Do you have serious comprehension problems?You argue that its 'bizarre' for groups of people to say they will vote third party because of dem support of genocide because you argued those votes will be wasted. You have also argued that its 'punishment' to say you will not vote for dems because of Harris and Biden's support of genocide. But you have also said that most meaningful political change has come through political pressure from activists.
All this to declare that activists having already used every other means of pressure are now resorting to voting third party are 'bizarre' for using their votes for change.
In your conversation with butler he asked you who will force change.
Ok,who do you think will do the reform.
Your reply:
Now you're declaring its 'bizarre' that activist would use their votes to pressure politicians for change.
And you don't see any conflict between those concepts?
Why are you working so hard to declare that voters shouldn't try to pressure the dems to stop supporting genocide?
I'm not saying that using votes isn't one of the tools to use pressure.
You're claiming I have now said that the the only way meaningful change is made is voting third party or not voting.
That is a bizarre claim to make, since I have repeatedly explained to you how ineffective that is in the system you are saying they should do it in.
Instead of listening to a thing I've said, you have decided to just make up the idea that I have agreed with you.
Again, either you are incapable of following and understanding a conversation, or you are maliciously lying.
You're also claiming now that I am saying it is "bizarre" for groups of people to say they will vote third party.
I said it would be bizarre of you to think that when I said "pressure from activists" I secretly meant "withold your vote or vote third party" and nothing else.
So again, you are either unable to follow a conversation or deliberately lying.
I grant that you seem to believe that activists have already used every other means of pressure and are now resorting to voting third party to get the change they want.
But don't claim I agreed with you just because you can't read.