An almighty being that lets kids die of cancer, watch innocent people die horrible deaths at the hands of rapists / murderers, steadies the aim of a maniac shooting 50 plus innocent people in Las Vegas, watches disinterested as another shoots school children repeatedly in the face only to delight in the sorrow to their parents ??? That almighty loving God ?
You can't sell me the God but you might be able to convince me of the devil.
Boo hoo hoo. :Cry:
If you expect a blissful existence, you need to be born, live, and then die, without making a pack with the Devil, before you can live in Paradise.
God gave us Free Will and made us Human. That means you can't expect him to resolve your fucking problems or take you out of your misery here on this mortal life we call Earth (which some say is Hell).
Now as for what Lexi Rose was asking about, I agree with Aardie that it is inappropriate to push religion on employees. WTF?!?!?!?