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Do fake tits help or hurt business?


Dec 10, 2004
Wizard good post, yes I agree the topic seems reasonable to be discussed.

I would only add that I have first hand experience with breast cancer and am in complete agreement if a woman needs/wants enhancement to repair from a mastectomy or other health issue that she should do what she wants to. Having a breast, any size, is tied to woman hood, much like having testi are for men.

My only question that I have never really gotten professionally answered is do enhancements make breast cancer more difficult to detect, I dont know the answer to that.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Men make women paranoid about breasts and then crap on them

Mao Tse Tongue said:
Based on the thread where Noir got new fakies and many of us voted our displeasure (in my case) and others their excitement (losers, wink) it got me thinking.

Do fake tits "pay back" a girl who gets them ten times over, either in money or sugar daddies? I`m not talking about whether the girl feels better about herself (don`t get me started on that self-deception), but whether it`s a sound "business decision"?

I mean, when delicious looking Raven Riley (aka Minnie Apple) decides she needs hers done:

the world is horribly and ultimately fucked as far as I`m concerned lol. I`m afraid that I`m totally in the minority in that I will not fuck a woman who has fake tits and get much enjoyment. I HATE them. She`s totally off my TDL. I think every escort ad should have a sticker on it that says whether the tits are fake or not.

Good business decision for a girl?? Is it worth losing men of quality in your personal life? ;)
It is males who go on and on about breasts which comes from our deep past that men felt that women with bigger breasts and wider hips would make better mothers for their kids in caveman days. Women believed bigger stronger men could protect them better from other men when they were vulnerable with small children. Bigger and stronger has come to mean bigger wallets in present days.

If women went on and on about our dicks the way we do about their chests then some guys would really feel like shit every day but that is how you make them feel.

I don`t know how you mysogynists get on but I love in the broad sense almost all the women I have met in the biz. They are gorgeous and they have chosen a really tough job made that much tougher by some of you jerks. I`m not going for brownie points here because they don`t know it is MrBig visiting them in all but a tiny number of cases.

I am in this biz because I happen to believe that there is nothing on this planet as beautiful as a beautiful young woman in full bloom. Many lucky women retain that beauty for many years. There is no painting, no sculpture, no landscape, no car, no bank account, no music, no literature, no sport no experience that even begins to compare with making love with a gorgeous young woman. We should get down on our knees and thank our lucky stars that we live in or near a city with a treasure chest of stunning women that will meets our every need no matter how ordinary or kinky.

It is really hard for me to not fall in love with every one of them. Some have nearly brought me literally to tears with happiness and we pay them back by making them feel like shit? Yeh you paid, but you paid your waitress, your hair stylist, your airline attendant as well, do you then feel like you can make them feel like shit.

Rip offs yes they deserve what they get, but great girls who are doing their best to make themselves more beautiful to please you? How low can you get?


Jan 10, 2009
Wizard Merlin said:
I don't see a problem with Mao's thread. He asks a provocative question that can be honestly addressed. The fact that it may offend some in the audience is just a fact of life.
There are many threads and reviews that some people here find offensive. So does that mean one should be reluctant to post a thread?

As for bolt-ons, having spoken to many hobbyists and civilians. It literally breaks our hearts to see women go under the knife to augment something that's already beautiful naturally. Sure there are some exceptions, but mostly it's done when most of us guys are quite happy with the natural look. I's not about us, it's about the way it makes the lady feel. Fine, but that is the male consensus though.

I personally think Noir's breasts were perfect the way they were. I wish her all the best with her new look.
WTF is wrong with you people. Didn't you just read Captain Fantastic and Smylee's post. Don't you guys get it?

I personaly didn't want to respond to this thread as it was a thread about an SP which is a no no and felt bad for her.

All threads may offend others but why put a name into it.


New member
Mar 23, 2007
Spadina and King-downtown
I have large natural breasts. I have lots of business. If I had small natural breasts, would I have more or less business? If I had large, fake breasts, would I have more or less business? We will never know the answer to these hypothetical questions.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
genintoronto said:
That clarification aside, I think most escorts understand that reading comments about their bodies on a review board comes with the territory. But as many people have said before me, there are ways to do this that are still respectful and considerate of the fact that there's a breathing and feeling human being behind the tits your are talking about, which this thread and your many comments on Noir's tits doesn't seem to be mindful of.
Was this in another thread ? I don't see any such comments directed at her in this one.

Since he has not made any derogatory comments about any individual that I can find I'm having a hard time seeing as where he is being disrespectful. Perhaps this relates to a previous discussion.

As far as I can see no one is disputing a woman's right to alter her body as she see's fit nor is anyone disputing that one's self image is important - hell if there was a comparable operation to increase penis size 95% of us would be in line with our cheque books and women would have to deal with the discomfort of a world full of 10" cocks.

I just don't see why this is thread generating all the heat that it is. Instead of a bunch of replies that, yes or no it has an effect on the business aspects which was the original question, there is a lot of "you are an insensitive pig to even ask the question" comments. :confused:

The only derogatory comment I saw in this thread was directed towards certain men when Mao implied that if you like enhanced tits you aren't a "man of quality".
train said:
The only derogatory comment I saw in this thread was directed towards certain men when Mao implied that if you like enhanced tits you aren't a "man of quality".
He said that a woman who got implants would not be able to get a man of quality. That is also an insult to woman with implants - don't you think?

And yes there was another thread in the incall section about Noir, and he made many comments there as well. Then after doing that, decided to start this thread.

I briefly stated some others earlier in this thread.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
train said:
I just don't see why this is thread generating all the heat that it is. Instead of a bunch of replies that, yes or no it has an effect on the business aspects which was the original question, there is a lot of "you are an insensitive pig to even ask the question" comments.

The only derogatory comment I saw in this thread was directed towards certain men when Mao implied that if you like enhanced tits you aren't a "man of quality".
From my perspective, the only reason this thread was out of line was simply because Mao chose to include Noir in his thread and then went on about how he hated implants and would never see Noir because of her augmentation.

If he had just started the thread with the question: "Do fake tits help or hurt business?" and perhaps given his rationale or perspective without making it personal about two SPs in particular, it would have been fine. To single out Noir and to a lesser extent, Riley, was unfair and unduly personal.

Again, just my opinion.

As for the the "men of quality" line, I think that's as much of, if not moreso of a slap towards the woman who chooses to get implants. The inference being that having enhancements means that only men of low quality would find a girl with implants attractive, regardless of her other qualities. Again, it was unnecessary and presumptuous.


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
train said:
Was this in another thread ? I don't see any such comments directed at her in this one.

Since he has not made any derogatory comments about any individual that I can find I'm having a hard time seeing as where he is being disrespectful. Perhaps this relates to a previous discussion.

I just don't see why this is thread generating all the heat that it is. Instead of a bunch of replies that, yes or no it has an effect on the business aspects which was the original question, there is a lot of "you are an insensitive pig to even ask the question" comments. :confused:
There's another thread in the incall section where many guys, including Mao, voiced very loudly their displeasure at Noir's decision to have her breast enhanced. I'm purposely not liking to it as I do not want to contribute to any more activity on this other thread.

So, this thread here doesn't exist in a vacuum. It was started at the same time as the other thread was very active, making it very difficult for Noir to NOT take it personally and for MTT to rationalize it as "just a general question". Especially since MTT didn't phrase his "innocent" question in a general way: he specifically named Noir and Ryley in his original post.

This is why this thread is offensive and hurtful. Because it opens the door for everyone and their dog to come on here and comment on Noir's (and any other SPs on this board) decision regarding her own body and speculate about her reasons/motivations/self-esteem/sense of self/etc.

To add insult to injury, it's a stupid question to begin with. If the OP was sincere in his curiosity about the relationship between fake tits and sex workers business, he would actually ask those who can provide him with some reasonably credible information: those SPs who have had breast enhancement. Guys here have no fucking clue whether fake tits make a girl more or less busy. I have no fucking clue if getting fake tits would make me more or less busy. So the only answers that this question was going to (and indeed did) generate were mere speculations about something that nobody here but those SP with fake tits know anything about, and more comments and assinine assumptions about what motivate a woman to change her body.

Finally, the fact that Noir -- a smart, down to earth, and no-attitude woman who has been long enough on this board to have growned some tough skin -- was hurt enough by this and the other thread to leave the board should be indication enough that there is indeed something wrong with this thread.


Feb 14, 2008
Fake Tits or Boobs Highly increases the self esteem of the female who under goes enhancement of her breasts...................
Definitely hurts her business intrest if she is an SP/MPA/SC Dancer as over
68% of men prefer All Al La Natural Breasts, if they are just 32 in size then having 34 fake rubber doll boobs in which most men does not feel any pleasure cudding, sucking, or playing with them!
Now the well known Spa has described their each MPA who has all natural or man-made boobs which really helps the clients preference, hope soon other spa's/agencies would also mention the status of their SP's/MPA's breasts for convenience of their clients, as some shy men would hate to ask such a question to the phone guy or girl about the authencity of girls breasts.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
To answer your question...

beenthere123 said:
WTF is wrong with you people. Didn't you just read Captain Fantastic and Smylee's post. Don't you guys get it?

I personaly didn't want to respond to this thread as it was a thread about an SP which is a no no and felt bad for her.

All threads may offend others but why put a name into it.
There's a reason why many guys on this board HAVE to pay for sex - they just don't understand women nor make an effort to do so.

In addition, there are numerous "men" who purport to love natural breasts, but ogle big breasts, real or enhanced and/or make comments about sagging, smaller, malformed or other breasts not being their cup of tea. In many cases, women can't win either way. And guys say women are fickle... LOL!

The lack of respect shown for women on this board, considering everyone claims to "love women", is shocking. I think what most of the guys here should say is "I love women who will put out without question and not expect me to think or act human in the least."

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008

Are you on about? LOL!

Schon said:
Fake Tits or Boobs Highly increases the self esteem of the female who under goes enhancement of her breasts...................
Definitely hurts her business intrest if she is an SP/MPA/SC Dancer as over
68% of men prefer All Al La Natural Breasts, if if they are just 32 in size then having 34 fake rubber doll boobs in which most men does not feel any pleasure cudding, sucking, or playing with them!
Now the well known Spa has described their each MPA who has all natural or man-made boobs which really helps the clients preference, hope soon other spa's/agencies would also mention the status of their SP's/MPA's breasts for convenience of their clients, as some shy men would hate to ask such a question to the phone guy or girl about the authencity of girls breasts.
68% huh? Can I get a study or reasonable poll to back up your "facts"? :cool:


New member
Jun 2, 2009
the road of life.....
Augmented breasts can look .... and feel fantastic; it all comes down to the skill of the surgeon, the size, placement, and ultimately how the woman's body accepts/rejects/attacks the implants themselves.

Personally, I like large boobs - real or augmented. We're all in a fantasy business..... to each his own.... and those of use with similar needs/tastes/wants/projected self images... should all meet & get to know each other !

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Captain Fantastic said:
In addition, there are numerous "men" who purport to love natural breasts, but ogle big breasts, real or enhanced and/or make comments about sagging, smaller, malformed or other breasts not being their cup of tea. In many cases, women can't win either way. And guys say women are fickle... LOL!
I'm in the natural breast camp and I'm a SC guy. With that being said, every once and a while I see a ginormous set 'o manmades and say, "Take me to the VIP!" for shits and giggles. In the general case, if i can tell they're fake I won't testdrive, and if I discover they're fake during the tesdrive I'll generally end it there.

I suspect I'm fairly representative on that.

Big fakes may drive some business in a spectacle or 'shits and giggles' sort of way, but unless you are really significantly under endowed I suspect they'd do more harm than good. If it's a self esteem thing get therapy, if it's something you honestly want to have go ahead. With an exception for the case where your cup size way less than the average cup size for your height / ethnicity.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Captain Fantastic said:
There's a reason why many guys on this board HAVE to pay for sex - they just don't understand women nor make an effort to do so.

In addition, there are numerous "men" who purport to love natural breasts, but ogle big breasts, real or enhanced and/or make comments about sagging, smaller, malformed or other breasts not being their cup of tea. In many cases, women can't win either way. And guys say women are fickle... LOL!

The lack of respect shown for women on this board, considering everyone claims to "love women", is shocking. I think what most of the guys here should say is "I love women who will put out without question and not expect me to think or act human in the least."
I have laid back but now it's time for me to show you for what you are, which is just another in a long line of douchebags who do virtual ass kissing on girl's bottoms, insult hobbyists over and over, and NEVER FUCKING REVIEW. Please tell me what good you are here. If you think that one fucking thing you say to me has any play on what I post or don't post, think again. This is the TORONTO ESCORT REVIEW BOARD, NOT THE TORONTO ASS KISSER AND FEEL GOOD SOCIETY. If you are an escort, getting men to pay you for your body, and you have posted pictures and are happy to make 10x what most men make in a month for a week's work, guess what? People are going to talk about your body. If you're truly a feminist, truly interested in equality and not patting women on the head and doing your tired, old chivalry schtick like a bad skit, you'd say to them: grow a skin and ignore it.

I checked your post history Captain Fantastic, and I cannot find one review in hundreds and hundreds of posts. What I CAN find is an endless stream of comments, putting the men here down, telling them they don't understand women, and just how fucking brilliant you are in every capacity. But you never review. Please explain to me what your worth is, other than being a smartass who lectures men about how to behave? I think we have enough mods already.

The bottom line is that I don't matter and you don't matter, as this is a business whose content is dictated entirely by Fred. He has decided that this thread and the other one stays. If he deletes it, I'll know why--because he makes his money off the women who advertise, not me or you. I'll accept it. I know the rules.

But if we're doing a comparison between you and me, you have little value. Another wanker with an opinion. Yea yea yea.

I believe in respect for the ladies, but I also believe that when guys like you try and curry favour with SP's at the expense of the free flow of information that will actually save some poor schmuck his hard earned bread because a girl has fake tits and he didn't know it and doesn't like 'em, well, you need a wake up call. It astounds me that people somehow equate feminism with the freedom to get fake tits and then be immune to criticism, as if this is what Betty Frieden and Gloria Steinem fought for--fake tits. When the fuck did it become a measure of my good humanity to clap my fucking hands and say "good for her" when she decides to get fake tits?? What an upside down world we're living in when a poor man says "I liked you exactly as you were" and then is called a pig or insensitive! And especially on a review board, one that girls happily use to put hundreds of thousands of dollars into their bank accounts, and then scream when they don't like how the knife cuts two ways. Jesus, that's the marketplace. Don't be an escort if you can't take comments about your body.

The topic of fake tits, discussed generally OR particularly, is part of this board. We discuss EVERYTHING ELSE, from weight to pussy odor to ass to labia and all the clinical stops in between, but somehow talking about fake tits is off limits. When did we decide that ONLY positive things are worth posting? When? Jesus Christ. :(

What women say about us is not pretty. I got banned because I challenged one popular high priced lady who called us "losers". But when the shoe is on the other foot, where there's an OPINION expressed about their looks or "enhancements", there's a fucking hysterical fit. Talk about a double standard that gets up a walks. This board actually treats women tremendously well, especially given the illicit and very seedy underbelly that this business has. But again, it's not a support group for women who get fake tits or escorts who can't handle the biz--it's a review board.

One more thing: I exist very happily in the real world. I'm not a keyboard warrior. I have seen hundreds of women, and have NEVER had as much as a complaint about my manners, hygiene or decorum. I like and respect women. But I consider myself interested in true equality, not the bullshit kind practised here by ass kissers and hysterics. Something to think about.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Kya_Jean said:
He said that a woman who got implants would not be able to get a man of quality. That is also an insult to woman with implants - don't you think?

I took it as a screwed up definition of what constitutes "quality" but I guess I can see where you would take it that way. In all honesty at a certain point it may very well affect your choices. Speaking in generalities, at one end of the spectrum, a "Morganna" sized chest would probably significantly limit the number of guys attracted to that particular body type.

I also have to say that I have some, although not complete, sympathy for many of Mao's comments and think that many people overreacted..

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Mao Tse Tongue said:
...One more thing: I exist very happily in the real world. I'm not a keyboard warrior. I have seen hundreds of women, and have NEVER had as much as a complaint about my manners, hygiene or decorum. I like and respect women. But I consider myself interested in true equality, not the bullshit kind practised here by ass kissers and hysterics. Something to think about.
Wha, wha, whaaaa... You can dish it out but you can't take it? Big baby.

I've said my bit about why I felt your post was out of line - I just wanted to laugh at you one more time for being such a thin-skinned ninny. I mean, you put your post out there for all to read and comment on, and yet when you received comments that you didn't like... well, we know how that turned out. :p
Mao Tse Tongue said:
One more thing: I exist very happily in the real world. I'm not a keyboard warrior. I have seen hundreds of women, and have NEVER had as much as a complaint about my manners, hygiene or decorum. I like and respect women. But I consider myself interested in true equality, not the bullshit kind practised here by ass kissers and hysterics. Something to think about.

This coming from the guy who wanted to have psychological warfare with a chick he may have knocked up while drunk one night. Wanted to torture her into having a abortion when you didn't even know for sure if the child was yours. I think she would complain about lack of respect, manners, etc. But we know MTT, it was her fault. She got pregnant all by herself. LOL So much for equality.

You have no respect for women, only what they can do for you. IN my opinion based on your posting history.

And I guess it has been awhile but I haven't seen a recent review from you either. Just saying - Since you brought it to CF's attention, I thought it only fitting to bring it to yours as well.

Lastly, and I hope everyone can see this.... there is no winning with you regardless of what people here. Why? Because you will only change things around to suit yourself. The fact that you come up here with all you bold text and huge writing basically yelling like a little school in an overly dramatic defense shows that to me - you know you were out of line, but you have too much fun laughing at others being offended. Telling them they are taking things too seriously, yet when someone calls you on your shit, you get just as upset. It is laughable, you are right, but not why you think it is.

Regardless of your intent which 90% of here know was to be an insulting jerk - you have succeeded in getting Noir to stop posting on TERB. I hope you are happy with the outcome. Congrats to you! You are the man! :rolleyes:


New member
Aug 8, 2008
On the flip side,

Would the ladies rather see a male client who had a natural dick or an enhanced dick which felt & looked a bit different from the norm?

Don't overanalyze and bring the man's personality etc into play, just make a visceral decision based on your first gut instinct about that particular body part.

Because the same applies to men when we think about fakes vs. natural boobs. Has nothing to do with the woman's character but just how we emotionally react to a particular body part which appears and feels different than what most of us have experienced through life.

I think that is what it boils down to.

I'd be curious to find out if guys who were breastfed as infants prefer the massive fake boobies or are for the natural camp.

Me, I prefer natural. But I have seen Jayna James and had a fantastic time with her. :)
Bale said:
On the flip side,

Would the ladies rather see a male client who had a natural dick or an enhanced dick which felt & looked a bit different from the norm?

Don't overanalyze and bring the man's personality etc into play, just make a visceral decision based on your first gut instinct about that particular body part.

Because the same applies to men when we think about fakes vs. natural boobs. Has nothing to do with the woman's character but just how we emotionally react to a particular body part which appears and feels different than what most of us have experienced through life.

I think that is what it boils down to.

I'd be curious to find out if guys who were breastfed as infants prefer the massive fake boobies or are for the natural camp.

Me, I prefer natural. But I have seen Jayna James and had a fantastic time with her.
I can't honestly say what I would prefer because that it not a norm. But I can say that while I may personally prefer a cut man over an uncut man, I would never say no to man simply because he didn't gets some foreskin cut off his dick. I would not say that men who are uncut are this and that. You all know what is said about uncut men.

As for going after MTT's personality. He opened that door when he started it with others. It is all fair game since he "believes" in equality. :rolleyes:
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Captain Fantastic said:
Wha, wha, whaaaa... You can dish it out but you can't take it? Big baby.

I've said my bit about why I felt your post was out of line - I just wanted to laugh at you one more time for being such a thin-skinned ninny. I mean, you put your post out there for all to read and comment on, and yet when you received comments that you didn't like... well, we know how that turned out. :p
I'm glad to have owned you. Please drive through.

When will we see your reviews? And have you applied to be a TERB mod yet so you can lecture more virtual men?
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