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Do fake tits help or hurt business?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Well, I don't know the answer to this, but I find it pretty surprising that women like Riley and Noir that have such utterly beautiful bodies, would have ANY self image problems they feel needed to be rectified by the surgeons knife. I mean, I don't feel *SORRY* for them, but spare a tear for the women that are physically unattractive. I mean if these stunning women have a need to "remodel" how ugly must those other ladies feel??!


New member
May 11, 2009
i wish more women would recognize their own natural beauty, and not go with the Hollywood idea that "bigger is better". sadly that idea is pounded into our heads. women are only so self-conscious about their bodies because that is how they are judged in society, just as men are by power and money. it's all about image. some women cake on the make-up, and don't realize they are prettier without it.

Can you imagine if every man in the world told women they hated breast implants? Do you think women would still get them done?

it's like tattoos, almost every teenage girl can't wait to turn 18 and get a tramp stamp. so sad.


Nov 9, 2002
Have some class.

Personally guys, it is up to the lady to make whatever decision they want, for whatever reason.
Hey if you dislike fake--don't call ladies who have augmentation. But to sit here and criticize ladies who has had them done.. Come on Grow up.
Do ladies come here and say you should have seen the Tattoo on this guy--he looked like a Dork...or this guy had his hair cut this way, or this guy was circumcised ---and say i prefer guys who are natural and never had this done...

My 1.5 cents worth
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
genintoronto said:
This thread would be hilarious if it wasn't so offensive and hurtful toward Noir and Riley, and any other women who choose to modify their body.

But why do I find it hilarious? Because it sounds so much like so many discussions I have read in the feminist blogosphere and in feminist circles about the same topic. Yes guys, some of you sound like radical feminists who think of women as mindless victims of The Patriarchy who are brainwashed into modifying their body to attract and please men. Like the radical feminists, some of you feel entitled to judge and comment on those women's choice regarding their own body, and you seem to believe to know the motivations and reasoning behind those choices. But while the radical feminist shame and blame those women for selling out to The Patriarchy, you shame them for making choice that make those women less attractive to you.

Why is it that so many people feel entitled to comment on another person's choice regarding their own body? And so what if one woman's choice to get fake tits is to increase her business? Why would that be "the wrong reason"? Do you feel the same about bald pussy? I can assure you that many women in this industry wouldn't shave their pussy on a daily basis if it wasn't to please their clients. So, I am shaving "for the wrong reasons"? What makes some reasons "good" ones, and others "wrong"? According to what and whose criterias?

I think there is place for a discussion on the social pressure on women to fit certain standards of beauty (especially within the sex industry), and on the influence that this has on women's choices regarding their body. But I find it particularly distasteful and offensive to make it about the personal choice of one or two specific women who regularly post here, and a complete lack of respect for them to start a thread discussing and judging the validity of their choices.
Well you can see by the replies that many men feel this is a topic that is worthy of discussion and I don't see anything offensive in what I posted. If anything it's playful. (did you see the LOL in my original post??)

In answer to your screed "Why is it that so many people feel entitled to comment on another person's choice regarding their own body?" here's an answer:


That I find hilarious, my dear. We all have different things we find ludicrously ironic. Women who sell their bodies (which I'm all for btw) getting offended when men discuss their bodies. Price-fucking-less.

Additionally it's hilarious and sad to me that Raven feels "attacked" when I paid her what might be the ultimate compliment, the one most women would LOVE to hear, namely "You're perfect the way you are." If you choose to do something for yourself, one that has nothing to do with me, why would you care when we discuss the change????? You can't have it both ways: I don't care/I'm offended.

In the end, of course, this thread will simply bring business to both the ladies from men who like fakies. Neither should be complaining because there's nothing offensive or insulting in what I write. I don't like fake tits and was merely interested in whether they help business or not. Raven has been seeding threads lately under her new identity to get business, and now I just handed her a shitload of business. Great for her. Ironies abound.

It's TERB. This discussion is fair game. The Jessie Mae thread is what I'd call insulting.

I also think some of you reacting so harshly might actually learn something. Or not ;)


New member
May 11, 2009
parang said:
Do ladies come here and say you should have seen the Tattoo on this guy--he looked like a Dork...or this guy had his hair cut this way, or this guy was circumcised ---and say i prefer guys who are natural and never had this done...
here? No because this is a board with mainly men, and women who provide services to men (it would be bad for business)

but in real life when women get together and gossip, they talk about EVERYTHING


Nov 8, 2005
IMHO fake tits can really help your business if you're an MPA or a stripper. If you're an sp the answer becomes much more complicated.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Do fake tits "pay back" a girl who gets them ten times over, either in money or sugar daddies? I'm not talking about whether the girl feels better about herself (don't get me started on that self-deception), but whether it's a sound "business decision"?
I could be wrong but I think that implants will often bring in more money for strippers and porn actresses because of the very visual nature of those industries...but not so much in the SP realm. There are those that love 'em, those that hate 'em and most seem to be somewhere in between i.e. they don't really care and will see the lady for other reasons. Or they just love breasts period that it doesn't matter, LOL

I knew an SP/dancer a couple of years ago who said after she got hers done, she did experience an increase in quantity of clients but a decrease in quality.
Her words, not mine - don't shoot the messenger! :p I don't know how true that is.

I'll be honest - as a bisexual woman, enhanced breasts really do nothing for me. I've sucked on a few and had trouble getting aroused. :-( (I hope I don't offend any enhanced ladies when I say that). However, I know many men love them and if makes the woman feel better about herself,then more power to her. :)



Epitome of Sensuality...
Oct 16, 2007
Mao Tse Tongue said:
I didn't ask what a women's motivation is. I asked whether it's a sound business decision. People don't seem to read anymore they just react.
By the responses that you've gotten you can assume that it will negatively affect a lady's business. Good for you. The point still stands - you haven't addressed the audience that actually has the information that you're really looking for - enhanced women working in the industry. Of course men will come on here and state their preference just as you have many times. You hate fakes, you will not book with a lady that has fakes...(although that has already been proven to be untrue.) Having that participation (imo) doesn't make it anymore than a fake titty bash.

I am finished with this thread. It is very hard for me not to take this thread personally, especially since I am a thin skinned person. (WYSIWYG) I have wasted way too much time caring about an anonymous audience and their reception to my breasts, instead of me feeling confident about the reconstructive and cosmetic procedure that I endured.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
My only experience is with MPAs and I am not a fan

I went to a MPA with perfect tits that were real and she charges extra just for touch

I paid

As far as a business decision it certainly hurts those with real ones with falsey competition

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Chalk another one up to the anonymous superheroes of TERB. :rolleyes:

I keep forgetting that TERB doesn't stand for Toronto Escort Review Board. We know that it sometimes stands for Toronto Escort Rumour-mongering Board - and often the Toronto Escort Rundown Board. Perhaps it should be renamed Toronto Escort Rude-opinion-that-no-one-cares-about Board.

The OP - a drama queen, btw - name-dropped Noir (knowing full well she's an active contributor and member here) in his initial post and then tried to chalk it up to "just asking a general question" while at the same time using the "they're putting themselves out there and selling themselves" rationale. Typical passive-aggressive, borderline misogynist b.s. And yet he (and others) wonder why someone would be a bit offended by that? Puh-lease.

It's pretty simple: you don't like surgically-enhanced breasts, don't see girls with them. If you're booking and not sure, just ask. Don't be an attention-seeker while at the same time trying to embarrass someone here. Is a tiny shred of respect and empathy too much to ask of some guys here?

Do I give a fuck if some anonymous TERBites like or dislike manmades? Not at all - and I would normally ignore a thread like this. However, I saw that Noir responded, so I chose to have a look. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.

Many posts on here - including and especially MTT's - were not about the topic at hand, but were often of a personal nature against Noir, including making many assumptions about her mental/psychological state. The entire thread could have been done WITHOUT mentioning Noir or Riley's names. To include them shows a sense of disingenuity when it comes to framing this as just a fun or innocent question.

I don't recall her asking if you liked them or not, and since they've been done, it's a moot point. I guarantee that 99% of the respondants who have spoken out against Noir haven't even seen her or her new additions, let alone taken the time to even talk to Noir about her reasons for getting the surgery done. So my advice would be to STFU and be a little bit more tactful and respectful.

You can have your opinions and share them with your friends and TERB "friends" but this isn't really an appropriate way of "giving one's opinion" unless you are out to hurt someone. Is that your game? If so, shame on you.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Well you can see by the replies that many men feel this is a topic that is worthy of discussion and I don't see anything offensive in what I posted. If anything it's playful. (did you see the LOL in my original post??)
Interestingly enough, the two women you mentioned in your original post don't seem to find it as playful as you think it is, and they both made it clear in their post that they didn't appreciate their choices regarding their own body being made into a public discussion.

As I said in my comment above, I don't think there's any problem with discussing body modification or body preferences in general terms. I do find it distasteful and disrespectful though to center the discussion around the choices of two specific women who happen to also be posters here.

Mao Tse Tongue said:
In answer to your screed "Why is it that so many people feel entitled to comment on another person's choice regarding their own body?" here's an answer:


That I find hilarious, my dear. We all have different things we find ludicrously ironic. Women who sell their bodies (which I'm all for btw) getting offended when men discuss their bodies. Price-fucking-less.
You seem confused about what escorting entails. Let me clarify it for you: we get money in exchange of getting naked with men, sucking cocks, and fucking them/getting fucked (of course, our work involves more than that, but I'm trying to keep it simple here). Obviously, our bodies is a central tool in performing those services. And even more obviously, because they pay good money to have access to our bodies, clients will have preference regarding the kind of bodies they will pay money to have access to.

But contrary to your misconception of what we do, we do not sell our bodies. My body is mine and mine alone. I don't sell my body. I sell a sexual service which includes access to my body.

That clarification aside, I think most escorts understand that reading comments about their bodies on a review board comes with the territory. But as many people have said before me, there are ways to do this that are still respectful and considerate of the fact that there's a breathing and feeling human being behind the tits your are talking about, which this thread and your many comments on Noir's tits doesn't seem to be mindful of.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Lasttime said:
Got me to thinking about how inconsiderate we can sometimes be in wanting this look or that look.

WTF does that mean?? Is it inconsiderate of me to want a black BMW if that's the look I want and I'm paying for it? It's not inconsiderate, it's being a consumer.

Honestly, some of the comments in this thread are absurd. Fact is that fake or not, if the lady feels good about it, who the fuck cares?? They're her tits, not anyone else's.


is Rebecca Richardson
May 9, 2007
It helps a girl to get booked, from there its all on the SP and not her body.

Who cares whether it helps her business or hurts it? Unfair guys. She wanted her tits done, she got them done, good for her.

If you'd like to talk about implants (these aren't fake breasts as someone pointed out) go ahead and do so, but targeting someone makes you look like a jerk. I'm sure you're not so let's not act like it :)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
First, I’m sorry that this thread has been hurtful to some women who have had breast argumentation surgery.

That said, I agree with M.S.T. I vastly prefer natural smaller breasts to enhanced larger breasts, here in North America there seems to be a popular myth that all men prefer larger breasts and that just plain isn’t true.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Hiding said:
It helps a girl to get booked, from there its all on the SP and not her body.

Who cares whether it helps her business or hurts it? Unfair guys. She wanted her tits done, she got them done, good for her.

If you'd like to talk about implants (these aren't fake breasts as someone pointed out) go ahead and do so, but targeting someone makes you look like a jerk.
Jesus H. Christ. "Targeting"? All of you seem to have come straight from sensitivity camp. If a girl gets fake tits and then can't live with the comments, it has nothing to do with me. Reread my original post. Nothing in it could be construed as even close to insulting, except if you're attached to your fake tits. If you like your fake tits, great for you. If the guy seeing you likes them, great too. Everybody's happy.

The double standards in this thread are priceless. Noir seems amused by my post and then offended. Other SP's comment on their like or dislike but how dare I mention an SP in particular. Genintoronto, who seems to have decided she's smarter than any john, is happy to tell me what prostitution is exactly (hey if semantics help you sleep, great). Thanks hon!

Captain Fantastic, still pissed off at me from another thread, is working his chivalry angle good (lots of you have it down good I must say, lol)

If Noir and Raven are offended, I'm sorry. I'm apologizing because I don't like fake tits and mentioned you as particularly uncomfortable examples for me because you're so fucking hot to begin with. What the fuck is wrong with that? If you're not comfortable with your tits, it ain't my fault. I actually like them the way they are.

The sacred cows of this board are fantastic. :rolleyes:
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