Do you know how to tell if a woman had an orgasm.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
how about goose bumps and consistancy of the vaginal gfs vag would get all loose and quivery after an o


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Ladies, am I the only one that knows the cadbury secret ? Eye contact, a smile, and proper finger position :)


Apr 8, 2011
I never know for sure lol, so it keeps me trying my best.

But if her outer lips seem to have 'disappeared', and the clit is bigger, those are signs that things have been pretty good. Also the feeling of something clenching around the cock.

And last but not least she wants me to 'stay for a while' and cuddle, instead of getting up, give me a dirty look, and going to the bathroom slamming the door behind her.


Oct 31, 2004
Every woman is probably different, but if I cum first and she keeps going until she moans in pleasure, slows down and then rests her head on my chest exhaling deeply, I am usually sure she had one.


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....

I've lost my motivation half way through for various reasons and simply played it of as I'm "done".

May be the only really good thing about rubbers.
I've faked it many times for the same reason why women fake it; not to hurt feelings.
+ 2. Just like Kramer said, "Well you know, if it's enough already and I just wanna get some sleep"



Mar 26, 2002
Sneaky perv had a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring. If I had an orgasm, it changed colour.QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm calling pure BS on this one. The suggestion of a the pH (and btw it is pH, not Ph) change at orgasm is pretty well documented (at least on the internet so, you know, buyer beware) so I will happily concede that is a possibilty. The notion of "sneaky perv" secretig a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring is pure BS.

Think of the logistics:

1) Litmus paper can only be used once. You take the dry litmus paper, expose it to your sample, and look at the colour for a pH reading. You can't then use it again for a second reading.

Therefore, in order for mrsCALoki's story to be true the scenario would have to go something like this:

2)Sneakyperv (apparently an engineer which only, and conveniently, adds apparent credibilty to the story of someone using a scientific method such as litmus paper to identify the occurence of orgasm) first cuts an incredibly thin, and short piece of litmus paper (have you seen the thickness of the iron rings, which are worn on the pinky finger?).

3) He then finds a way to affix it to the inside diameter of the ring which; a) does not involve the use of asubstance (eg glue) which will set off the litmus paper and render it useless, or b) block the litmus paper from coming in contact with the vaginal fluid (e.g., clear tape)

4) He then takes his first "sample" of vaginal fluid, presumably by fingering her with his pinky finger;

5) He then proceeds to bring her to orgasm

6) Sometime after step 4, and either before or after step 5, he removes the first piece of litmus paper and affixes a second piece of litmus paper to his iron ring in order to record the pH reading of the second "sample' - apparently having rendered mrsCALoki so overwhelmed with passion she doesn't notice the timeout to replace the piece of litmus paper

7) He repeats steps 1-6 a total of 10 times

To recap, you can't just keep "dipping" litmus paper to get multiple, sequential readings of pH - it is strictly a one shot substance, the idea that he dips his finger, gets a baseline reading, and then simply dips again at orgasm to see the "colour change" is BS.

Apart from logistics, and I am admittedly less certain on this point, there is also the issue of the sensitivity of litmus paper and the degree of pH change you are talking about. Metabolic pathways are pretty tightly regulated. Shifts in anything, pH, blood chemistry, body temp. are all pretty subtle and even minor changes, have pretty sig impact on bodily function. Litmus paper is not exactly a precision instrument and I question whether there is one on the market sensitive enough to detect the change in pH you would be talking about. But just for shits and giggles lets assume there is because I haven't worked with the stuff for over 10 years - you still have an implausible logistics scenario.

But its not like anyone has ever suggested mrsCALoki is full of crap before.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Sneaky perv had a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring. If I had an orgasm, it changed colour.QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm calling pure BS on this one. The suggestion of a the pH (and btw it is pH, not Ph) change at orgasm is pretty well documented (at least on the internet so, you know, buyer beware) so I will happily concede that is a possibilty. The notion of "sneaky perv" secretig a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring is pure BS.

Think of the logistics:

1) Litmus paper can only be used once. You take the dry litmus paper, expose it to your sample, and look at the colour for a pH reading. You can't then use it again for a second reading.

Therefore, in order for mrsCALoki's story to be true the scenario would have to go something like this:

2)Sneakyperv (apparently an engineer which only, and conveniently, adds apparent credibilty to the story of someone using a scientific method such as litmus paper to identify the occurence of orgasm) first cuts an incredibly thin, and short piece of litmus paper (have you seen the thickness of the iron rings, which are worn on the pinky finger?).

3) He then finds a way to affix it to the inside diameter of the ring which; a) does not involve the use of asubstance (eg glue) which will set off the litmus paper and render it useless, or b) block the litmus paper from coming in contact with the vaginal fluid (e.g., clear tape)

4) He then takes his first "sample" of vaginal fluid, presumably by fingering her with his pinky finger;

5) He then proceeds to bring her to orgasm

6) Sometime after step 4, and either before or after step 5, he removes the first piece of litmus paper and affixes a second piece of litmus paper to his iron ring in order to record the pH reading of the second "sample' - apparently having rendered mrsCALoki so overwhelmed with passion she doesn't notice the timeout to replace the piece of litmus paper

7) He repeats steps 1-6 a total of 10 times

To recap, you can't just keep "dipping" litmus paper to get multiple, sequential readings of pH - it is strictly a one shot substance, the idea that he dips his finger, gets a baseline reading, and then simply dips again at orgasm to see the "colour change" is BS.

Apart from logistics, and I am admittedly less certain on this point, there is also the issue of the sensitivity of litmus paper and the degree of pH change you are talking about. Metabolic pathways are pretty tightly regulated. Shifts in anything, pH, blood chemistry, body temp. are all pretty subtle and even minor changes, have pretty sig impact on bodily function. Litmus paper is not exactly a precision instrument and I question whether there is one on the market sensitive enough to detect the change in pH you would be talking about. But just for shits and giggles lets assume there is because I haven't worked with the stuff for over 10 years - you still have an implausible logistics scenario.

But its not like anyone has ever suggested mrsCALoki is full of crap before.
i lol'd


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
Sneaky perv had a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring. If I had an orgasm, it changed colour.QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm calling pure BS on this one. The suggestion of a the pH (and btw it is pH, not Ph) change at orgasm is pretty well documented (at least on the internet so, you know, buyer beware) so I will happily concede that is a possibilty. The notion of "sneaky perv" secretig a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring is pure BS.

Think of the logistics:

1) Litmus paper can only be used once. You take the dry litmus paper, expose it to your sample, and look at the colour for a pH reading. You can't then use it again for a second reading.

Therefore, in order for mrsCALoki's story to be true the scenario would have to go something like this:

2)Sneakyperv (apparently an engineer which only, and conveniently, adds apparent credibilty to the story of someone using a scientific method such as litmus paper to identify the occurence of orgasm) first cuts an incredibly thin, and short piece of litmus paper (have you seen the thickness of the iron rings, which are worn on the pinky finger?).

3) He then finds a way to affix it to the inside diameter of the ring which; a) does not involve the use of asubstance (eg glue) which will set off the litmus paper and render it useless, or b) block the litmus paper from coming in contact with the vaginal fluid (e.g., clear tape)

4) He then takes his first "sample" of vaginal fluid, presumably by fingering her with his pinky finger;

5) He then proceeds to bring her to orgasm

6) Sometime after step 4, and either before or after step 5, he removes the first piece of litmus paper and affixes a second piece of litmus paper to his iron ring in order to record the pH reading of the second "sample' - apparently having rendered mrsCALoki so overwhelmed with passion she doesn't notice the timeout to replace the piece of litmus paper

7) He repeats steps 1-6 a total of 10 times

To recap, you can't just keep "dipping" litmus paper to get multiple, sequential readings of pH - it is strictly a one shot substance, the idea that he dips his finger, gets a baseline reading, and then simply dips again at orgasm to see the "colour change" is BS.

Apart from logistics, and I am admittedly less certain on this point, there is also the issue of the sensitivity of litmus paper and the degree of pH change you are talking about. Metabolic pathways are pretty tightly regulated. Shifts in anything, pH, blood chemistry, body temp. are all pretty subtle and even minor changes, have pretty sig impact on bodily function. Litmus paper is not exactly a precision instrument and I question whether there is one on the market sensitive enough to detect the change in pH you would be talking about. But just for shits and giggles lets assume there is because I haven't worked with the stuff for over 10 years - you still have an implausible logistics scenario.

But its not like anyone has ever suggested mrsCALoki is full of crap before.
Love it!



Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
I don't think screaming really proves anything. Maybe it comes from several years of secretly masturbating and not wanting anyone to hear me, lol, but I'm pretty quiet when I have an orgasm. I sort of stop breathing for a few seconds. :biggrin1:

she wants me to 'stay for a while' and cuddle,instead of getting up, give me a dirty look, and going to the bathroom slamming the door behind her.



Jul 27, 2011
Sneaky perv had a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring. If I had an orgasm, it changed colour.QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm calling pure BS on this one. The suggestion of a the pH (and btw it is pH, not Ph) change at orgasm is pretty well documented (at least on the internet so, you know, buyer beware) so I will happily concede that is a possibilty. The notion of "sneaky perv" secretig a piece of litmus paper under his engineering ring is pure BS.

Think of the logistics:

1) Litmus paper can only be used once. You take the dry litmus paper, expose it to your sample, and look at the colour for a pH reading. You can't then use it again for a second reading.

Therefore, in order for mrsCALoki's story to be true the scenario would have to go something like this:

2)Sneakyperv (apparently an engineer which only, and conveniently, adds apparent credibilty to the story of someone using a scientific method such as litmus paper to identify the occurence of orgasm) first cuts an incredibly thin, and short piece of litmus paper (have you seen the thickness of the iron rings, which are worn on the pinky finger?).

3) He then finds a way to affix it to the inside diameter of the ring which; a) does not involve the use of asubstance (eg glue) which will set off the litmus paper and render it useless, or b) block the litmus paper from coming in contact with the vaginal fluid (e.g., clear tape)

4) He then takes his first "sample" of vaginal fluid, presumably by fingering her with his pinky finger;

5) He then proceeds to bring her to orgasm

6) Sometime after step 4, and either before or after step 5, he removes the first piece of litmus paper and affixes a second piece of litmus paper to his iron ring in order to record the pH reading of the second "sample' - apparently having rendered mrsCALoki so overwhelmed with passion she doesn't notice the timeout to replace the piece of litmus paper

7) He repeats steps 1-6 a total of 10 times

To recap, you can't just keep "dipping" litmus paper to get multiple, sequential readings of pH - it is strictly a one shot substance, the idea that he dips his finger, gets a baseline reading, and then simply dips again at orgasm to see the "colour change" is BS.

Apart from logistics, and I am admittedly less certain on this point, there is also the issue of the sensitivity of litmus paper and the degree of pH change you are talking about. Metabolic pathways are pretty tightly regulated. Shifts in anything, pH, blood chemistry, body temp. are all pretty subtle and even minor changes, have pretty sig impact on bodily function. Litmus paper is not exactly a precision instrument and I question whether there is one on the market sensitive enough to detect the change in pH you would be talking about. But just for shits and giggles lets assume there is because I haven't worked with the stuff for over 10 years - you still have an implausible logistics scenario.

But its not like anyone has ever suggested mrsCALoki is full of crap before.
My god some guys are stupid.

Engineer is known to people here and is Loki. Loki wraps his little finger under the ring with litmus paper. He rubs one side ( I do not know which side for you I only saw it opened up after the entire thing was over lets pretend it is the top) before I orgasm. Right after I orgasm, he rubs the other side (pretend bottom). One part is a different colour than the other= big O. All the same = fake big O. Why do I need to explain simple details to you guys?

All 10 times was not not in a day or even a week. So what is your point? You are to naive to figure out how he did it so I am lying? You think maybe that the shift requires a meter to measure so I am lying? When he showed me how he knew yes he dipped a piece in me, and after making me have an orgasm dipped a fresh piece to prove it to me. By the way, I will confess I do not know what manufacture or type or range test strip was used.

Did I mention you should not shove your entire pinky in because everything will get wet?

May I suggest you do the experiment yourself instead of taking shots that are silly and just your opinion. You can even use a meter if you want.


Jul 27, 2011
I don't think screaming really proves anything. Maybe it comes from several years of secretly masturbating and not wanting anyone to hear me, lol, but I'm pretty quiet when I have an orgasm. I sort of stop breathing for a few seconds. :biggrin1:

I used to just arch tighten all my muscles and hold my breath and then do a Lamaze breathing thing.

First time it had a real one I was very noisy and probably looked like I was going into a grand mal seizure. :roll:


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
So what is the point should we be sticking pH meters up our partner's vagina to see if she orgasmed?

If she says she came I trust her. If she didn't cum I I would trust her to talk to me about how to do it better next time.
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