This is just my opinion... I don't believe in any God. Doesn't mean I'm right though. I think religion was a way to make sense of the unexplainable when we didn't and couldn't know any better. I'm a science oriented type guy, I think it's fairly well documented and experimentally proven how "we" came to be though we obviously don't know everything yet.
I'm curious as hell how the religions of the world are going to deal with the reality that life exists (or has existed) extra-terrestrially when it's found. Crossing my fingers it's within my life time! With an estimated 40,000,000,000 earth like planets in our galaxy alone times 100,000,000,000 galaxies in our universe it seems statistically impossible we are the only ones. And that number could multiply exponentially since evidence is pointing towards a multiverse. With all the exploration going on on Mars all of a sudden in the last 10 years I suspect scientists already know and are just looking for the "smoking gun". Not a conspiracy theory - just wishful thinking. If any religious people would like to weigh in on this I'd like to hear your opinion, I am genuinely curious.