did not get it. No more than 35 protesters showed up and, despite making a lot of noise with drums and whistles and shouts of “Trump-Pence Out Now!”, resisted taunts and insults from provocateurs in Make America Great Again hats from across a line of metal barriers

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Good. Shows you that Trump Jr and the Trump Administration doesn't support giving voices to the far right fringe. Instead of mocking him the media should be praising him.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Good. Shows you that Trump Jr and the Trump Administration doesn't support giving voices to the far right fringe.
Ummm. They rejected his message, not the other way around.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Trump Junior an author?? Hilarious!! Bet the questions would have garbaged his so called "hate filled left" myth, especially as his own papa praised those chanting "The Jews will not replace us" as "fine guys"!!


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Sad when you can't even talk at a university because students are close-minded.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Pathetic when you cannot answer any questions pertaining to some ridiculous claims made in your so called novel!!

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Sad when you can't even talk at a university because students are close-minded.
The truth about Universities should be staring Canadians in the face by now. There are too many of them registering too many students, running too many programs that don't ultimately contribute to Canadian society, they are too heavily subsidized by the taxpayer, and their fundamental inefficiency and lack of purpose is exploited by numerous groups who take advantage of the organized assembly of young people who aren't up to much. Too often they are used as an overpriced holding pattern for young people who have no idea what career they intend to pursue in the working world.

It's time to re-imagine our approach to educational funding. Time to get better returns for our tax dollars.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
The truth about Universities should be staring Canadians in the face by now. There are too many of them registering too many students, running too many programs that don't ultimately contribute to Canadian society, they are too heavily subsidized by the taxpayer, and their fundamental inefficiency and lack of purpose is exploited by numerous groups who take advantage of the organized assembly of young people who aren't up to much. Too often they are used as an overpriced holding pattern for young people who have no idea what career they intend to pursue in the working world.

It's time to re-imagine our approach to educational funding. Time to get better returns for our tax dollars.
Very true. In addition, they (especially lower quality universities) are now engaged in immigration scams. Many of the students I teach are not interested in the programs they are in but are in the programs because they believe it will help them get through Canadian immigration. The university has responded by designing programs for such students.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Good. Shows you that Trump Jr and the Trump Administration doesn't support giving voices to the far right fringe. Instead of mocking him the media should be praising him.
That's his audience!

You think he should be praised for pissing off his audience?
Maybe he should write stuff that doesn't attract the wingnuts.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
That's his audience!

You think he should be praised for pissing off his audience?
Maybe he should write stuff that doesn't attract the wingnuts.
Very true, especially when he decides to go to a University where the students are not radicalized by some far right dogma floating on the internet, but instead think outside of the box.

This is particularly obvious from those Trump rallies where there are those cheering when they hear the wild allegations against political opponents and then chant "Jail Her", "Lock Her Up"!!

I guess to the right wingers, these are the very "smart" ones although a substantial number of them, hardly have any secondary education.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The truth about Universities should be staring Canadians in the face by now. There are too many of them registering too many students, running too many programs that don't ultimately contribute to Canadian society, they are too heavily subsidized by the taxpayer, and their fundamental inefficiency and lack of purpose is exploited by numerous groups who take advantage of the organized assembly of young people who aren't up to much. Too often they are used as an overpriced holding pattern for young people who have no idea what career they intend to pursue in the working world.

It's time to re-imagine our approach to educational funding. Time to get better returns for our tax dollars.
It's not the fault of Universities. Society has convinced itself that University is a requirement for success even though they have never claimed to be job training. They are doing exactly what every business does and play to the demand. Sorry but University is about education and maybe developing critical thinking skills.

I have respect for people who completed any degree but laugh at people who are surprised their fine art degree doesn't get them a job.

But yes, all of the Trumps get triggered pretty easily.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Anyway, as it turned out, those who booed him were Trump's own "America First" supporters. Unlikely that they are students from the UCLA. Those students probably spend their time to further their careers, rather than attending a stupid Book promotion by a dumb author!!

Wonder who the right wingers are now going to condemn, Trump Junior or his Papa's own far right supporters!!

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