Do you want to bang Karla Homolka ?

Do you want to bang Karla Homolka ?

  • NO she is a sick murder

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • YES she would be one crazy bitch to bang

    Votes: 29 54.7%

  • Total voters


New member
Feb 10, 2005
She's open about being a lefty and has strong views. Many guys are jerks and she simply points this out, nothing wrong with that.
It seems to be necessary once in a while. :rolleyes:


MPA this is my last reply 2 U on this, so as not to draw any more attention away from karla and the banging of her.

I simply stated that your tone and tenor was (potentially) offensive to the very people who are members of your client base.
No u said i was condemning ALL men. What btw was i condemning ANY man to????.....i was simply observing that many would like to bang karla -which was clearly what this poll indicated. all the comment "men" meant was that such a response was more typical of men. I guess i "condemned" men to being less discriminating in who they'll bang.

Do you think the majority of women would respond affirmatively to the question; Would U like to bang Paul Bernardo?

Are you suggesting I should mind my manners so as not to offend men becuz they r my client base???? Should i not express opinions in case i offend a potential clinet??? LOL. fuck off!!!!

Not all lesbians are man haters. But many women in the sex trade are
I love it when a non-sex-worker keeps telling real sex-workers what they are. It's like Mr. I know Best preaching to those who actually know. I see you are an expert on lesbians as well.

You seem to have a pattern of showing some disdain for us whores:

I certainly don't endorse disrespect towards anyone who didn't bring it on themselves, when you say "we are product"...well...aren't you? You are selling your bodies for others to use for their pleasure. "You" are the product.......I am not suggesting disrespect - but I guess I don't see how, taken literally, being treated as "product" is any less than what you expect.
Actually we sell a service not ourselves. We are not a product anymore than a construction worker, actor or a therapist IS a product.

When tinaballerina refers to some porn as disgusting you reply:
...yet having sex with total strangers, then writing about it for the benefit of other total strangers to read isn't?
how dare she by offended by anything after being an escort!
She's the one who's being disgusting. Thank god u'r there to point it out.

Dontcha hate it when we products think we have the right to express opinions, especially if we dare to be judgemental about anything.

My original point stands however - you might give a bit more thought to what you spew about "men" on a message board that caters to them, YKWIM?
You might wanna think about your spew.

my condolences 2 your wife.


New member
Jun 20, 2003
Not that there *aren't* left wing feminist man haters out there; but as I see it, anyone using that label as an epithet is just begging to be automatically placed on a "bad date list".

Though in a sense, I can see so-called left wing feminist man haters being the best, most caring lovers. Especially if they're male;-)


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Ava said:
This has nothing to do with having a forum for good taste. Your dealing with killers of innocent girls and many victims. There is a BIG difference between talking about regular rude stuff vs a child killers. Obivously you can't see the difference.
I realize that this is a very sensitive topic, so I do not want to belabour the point...

You were the one that said it was in bad taste.. I was simply responding..

No one here is condoning what Homolka and Bernardo did... nor are we joking about their crimes.. nor are we disrespecting the victims, their families or others affected by their crimes...

I am neither condemning or condoning this thread... I would not have raised this particular topic, but simply adding my two cents...

Whatever the reason for the original post, discussion is never a bad thing...

Sorry that you disagree...


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Svend said:
She's open about being a lefty and has strong views. Many guys are jerks and she simply points this out, nothing wrong with that.
It seems to be necessary once in a while. :rolleyes:
In all fairness I think turnabout is fairplay then . When she is being a jerk ,as I believe MPANewbie thinks she is, it's only fair to point that out. Men do not have a monopoly on being jerks (or worse)......if fact Karla is relatively powerful proof of that point.


New member
Sep 6, 2004

To quote MPAnewbie's post:

""Are you suggesting I should mind my manners so as not to offend men becuz they r my client base???? Should i not express opinions in case i offend a potential clinet??? LOL. fuck off!!!!"

This comment speaks for itself. Only someone as arrogant as a man-hating SP would think it didn't matter if she offended her client base or not, because I guess men are so mindless and desperate they will still desire her anyway."

Actually, that IS the truth! lol Obviously, you're not seeing the irony of your own words here - "men are so mindless and desperate they will still desire her anyway" - isn't that a perfect statement about the guys who want to fuck Karla? Even if it's not about Karla, how many threads are there on this board about some guy who's tried to reach an sp all week, and can't get hold of her, and still wants to try... or somebody who went to see an sp who has bad reviews, just because he wanted to try... or some guy who has a b&s experience, but went along with it anyway, because when she showed up, he was all horny...or some sp who comes on the boards with a big mouth and attitude, and her phone doesn't stop ringing... Face it guys, you LIKE dysfunctional women! lol You seem to be so easily led astray by your own libido.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
AMWBT said:
Face it guys, you LIKE dysfunctional women! lol You seem to be so easily led astray by your own libido. I don't :D ....and no I'm not.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
TheNiteHwk said:
There is (choose to believe it or not)... there is a lot more of them out there then some care to think. As a driver for 2.5 years and now as an adult ad rep for print media for the past 5 yeras I run into them all the time.

When I was a driver especially, cause I would be with them fresh out of a call. SPs getting into my car 2 mins after a call would say stuff to me like "Boy did I take that guy good... etc..." Fact is that's exactly why some of them get into this biz... BECAUSE they hate men and they want to be in a situation of power where they can take advantage of men and take as much from men as they can. I should not limit this to SPs only though. I have met Dancers/MPAs as well with the same attitude. If you want to hear a living example... just go down to Tasty Burgers on Church sometime (anytime after 11pm lets say)... sit and listen to those SWs in there for awhile. You'll get the idea very quickly.

Having said... I don't say that all or even a majority of SWs are like this... but there for sure is more then a few.
Very insightful. I have suspected this for a while myself, thank you for confirming my suspicion.
Reading some of the comments, on some SP's, from some of the guys here I am not too surprised.

So you have SP's that hate their clients and clients that degrade SP's(or women in general. They all meet to create a two hour fantasy, and both walk away ..??? Leaving with what?

Back to the topic
This Karla woman should be locked up, never to see the light of day again. if you feel like banging a sick puppy, go ahead.
Based on some of the comments there seems to be not much difference anyway.(A view not shared by me)


AMWBT. You might be next in line to recieve the *manhater* crown (even if u r a man).

My PM box filling up with enquiries is proof of what you say. But I don't find it dysfunctional to state the truth even if it is politically incorrect in here.

How pointing out what is common knowledge can be construed as hate i do not understand.

Apparently some (or one) have not heard of Darwin or Kinsey or Masters and Johnson. It's human sexuality 101. Males are less selective about who they mate (have sex) with. It isn't an insult. It's a fact.


I'd rather be Boating
Jun 12, 2002
My Boat
Ava said:
This is a sick question and the fact you actually thought enough about it to put the question out proves the fact. Go see a therapist. What she did was disgusting and you joke about it. Very bad taste.

Couldn't have said it better myself


New member
Dec 21, 2004
Karla is, simply put, a monster. Evil is difficult to, in and of itself, comprehend. Put an attractive face on a monster, it remains a monster. I think the issue here is which brain is dominant in us. For me, I so abhor her that it is inconceivable to me to have any sexual contact with her.

The other issue in this thread that is interesting is the reaction to the expression of distaste for men who say they would like to have sexual contact with a monster and those who then translate that into a general distaste for men. I would not want to spend intimate time with a SP who had a general distaste for men; I do not think of SP's as meat and would not want to be considered that way as well. Nevertheless, men who express that they have such little regard for women that they would be able to have sexual contact with the likes of Karla are beyond understanding by other than a pathological approach.


Middle Aged Gent
Jun 10, 2005
Lots said on this Jerkess

I expected to read a lot on Homolka and the animal she is as well as arguements about why people waste time on this topic.

But since I took time to read responses what I also read is that there are:

1) Some sp's who hate men and likely have valid history to support that position and the mental health positions that are a result of the same history.

2) Many board members know more personally what the mental health positions means when they know the SP's over time but rationalize money paid helps the SP and the SP helps the client.

3) Most members hate Homolka and justifiably so.

4) No providers seem to have the principle they hate men so much that they are heading to a lower paid line of work.

5) No men have the principle they want to see the women to just talk, hence the need for this board in reality is to sustain the needs of both parties.


a) The answers and arguments say more about the responders than the topic in a number of cases.

b) At the end of the day does the answer mean anything here?

c) Who is really going to meet this animal when she gets out?


d) Who really screwed up and cut her an easy deal that we have to see her on the street again?


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
For my fantasy session with karla, I'd like to call myself Paul and her Tammy. I'd bring enough horse tranquilizer to help her relive her glory days from her sisters point of view.


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I picked up the Sunday Sun today and Karla was pictured on at least 6 pages. She is the number one topic around the water cooler. I'm thinking that the great majority of guys are totally sickened by what her and Bernardo did with those children....what they did to her own sister. The only reason she is getting this much press, is due to the fact that she is (or was) fairly attractive.

I am not a violent man, but I would have no issues if the justice system decided on the day of her release to march her down to the electric chair, strap her in and hit the switch...........NO, I wouldn't want to bang her but I would like to make sure she's put through the same hell that she put the families of those young girls through. The Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters, gramma's and grampas, the relatives, the school friends, the next door neighbours that watched these young people grow up.

Maybe we misread this thread, perhaps that author was wondering if we would want to bang Karla (as in bang, bang, you're dead). If that's what he was asking, then yea, give me the gun. I've never handled a gun, but I don't think I'd have a problem.

For those of you who have 13, 14 or 15 year old daughters. Think how you have felt when she's late getting home. There are some fucked up losers out there and despite all you've told her, much is just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Bang her, you bet, right between the eyes :mad: .


New member
Jun 20, 2003
(Very) apropos to this thread, today's National Post has an article on Karla groupies, if anyone's interested...


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
gibsomstreet said:
(Very) apropos to this thread, today's National Post has an article on Karla groupies, if anyone's interested...
As much as I find this very appalling, I am not surprised. Look how many ‘groupies’ some serial killers and other male prisoners have. They become pen pals. Sometimes they even come and visit. And I remember reading once where this serial killer/rapist met a woman through some sort of pen pal arrangement and even got married. They guy is doing natural life (will most likely never get out) and this women comes to the jail and marries the guy. How sick is that?

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
Bang her?

You mean, loke on her head?
Toronto Escorts