Discretion issue...


New member
May 7, 2003
Having a slight dilema in maintaining my spare quality time with the wife and hobbying (which I do enjoy). Discretion is an obvious factor. In other words, don't want the wife to catch onto my other activities. Any suggestions on how to keep the cake but enjoy the icing elsewheres???? There are so many flavors to enjoy! Thanks...

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I'll give you some free advise, I'm an expert at this:

I always say that I'm going to my friend's house. But I never give her the number of my friend because I always say that it's a co-worker. You have to acclimatize women to your lying. Always make sure that you have to work overtime to accustomize her to your bed-hopping.

Remember never to bring anything from your other women home. Be careful with pieces of paper with phone #'s on them. Be careful with lipsticks marking on t-shirt's or your neck. Be careful with perfume residue from the other woman. Also always deny deny and deny. Always plan ahead and rehearse what lie you are going to give your wife. Always have an alibi that cannot be proven. Never give your phone numebr to the other woman, not even your own private FIDO ###. My wife once started searching my FIDO and found numbers but because I'm smart I always keep the numbers of other women under male names.

Use Mossad-like and KGB tacticts like I do. Always keep the phone ###'s of other women under male names. Never write phone ###'s in walls or paper or in your phone, write them in the pillars of your underground garage or in the back wall of a building that is not yours, you have to keep safe. And to avoid 1,000 strangers calling your mistress, always write her phone number backwards when you write them in a familiar public place. I keep all the numbers of my girlfriends in the pillar of my underground parking. But I'm not stupid, I don't write them in my own parking space, I write them in the pillars of other space parkings.

Keep all this in mind and you will never get caught. I have cheated like a hundred times on my wife without a quip of complaints from her.


New member
Jan 31, 2003

Dude, I gotta give it to ya.... this has been the most entertaining detailed post I read in weeks :D

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that it is bullshit. But the way you put it, is so.... so.... entertaining .....LMFAO

Man ,in any case, if it works, it works.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Why bother?

Why do those who go to so much trouble to cheat on their wives bother? Why stay married when you're spending half your time writing phone numbers under male names on parking pillars? If you're that anxious to have other women (hundreds of times!)...why are you married?


Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
zog: Why go fishing if you can just go to the store and buy whatever fish you want?


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
I don't get it?

Goober Mcfly said:
zog: Why go fishing if you can just go to the store and buy whatever fish you want?
Whatcha smokin Goob?

I understand the joys of variety and the chase. But if that's what you want, why complicate life with a wife?



B(.)(.)B Lover
Dec 5, 2001
Re: Why bother?

zog said:
Why do those who go to so much trouble to cheat on their wives bother? Why stay married when you're spending half your time writing phone numbers under male names on parking pillars? If you're that anxious to have other women (hundreds of times!)...why are you married?
Zog, it's too expensive for a divorce.....child support and alimoney!!!

Better to settle for the married but cheating option.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Alien (<>..<>) said:
But I'm not stupid, I don't write them in my own parking space, I write them in the pillars of other space parkings.
You forgot to mention that you should write the numbers with your opposite hand so that your handwriting can't be recognized. Better yet, cut out numbers from different papers and magazines or consider using invisible ink.

I think I'm glad I'm single being in this hobby.


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
I agree...

shack said:
I think I'm glad I'm single being in this hobby.
I'm with you on that!

I enjoy the single life. I don't have to answer to a spouse and I can date go to SCs or see SPs as I please. The only reason (IMO) to give that up for a full-time GF (or equivalent) would be if I found one single woman that was better than all the freedom and variety.

As long as I prefer the variety...that's what I'll stay with.


Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I'm married and cheat because I'm 32 years old-- ya know what that means? It's high-time I have a decent woman at home and kids with her. I already have a baby boy and plan on having 3 more boys.

I have the best of both worlds, warm meals and affection at home and girlfriends to go to the movies out in the city. A man that is not married and has no kids at age 35 is already on the other side of the hill, time to start packing and get on the choo-choo train to fuckville.

Holy hell guys, you are supposed to start having kids in your 30's so when you are 75 you don't have to die alone in a retirement home playng checkers with old people. It's not a bad gig to get married, as long as you keep your wife as a sedated sheep like I do. Use your wits guys, don't get caught cheating. It's bullshit that we should stay stuck with one woman only, not even bulls stay with one cow, they screw dozens, don't we have more rights than a bull for christ's sakes? Think about it.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Alien (<>..<>) said:
... girlfriends to go to the movies out in the city...
Gotta ask you one thing here:
what if a friend of your wife saw you seeing a movie in a cinema with another girl, hand in hand, necking and all the dating stuff, and that friend told your wife about what she saw.... How will you then deal with it ?
(let's assume your wife has friends in the city.)

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Alien (<>..<>) said:
not even bulls stay with one cow, they screw dozens, don't we have more rights than a bull for christ's sakes? Think about it.
Yeah and we all know just how smart bulls are too!

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Berlin said:
Gotta ask you one thing here:
what if a friend of your wife saw you seeing a movie in a cinema with another girl, hand in hand, necking and all the dating stuff, and that friend told your wife about what she saw.... How will you then deal with it ?
(let's assume your wife has friends in the city.)
Holy hell BERLIN, you expect my friends and family seeing me in the movies??! LOL

My family and friends don't speak english and don't have a habit of going to the cinemas at 9:00pm on Friday/Saturday nights or any other time. The Moon will turn green before any of my friends/family walk within 1 kilometer of a cinema. It would be akin to a Muslim Cleric looking at me getting a lap dance at Lancaster House: It will never happen.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Alien (<>..<>) said:
I'm married and cheat because I'm 32 years old-- ya know what that means? It's high-time I have a decent woman at home and kids with her. I already have a baby boy and plan on having 3 more boys.

The girl children go to the wolves.


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
Re: I don't get it?

zog said:
I understand the joys of variety and the chase. But if that's what you want, why complicate life with a wife?

Zog: For some of us marriage is just a fact of like, just as partaking in a hobby like this is. With resonable precautions you can have both worlds in play without catastrophe occuring.
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