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Do fake tits help or hurt business?

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Kya_Jean said:
This coming from the guy who wanted to have psychological warfare with a chick he may have knocked up while drunk one night. Wanted to torture her into having a abortion when you didn't even know for sure if the child was yours. I think she would complain about lack of respect, manners, etc. But we know MTT, it was her fault. She got pregnant all by herself. LOL So much for equality.

You have no respect for women, only what they can do for you. IN my opinion based on your posting history.

And I guess it has been awhile but I haven't seen a recent review from you either. Just saying - Since you brought it to CF's attention, I thought it only fitting to bring it to yours as well.

Lastly, and I hope everyone can see this.... there is no winning with you regardless of what people here. Why? Because you will only change things around to suit yourself. The fact that you come up here with all you bold text and huge writing basically yelling like a little school in an overly dramatic defense shows that to me - you know you were out of line, but you have too much fun laughing at others being offended. Telling them they are taking things too seriously, yet when someone calls you on your shit, you get just as upset. It is laughable, you are right, but not why you think it is.

Regardless of your intent which 90% of here know was to be an insulting jerk - you have succeeded in getting Noir to stop posting on TERB. I hope you are happy with the outcome. Congrats to you! You are the man!
You seem consumed with me, rather than the argument at hand. You need to try and stay on topic.

BTW all of you 5 year olds who seem certain that I'm anything more than a post bot in FredZed's basement need to wake up. The trained seals jump, clap and wave their webbed feet at an Internet personality they can't even see, hear or touch. It's always entertaining. I wish I could sell some anger management courses or something.

It's true there's no winning with me, because I'm not one that is bullied into groupthink or platitudes. It may pain all of you that are wanting to lop off my head that not only am I not the least bit upset about what I wrote about Noir, it is always true that if you bring up a sacred cow, you will be the first to have your head chopped off, and it doesn't matter how mild or even flattering your words are. Fake tits are a sacred cow. You can talk about anything on this board, tits, ass, pussy, asshole smell, foul smoker's breath, ashen skin, dumpy apartments, stained teeth...anything, you can offend anybody if someone is sensitive enough, but bring up fake tits and watch the shit fly. If the mods pruned all the threads that involve someone being offended, TERB would be three threads.



New member
Jun 3, 2009
You're a dick head Mao, the case is closed. We apologize Noir and hope you understand that the idiots are only a minority here. We respect your choices and we respect you.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Mrbig1949 said:
You`re a dick head Mao, the case is closed. We apologize Noir and hope you understand that the idiots are only a minority here. We respect your choices and we respect you.
Just for fun, I looked at your post history. I love showing hypocrites.

Here`s what you said in a thread about Brazilians:

"I though Jade Glow was really good for sex and a nice girl but not all that swift"

I guess calling someone stupid is less offensive than me saying I don`t like fake tits. I can`t imagine there is a single girl in the SP world who would not be totally and horribly devastated by someone posting that they`re stupid on a public board.

Feel free to drive though. :D

BTW I also noticed you have a penchant for bbfs (at least two threads you admit you partake). That`s nice. I guess that`s your idea of respecting the ladies?


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
The Options Menu said:
If it's a self esteem thing get therapy, if it's something you honestly want to have go ahead.
If a woman has weighed all the pros and cons and it is still something they really want to do and believe it'll make them happy, then I say go for it! But if they're doing it mainly to cure their insecurity and self-esteem issues, then I agree, therapy would be a better solution.

There have been a couple of studies done where they found that many women who got the implants for these reasons, later reported that their self-esteem had not improved and in several cases worsened. :( Maybe they were still in the minority though.... If one is going to get their breasts enlarged (or some other plastic surgery) because it'll make them feel better about themselves, then maybe it would be a good idea to get some therapy concomitantly with the surgery.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
You are still a dick head

Mao Tse Tongue said:
Just for fun, I looked at your post history. I love showing hypocrites.

Here`s what you said in a thread about Brazilians:

"I though Jade Glow was really good for sex and a nice girl but not all that swift"

I guess calling someone stupid is less offensive than me saying I don`t like fake tits. I can`t imagine there is a single girl in the SP world who would not be totally and horribly devastated by someone posting that they`re stupid on a public board.

Feel free to drive though. :D

BTW I also noticed you have a penchant for bbfs (at least two threads you admit you partake). That`s nice. I guess that`s your idea of respecting the ladies?
Those incidents were offered by ladies and I have admitted rather foolishly accepted by me in the heat of the moment.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
This is why this thread is offensive and hurtful. Because it opens the door for everyone and their dog to come on here and comment on Noir's (and any other SPs on this board) decision regarding her own body and speculate about her reasons/motivations/self-esteem/sense of self/etc.

To add insult to injury, it's a stupid question to begin with. If the OP was sincere in his curiosity about the relationship between fake tits and sex workers business, he would actually ask those who can provide him with some reasonably credible information: those SPs who have had breast enhancement. Guys here have no fucking clue whether fake tits make a girl more or less busy. I have no fucking clue if getting fake tits would make me more or less busy. So the only answers that this question was going to (and indeed did) generate were mere speculations about something that nobody here but those SP with fake tits know anything about, and more comments and assinine assumptions about what motivate a woman to change her body.

Finally, the fact that Noir -- a smart, down to earth, and no-attitude woman who has been long enough on this board to have growned some tough skin -- was hurt enough by this and the other thread to leave the board should be indication enough that there is indeed something wrong with this thread.
Again I'm somewhat taken aback by the vitriol and sensitivity that is coming forth over this. Very few people read every thread in every forum and the comments were not specifically linked to another thread, for me anyway, until now. If it was designed to specifically insult an individual I would say its justified. I just didn't see it being quite that way reading only this thread. I'm sorry that Noir felt insulted. A quick search indicates that she gets almost universally positive comments here so hopefully she will take that into consideration.

Any thread that has a main purpose of insulting another member is not welcome but the topic of breast enhancement on an escort review board has to be periodically relevant on some level, however. The voicing of preferences on every other attribute certainly seems to have been discussed.

God knows people speculate and opine on everything else here and there have been far "sillier" threads than this.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
To Chairman Mao...

To try and avoid further childish outbursts, obfuscation and other pettiness (and I'll admit that I intentionally tried to wind MTT up with said same), I'd like to ask Mao two simple questions:

  1. Have you ever seen Noir, spoken with her or discussed anything of substance in any way?
  2. Why did you choose to start a thread about breast augmentation (and how much you hate it, etc.) using Noir as exhibit A when you knew - through the other thread in the Incall section - that she wasn't comfortable with it?
I'm just being honest and inquisitive here. I see no problem in discussing the topic of "fake tits" in general or mentioning that an SP has implants in the context of a review or query. I just find it ... awkward, for lack of a better term ... that you chose to single out one SP and then bring up another (Riley, who also expressed a lack of comfort at that sort of judgment) as exhibit B, given there are dozens, if not hundreds of other examples out there. The same question could have been posed without naming anyone, right?

Full disclosure: I have seen Noir. I correspond with her on occasion. I think she's a great SP and an even better person.

I feel bad for her simply because she expressed her concerns about the speculation about her psyche, state of mind, etc., (in other words, her personal life) when discussing her new additions and that her feelings on these non-review-related matters were ignored and then made the centre of a second thread on the topic, with the same baseless conjecture and complete lack of concern for her as a person.

She's a smart, grounded, thoughtful young lady who put a lot of thought into a difficult decision and the last thing she expected was to have her maturity and mental state the subject of public debate by people who hadn't even taken the time to discuss the matter with her.

If that makes me a white knight or whatever, so be it. I guess I'm just a softy and a sucker. I just think that there should be a line of decorum that we don't cross, particularly if we don't know what we're talking about.

That's all I'm going to say about this matter.

Finally, I apologize for making some of my comments personal - I did it to try and show what it's like to be on the receiving end of ad hominem postings and baseless speculation and it didn't resonate. Oh well... mea culpa.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Do I like implants? No, not really. I like natural better. That said, Denise Richards it turns out had implants and she looked/looks hot. So it depends on the woman and what she looks like first I guess.

In a fashion sense, yes, under a dress implants of good proportion to the body in question look better than being flat chested ("A" cups). In a sexual sense, implants don't feel as nice to me as natural breasts, so I'd prefer naturals of any size in a sexual context. If the girl is an aspiring swimsuit model and is flat chested, I can see it being a good biz decision to get implants as she is selling her image on film not the tactile touch of her breasts. For SPs, well, there are clients who like implants, clients who don't care, and ones who don't like implants. Of course some also don't like flat chested girls, so it is up to the SP to decide what is best for her and which client group she is pursuing.

Did we already have the debate "Should Alexmst dye his salt and pepper hair or not?" :D


Jan 31, 2005
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Is it worth losing men of quality in your personal life? ;)
Right there, that is where you went over the line.

Up until that moment the girls can suck it up--this is a review board, and you're reviewing their tits.

But this last line, that is just over the top. What sort of reaction did you expect? "Men of quality", not you obviously. What men of quality are you talking about?

In answer to Gen--

We feel entitled to comment about women't bodies I guess #1 because we are men, and we spend half our lives thinking about women and the other half trying to get into their pants. What else are we going to talk about??

Also, this is an internet forum the primary purpose of which is for men to get together online and review women, so I guess it shouldn't shock anybody that now and then someone comes along and says "I love Noir's new tits" or "I hate Noir's new tits" or "I really like Gen's nipples" or "I hate Gen's nipples".

But MTT--you are way over the line with this assertion about "men of quality", I have news for you:

These girls don't think of you as a man of quality. They think of you as an ATM with a dick.


Jan 31, 2005
genintoronto said:
Because it opens the door for everyone and their dog to come on here and comment on Noir's (and any other SPs on this board) decision regarding her own body
Well I didn't need this thread to do that. I reserve the right to do that any damn time I want to.

and speculate about her reasons/motivations/self-esteem/sense of self/etc.
That's likely taking it a little far.

Finally, the fact that Noir -- a smart, down to earth, and no-attitude woman who has been long enough on this board to have growned some tough skin -- was hurt enough by this and the other thread to leave the board should be indication enough that there is indeed something wrong with this thread.
I'd rather have Noir on the board than MTT (if I had to choose).


Jun 29, 2005
Riley.Royal said:
For some even with therapy before going into surgery just sometimes enforces the need for plastic surgery.

Then there is some cases women who do get have reports of suicide. So no matter what your taking a risk to get surgery or not .

I wanted to add places I have used for research on the pros and cons of plastic surgery and breast implants
I watch Secret Lives of Women on SExtv. Jennifer Young has over 80 plastic surgeries and they also have about 3 or 4 plastic surgery series of women who decided to go through with it and get it filmed for tv

Plastic Makes Perfect a Canadian tv show I auditioned for that pays for your surgery if you approved to be filmed.
Make me perfect a british plastic surgery make over show on the discovery health channels. - She tells her story of the horrifying story of her plastic surgery,

and of course the tv series Vanity Insanity.

my only issue with the media showing the downside of plastic surgery and the majority of it is Caucasian women getting it done, very few of them film the minority women getting it done. expect i remember secret lives of women did film minority women who would change their features and made it seem like they are living their heritage behind.
you don't look like a 32d cup more like a full b with a good push up stats keep going more curvy every year with the same weight in the last few years. plz explain.also you said you were mix with east indian on another review board and you look ebony nothing mix beside the hair extentions.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
What are you the tit police?

timy said:
you don't look like a 32d cup more like a full b with a good push up stats keep going more curvy every year with the same weight in the last few years. plz explain.also you said you were mix with east indian on another review board and you look ebony nothing mix beside the hair extentions.
Why don't you rethink the accusatory tone. You have never seen her?


Well-known member
I just got here.I came over here from the thread that is closed concerning fake tits.I guess it was an anger issue concerning the fake tits here.There's too much in this fake tit thread to read it all.Can someone give me a " fake tit" summary?
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Scarey said:
I just got here.I came over here from the thread that is closed concerning fake tits.I guess it was an anger issue concerning the fake tits here.There's too much in this fake tit thread to read it all.Can someone give me a " fake tit" summary?
It would be impossible to summarize unless you had a really good appetite for irony and surreality.

Basically Noir got hurt when I told her she was stunning and shouldn't have gotten fake tits.

Riley Royal also got insulted when I said it was tragic such a stunning woman would get fake tits.

Initially Noir said she appreciated the criticism, but then changed her mind when 42,000 other men said they also didn't like fake tits. Noir has since returned to say what I had been saying all along, namely, ahem:

"I took a breather for a short while and realized that I shouldn't be upset about what you wrote, opinions are like assholes right?

Thanks for the wake up call - I realized that I should have thicker skin and put up a fight where necessary. I am not about to let the opinion of someone who's never seen me, and doesn't know me bother me. That is just ridiculous. ^_^

Good luck with your future rants. No hard feeling here (just fake tits... =P)"

Riley Royal didn't like me noting her in particular, but is now posting personal details in the very same thread about her potential doctors and surgeries, but nothing about her appointment with the irony doctor.

I should point out once again that Riley Royal is one of the hottest SP's I have ever seen, and there isn't a thing I'd change about her. Many men seemed to agree with me, but a few dullards and SP ass lickers felt it necessary to chide me for my compliments disguised as insults. Again, if your irony meter is tingling, you're paying attention.

At the end of the day this may be the beginnings of a full scale revolt against the horrors of fake tits, and if people would stop caring about other people's tiniest sensitivities and start talking honestly, the girls may learn something about what it is we men really want in them. And if they don't care what we think, they should just ignore us. Because they keep telling us they're not doing it for us anyway, right?

Why would you give a fuck what some anonymous loser says on TERB? :)

As always, I am here to enlighten and annoy.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Scarey said:
I just got here.I came over here from the thread that is closed concerning fake tits.I guess it was an anger issue concerning the fake tits here.There's too much in this fake tit thread to read it all.Can someone give me a " fake tit" summary?
Fake tit summary -

1. Mao wantd to let us know he didin't like fake titis .
2. Most of us would say fine talk about fake tits in a general context.
3. Mao singles out a specific SP and made it personal .
4. Not only personal but hurtful because he has no concept of the very personal nature of this procedure to the woman who undergo it.
5. Instead of aplogizing he wrote pages of drivel justifying his ignorance.
6. Predictably he has turned on most male terbites and accused them of being sheep because they won't support his poorly constructed crticism of fake tits .
7. Although I disagree with most everything Mao said and if he were a man he would have the balls to admit he didin't understand the significance of his remarks but this thread has gotten interesting with the testosterone starting to fly.

Unfortunately he does make a good point about the pussification of this board . If guys want to let off a little steam and have at it the peace keepers run in or a mod closes the thread .

We need a new section. The TERB Octagon where the "Boy's" can have a decent go at one another . You could invite one of the fucktards on this board you don't like into the Octagon and have a go . It should end with a poll so members can vote on who was the winner.


May 5, 2008
smylee52 said:
Fake tit summary -

1. Mao wantd to let us know he didin't like fake titis .
2. Most of us would say fine talk about fake tits in a general context.
3. Mao singles out a specific SP and made it personal .
4. Not only personal but hurtful because he has no concept of the very personal nature of this procedure to the woman who undergo it.
5. Instead of aplogizing he wrote pages of drivel justifying his ignorance.
6. Predictably he has turned on most male terbites and accused them of being sheep because they won't support his poorly constructed crticism of fake tits .
7. Although I disagree with most everything Mao said and if he were a man he would have the balls to admit he didin't understand the significance of his remarks but this thread has gotten interesting with the testosterone starting to fly.

Unfortunately he does make a good point about the pussification of this board . If guys want to let off a little steam and have at it the peace keepers run in or a mod closes the thread .

We need a new section. The TERB Octagon where the "Boy's" can have a decent go at one another . You could invite one of the fucktards on this board you don't like into the Octagon and have a go . It should end with a poll so members can vote on who was the winner.

LMAO. Great summary and suggestion.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
smylee52 said:
Fake tit summary -

1. Mao wantd to let us know he didin`t like fake titis .
2. Most of us would say fine talk about fake tits in a general context.
3. Mao singles out a specific SP and made it personal .
4. Not only personal but hurtful because he has no concept of the very personal nature of this procedure to the woman who undergo it.
5. Instead of aplogizing he wrote pages of drivel justifying his ignorance.
6. Predictably he has turned on most male terbites and accused them of being sheep because they won`t support his poorly constructed crticism of fake tits .
7. Although I disagree with most everything Mao said and if he were a man he would have the balls to admit he didin`t understand the significance of his remarks but this thread has gotten interesting with the testosterone starting to fly.

Unfortunately he does make a good point about the pussification of this board . If guys want to let off a little steam and have at it the peace keepers run in or a mod closes the thread .
Actually most people who read my comments felt there was nothing worth getting offended about, so you must be one of the oversensitive types I refer to:

So thanks for the compliment, but you`re who I`m talking about. I guess you haven`t read Noir`s follow up comments huh? LOL

"no concept of the very personal nature of this procedure to the woman who undergo it"<<<That is fucking hilarious. You make it sound like it`s a life-saving procedure, not an elected COSMETIC surgery that can have profound implications on a women`s health. This is why this board is filled with comedy! Thanks! Not that it matters to the stupid, but I have many woman friends who have gotten fake tits, and inevitably, after the buzz of fake attention-getting fades, almost all of them regret it and/or have health problems. But hey!

Anyway, I`m tired. Bye bye. There`s simply no help rehabilitating the easily offended. Meanwhile the outrage about the insanity and stupidity of fake tits goes unnoticed. Priceless indeed!


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
You are still back on this thread.

Dude - you need to get a fucking life, a fucking clue, or just fucking laid.

Most people didn't agree is was a nothing thread. Most people said there were things wrong. There were a few who didn't see it at first and said so, but saw the light a little after and there those who are still on your side, so don't worry not everyone disagrees with you, but move on already.

You say you don't care - fucking prove it and shut up already.
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