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Do you think agency rate will drop post covid19?

Do you think agency rate will drop post covid19?

  • yes, it will drop

    Votes: 44 33.6%
  • no, it will stay the same

    Votes: 87 66.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
To be fair that is only if things are ceteris paribus.

We see different providers because we know that every provider provide a different experience for us.

Heck, if every experience is homogeneous and the same, wouldn't it be financially better to just spend more time with your SO and get it from her? She can provide you the exact same service right?

The reality is this is not a truly homogeneous industry. The most simplest explanation is we have the desire to keep seeing different providers because of the difference.

Also because we are in a capitalistic society. Gotta capitalize everything.
By "homogeneous" I mean "ex-ante homogeneous", i.e., there is a large pool of providers whom you did not see yet and whose expected quality (based on the information you have after doing a basic research) is the same. All these providers of the same "expected" quality are in price competition for you (the client). In addition, there are some "monopolists" (established indis) who are valued differently by different clients. These indis are not in direct price competition with each other and the above-described pool but the demand for their services really depend on the equilibrium price in that "pool" as well as on the priced charged by other monopolists. If demand is very inelastic at some quantity (you like that SP so much that you will see her even in she increased her price by 10 times), such SP will increase the price and decrease the volume (to those who want her no matter what). If there are no wales who are in love with her, the price will go down, but not as much as in the "pool" (the effect on volume and total revenue is uncertain).


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
Some rates will go up. Girls who are capable of charging more will. And since the market is swamped with too many girls, there will be more cheaper and low end girls clambering for $$$.
The wage gap widens just like in every other industry.

Yes agency rates will go up. Of course they will. They always do. Who would be stupid enough to lower rates.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
You may want to work on your joining the dots, especially if you want to compare providers with vegetables. Why do you pay a premium for cherries offseason? Because the quantity is limited and if you crave cherries an apple won't do. If we were all "potatoes" providing the exact same "value" there would be no use for this review board.
In your analogy you are assuming that the market is the same as it was 3 months ago. Covid-19 has changed the landscape, the coming recession enhanced by covid-19 will even change it more. Now imagine if you took your cherries up to Thunder Bay that is a much smaller market than the GTA. Two of the main employers in the area have closed up. it is unknown if this is temporary or permanent. Your market for the cherries has shrunk down to 10-20% of what it previously was. Do you sell your "cherries" at off season prices or do you sell them at a price the consumers can afford. Oh, and there are ladies down the street ( newbies ) and one across the street selling "cherries". ( she is selling cherries because there little no demand for her apples )


In your analogy you are assuming that the market is the same as it was 3 months ago. Covid-19 has changed the landscape, the coming recession enhanced by covid-19 will even change it more. Now imagine if you took your cherries up to Thunder Bay that is a much smaller market than the GTA. Two of the main employers in the area have closed up. it is unknown if this is temporary or permanent. Your market for the cherries has shrunk down to 10-20% of what it previously was. Do you sell your "cherries" at off season prices or do you sell them at a price the consumers can afford. Oh, and there are ladies down the street ( newbies ) and one across the street selling "cherries". ( she is selling cherries because there little no demand for her apples )
I like cherries. Some guys pay a premium for cherries but they are hard to find. It's usually better to settle for a juicy apple.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Is there any actual breakdown of the clientele by income levels out there? Can't really discuss the price changes without knowing that. The SPs can ask for whatever they want, but will get what the market can bare.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
You may want to work on your joining the dots, especially if you want to compare providers with vegetables. Why do you pay a premium for cherries offseason? Because the quantity is limited and if you crave cherries an apple won't do. If we were all "potatoes" providing the exact same "value" there would be no use for this review board.
Your analogy is correct, except all SPs sell cherries. You may sell Lapin Crerry (a variety of red sweet cherry), someone else sells Skeena Cherry (another variety of red sweet cherry), someone may be selling a very different kind of cherry like white cherry (a.k.a. anal and rimming), but it is still cherry. And many who crave Lapin Cherry may settle for Skeena Crerry if the price difference is large enough. But most people are do not see much of a difference between pretty similar cherries. If there are wealthy people who cannot live without Lapin Cherry (a.k.a. whales who are in love with you) - then you are in luck!

Bennie Jett

New member
Jan 5, 2020
I will throw in the prediction that prices will fall. The supply will rise, increased by all the young women who were in jobs in fitness or restaurants or bars where looks are part of the qualifications will want cash in hurry, and some of them will decide that this kind of work is the way to get it. After an initial surge, demand will fall, because many potential clients have been out of work exactly as long as the girls have. So, rising supply + falling demand = lower prices. But the business, the sub-world, won't reconstitute itself until both the buyers and the sellers believe that they are mostly if not entirely safe from catching the virus from each other.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Is there any actual breakdown of the clientele by income levels out there? Can't really discuss the price changes without knowing that. The SPs can ask for whatever they want, but will get what the market can bare.
It is about the equilibrium, not about demand and wealth. Wealthy people pay the same money for cherries on the market as poor people do. So, it is more about the amount of cherries on the market and the demand (wealth) of the marginal person who buys, not the wealthy who would be willing to pay more.

P.S.: Thanks to Abele Gall for coming up with appropriate commodity analogy for SPs :)


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
I will throw in the prediction that prices will fall. The supply will rise, increased by all the young women who were in jobs in fitness or restaurants or bars where looks are part of the qualifications will want cash in hurry, and some of them will decide that this kind of work is the way to get it. After an initial surge, demand will fall, because many potential clients have been out of work exactly as long as the girls have. So, rising supply + falling demand = lower prices. But the business, the sub-world, won't reconstitute itself until both the buyers and the sellers believe that they are mostly if not entirely safe from catching the virus from each other.
There will be no initial surge in demand: many client will abstain due to health risk concern. There will be be surge in supply due to new out of work girls as well as high competition among the SPs eager to get back to work. We just need good intermediaries (agencies) to put all these new girls to work.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
There may not be an official price drop at agencies per se, but they'll be running many more specials on a frequent basis which is exactly the same thing as a price drop.

More than one way to skin a cat!

Right now the people taking a financial hit tend to be low earners (service jobs) and I'm not sure how often those people hobbied. But if the layoffs go up the ladder to the 'professional class', this hobby will definitely feel a pinch.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
There may not be an official price drop at agencies per se, but they'll be running many more specials on a frequent basis which is exactly the same thing as a price drop.
Had the same thought, the agencies need to find a method to reward loyal clients. I was thinking the same plan Eye Candy used, the one that expires after 30 days, it was the best discount plan out there and the easiest to use and collect. Those guys that are out of work wont hobby much so there is little point in the agencies trying to get their business, the agencies need to focus on the guys that are still employed and willing to see girls often.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
It is about the equilibrium, not about demand and wealth. Wealthy people pay the same money for cherries on the market as poor people do. So, it is more about the amount of cherries on the market and the demand (wealth) of the marginal person who buys, not the wealthy who would be willing to pay more.

P.S.: Thanks to Abele Gall for coming up with appropriate commodity analogy for SPs :)
Too much cherries- price drop. Not enough purchasers for cherries- price drop and/or farmers turn to other crops. The wealthy will not purchase more cherries or pay more because there are more cherries available for purchase- there are only so many cherries one can consume. The point is neither the supply nor the demand are constant. If there are fewer cherries, on the other hand, the price will rise. Unlikely if the economy goes into crapper. That's why I asked about the income breakdown of the "cherries" aficionados because supply/demand always gets the last word.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Right now the people taking a financial hit tend to be low earners (service jobs) and I'm not sure how often those people hobbied. But if the layoffs go up the ladder to the 'professional class', this hobby will definitely feel a pinch.
In the U.S., many companies have cut management salaries, obviously 2020 bonuses are gone and some companies have furloughed managers and salesmen that aren't necessary to keeping the business running in the near-term. So yes, the 'professional class' is taking a hit here. A lot depends how we can get the economy going again.

Adele did make me think of how the escort world would work in the interim if there weren't solid COVID treatments or a vaccine. It certainly would be a messed up market. Perhaps SPs would be an extreme luxury. It would be like $10,000 designer hand bags for a select few. Only a few men will be able to afford to partake, but even then there would need to be a trust factor that is an unbelievably high hurdle. I think this relates to fall's "monopolistic competition" observation whereby branding, exceptional service and last but not least, trust command a big premium.

When this discussion started, I was optimistic that we would work through this COVID battle sooner than later and we would get back close to normal from a safety perspective. The future escort world I was envisioning was one where there were more SPs and clients were still trying to get back to pre-COVID income levels. I'm still optimistic we will beat COVID.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
In the U.S., many companies have cut management salaries, obviously 2020 bonuses are gone and some companies have furloughed managers and salesmen that aren't necessary to keeping the business running in the near-term. So yes, the 'professional class' is taking a hit here. A lot depends how we can get the economy going again.

Adele did make me think of how the escort world would work in the interim if there weren't solid COVID treatments or a vaccine. It certainly would be a messed up market. Perhaps SPs would be an extreme luxury. It would be like $10,000 designer hand bags for a select few. Only a few men will be able to afford to partake, but even then there would need to be a trust factor that is an unbelievably high hurdle. I think this relates to fall's "monopolistic competition" observation whereby branding, exceptional service and last but not least, trust command a big premium.

When this discussion started, I was optimistic that we would work through this COVID battle sooner than later and we would get back close to normal from a safety perspective. The future escort world I was envisioning was one where there were more SPs and clients were still trying to get back to pre-COVID income levels. I'm still optimistic we will beat COVID.
One other thing. People with disposable wealth tend to be on the older side and with more underlying conditions. A perfect target for the covid19. This bloody thing spreads so easily, any assurances by the escorts of being "clean" must be taken with a dump truck worth of salt.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
One other thing. People with disposable wealth tend to be on the older side and with more underlying conditions. A perfect target for the covid19. This bloody thing spreads so easily, any assurances by the escorts of being "clean" must be taken with a dump truck worth of salt.
You're right. Rich people still love to buy Land Rovers even though they are unreliable.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You're right. Rich people still love to buy Land Rovers even though they are unreliable.
A car is easily fixed or replaced. We're yet to produce a mechanic who can fix death.
Proposed Escort Procedure.
When hopefully, a take at-home test is available like for pregnancy - Maybe customers and companions take the 5-minute test together when they meet.

When meet both take a shower since soap invades the coating to neutralize the virus protein (it actually isn't "alive.)
Having sex is not a risk since no indication of the virus existing in vagina fluid.

The shower part is in case of a recent infection, so it doesn't yet show up in the test.
Of course, for this to work we need the TEST!!
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