The One Spa

Do you want to bang Karla Homolka ?

Do you want to bang Karla Homolka ?

  • NO she is a sick murder

    Votes: 24 45.3%
  • YES she would be one crazy bitch to bang

    Votes: 29 54.7%

  • Total voters


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
You want to know whats really sick? I remember this pollwas conducted in the Toronto Sun's "You Said it" man-on-the-street poll. Some people reacted with "no way, she's a monster etc..." but so many more said, "Sure - she'd probably do anything I wanted..." I was apalled. There was never an apology. They never printed any protests in their letters to the editor during the following week, but I'll bet they received plenty.


New member
MPANewbie said:
Did you actually have much trespect to begin with?

Should men in general lose respect for women given that the person in question was in fact a woman?

Am I to assume that since you are the same gender you are capable of the same behavior, or at minimum that you share the same sentiments?

I nver ceased to be amazed at how bold some SPs can be in putting on display how they really feel about men - taking for granted that desperate fools will continue to show up at their door, money in hand.

To be more is one thing to express outrage at the poll and disgust with the orginal poster. It is another to express such sentiments about your entire client base.

I'll keep these two posts in mind next time there is a rant from an SP about being thought of as a human and an individual, versus being labeled and devalued by stereotypes...
Actually I do not have a deep-rooted contempt of men.

However after seeing the results of the poll before the results were erased - and after reading a few joking replies at the beginning of the thread - I was simply disgusted....and I suppose that partially explains what I originally wrote.

My handle is annonymous for a reason. I'm not posting wishy-washy comments that go against my feelings just to attract clients....

To be quite honest....I would be lying to deny having experienced and learned some things that has affected my opinion of some men over the course of my profession - this being one of those moments... I do realize that I was wrong to generalize in my post.

I suppose the motivation for my comment was more based on my lack of understanding of how many men seem to be so driven by sexual urges that they will willingly "bang" or fantasize about "banging" anything; even scum like Karla....

I can think up some dirty little thoughts myself - but I can't fathom stooping so low.

I just can't comprehend.

Simply-put...I was angry.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Lynn said:
My handle is annonymous for a reason. I'm not posting wishy-washy comments that go against my feelings just to attract clients....
I can think up some dirty little thoughts myself - ...
Dirty thoughts with integrity. Do tell :)


MPANewbie ;you could have limited your obvious contempt for just the orginal poster - instead you decide to condemn all "men".
I don't have comtempt for the original poster. He merely posed a question. I didn't condemn all men either, but feel free to interpret it however you like.

Are you a men's rights activist who sees manhate lurking behind every woman's smirk or off-hand remark?


to mods or original poster - whoever is responsible.

Y were the poll results erased and the poll closed down?????


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
While I think this is one of those situations where the medium of communication perpetuates the argument , I find it interesting that the unfathonable desire of some to bang Karla is seen as a shortcoming of "men" in general .

A. Karla was the real criminal , not the pervs who fantasize about her .

B. This odd phenomenon is more often present in the female of the species . Many male deathrow inmates in the US are "pursued" by legions of female fans who correspond with them in what can only be described as pornographic prose.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
MPANewbie said:
I never ceased to be amazed at how bold some SPs can be in putting on display how they really feel about men - taking for granted that desperate fools will continue to show up at their door, money in hand.
Don't be shocked with the women, be shocked with the men. It is still you guys showing up at the door, with money in hand to get your dick wet.

If you saw half of what SP's and other adult workers saw, you would understand why some women feel the way they do about men.

Not only that but I can tell you about some mainstream women who feel even more strongly about men in a negative way then biggest man hating Sp that you can find.



New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
HappyHookers said:
Not only that but I can tell you about some mainstream women who feel even more strongly about men in a negative way then biggest man hating Sp that you can find.

I think MPANewbie's point was not surprise that there were women that hate men , or that in some cases it wasn't justified, but more of how stupid ( shortsighted , inconsistent or whatever other adjective you want to use) it was to express these feelings on one hand , while at the same time generating business as a sp on the other .

At best it's sad and at worst it's pathetic.

A man hating Sp .....would that be like a racist working at the UN ?


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
train said:
... A man hating Sp .....?

There is (choose to believe it or not)... there is a lot more of them out there then some care to think. As a driver for 2.5 years and now as an adult ad rep for print media for the past 5 yeras I run into them all the time.

When I was a driver especially, cause I would be with them fresh out of a call. SPs getting into my car 2 mins after a call would say stuff to me like "Boy did I take that guy good... etc..." Fact is that's exactly why some of them get into this biz... BECAUSE they hate men and they want to be in a situation of power where they can take advantage of men and take as much from men as they can. I should not limit this to SPs only though. I have met Dancers/MPAs as well with the same attitude. If you want to hear a living example... just go down to Tasty Burgers on Church sometime (anytime after 11pm lets say)... sit and listen to those SWs in there for awhile. You'll get the idea very quickly.

Having said... I don't say that all or even a majority of SWs are like this... but there for sure is more then a few.


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Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
TheNiteHwk said:
There is (choose to believe it or not)... there is a lot more of them out there then some care to think. .
I'm sure you are right and most of them probably have good reason . How sad for them that they have to deal with people they hate everyday.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
train said:
I'm sure you are right and most of them probably have good reason . How sad for them that they have to deal with people they hate everyday.
I'll have to give that some thought.

I'm not sure if I want to call it good reason. I call it baggage. OK true enough maybe something happened to them to cause this baggage. I have been taught though about forgiveness and letting go of resentments etc. (For my own good btw, not for the good of the person or persons who mistreated or abused me) Don't get me wrong... I'm far from perfect... and still have my own anger issues etc so may have my own baggage. Also I'm not sure if in some cases I would say that these poor girls have to deal with the people they hate. Some of them actually enjoy it. They get a rush out of it... taking men for everything they can get. They (as sick as it is) get pleasure out of it. I was going to finish by saying please don't take this as a judgmental statement... but that would not be entirely honest. I have met more then a few of what I describe above. Most I had understanding for or at the very least understood why they were where they are at. I felt sorry for them. But some really pissed me off and I was not too pleased with having to deal with them or even being in their presence and yes I put them down. I'm not sure if that is a defensive measure or just my own anger issues... but there it is. That's the way I have and do see it.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
train said:
A man hating Sp .....would that be like a racist working at the UN ?
Or a vegetarian working at Wendy's. In fact I know one.


MPA if you really think that the comment "men" meant that I was seriously "condemning all men" in frivolous thread about *banging karla* U R just as stupid as u claim not 2 B.

and i wouldn't be surprised if the contempt you clain SP's have for customers is just a generaliztion of the contempt you have experienced from them yourself, not for being a customer but just for being you.


I really like most of my clients. That is why my client list is almost entirely regulars.

Another "Happy Hooker" indeed... so which generalization applies to you? Still angry at the absent father perhaps? Or are you the bitter lesbian that seeks to unish men any way she can?
No absentee father and I got along well with him. U are really batting 1000 with the steretypes.

Of course if I recognize what a bitter man you are I must be a "bitter lesbian". I am not even close. (- not that I care one way or another about being a lesbian.) Are you calling all lesbians manhaters???

keep spreading the joy!


New member
Feb 14, 2004
I don't know that the desire to fuck her is any worse than the desire to violently kill her, as some have expressed.


New member
Jun 20, 2003
You know, if it were all about the deep and dark and abject, I wonder what would happen if there were a "would you bang a 16 year old" thread on TERB, and what the unfettered, uncensored results might be. And no, I'm neither condoning nor condemning.

For that matter, had TERB existed 30 years ago, a "would you bang a 16 year old" poll thread probably would have passed uncensored...


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Ava said:
This is a sick question and the fact you actually thought enough about it to put the question out proves the fact. Go see a therapist. What she did was disgusting and you joke about it. Very bad taste.
The Senator who went to court in support of her was sick...
the fact that Karla lied to get a reduced sentence is sick
the people who are allowed to make a movie of Karla and Paul's crimes is disgusting...

Finding out that a bunch of guys (on a website that caters to men who like sex and not only indulge in their excapades, but talk about it openly) would fuck a female with a pulse is not something that warrants such outrage... it might be in bad taste... but if you want the board for good taste... go to (oops...she is also a convicted criminal).... but you get my point...
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