customer ethnicity

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New member
Apr 9, 2002
In view of the responses which asian don't like to hear and the emotionally and politically charged counter responses, you are not going to hear from any more SPs. Nobody is going to stick his/her neck out to speak from his/her perspective.

Next time, you better specify (1) your ethnicity and (2) that politically in-correct responses are not welcome.

Of course, you probably will get feeddback from asians only ,

Quite franky, I wonder what were you after when you posted this thread ?

When you have to resort to name-calling and mud slinging, it shows you are losing your arguement.

hapkido said:

It's interesting not hear from more SPs on this thread.


New member
Jun 15, 2003
Gee LarryL you so smart! thanks for the enlightening commentary!


Flaming Pig :(8)~
Jan 7, 2003
GTA (Gash, Tits, and Ass)
No, actually.

Originally posted by ice_dog
Obviously, you guys are pissed off because I am telling something you don't like to hear.
Actually, I'm not pissed off. I'm rather amused that you would be willing to conclude that dating outside of one's native culture is a sign of selling out. I think that being willing to date people, without putting limits on their culture, is a sign of open-mindedness.

Some people are not prejudiced by a person's culture and will be willing to date anyone they find appealing on a personal level. An open-minded member of a minority will quite possibly date more outside of their culture for the simple reason that most others in the community are of a different background (that's what minority means).

Dating outside of one's culture is quite often a sign of less or no prejudice.

Since you seem to have a negative view of those who date outside of your culture, I can only wonder if you are possibly somewhat prejudiced yourself.



New member
Jun 15, 2003
Psst Pyro I didnt quote that line was icedoggy Doh! It's ok no appologies required.

fred shiek goober is it getting out of hand? I say close this baby up!while it's still mildly polite.

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
I thought this thread would die an early death, but it seems to go on.

You mention some good points pyro. I also believe that discussion of cultural issues without inhabition is also a sign of open-mindness. I don't believe that any culture is perfect, but closed-minded people attempt to defend one culture or the other.

Anyway, I think one of the reasons why asian men see non-asian SPs may be due to the fact that asians are very close knit. Some of the hobbeist may want to preserve their confedentiality.
Aug 20, 2003
Big Daddy said:

Anyway, I think one of the reasons why asian men see non-asian SPs may be due to the fact that asians are very close knit. Some of the hobbeist may want to preserve their confedentiality.
That's one of the reasons why I don't see Asians. I don't wanna run into my SP or MPA at Pacific Mall while shopping with our mothers. Besides, the Asian community isn't really that big in Toronto. It is very easy to run into people ...

And yes, you are right. No culture is perfect. As long as we acknowledge this, I think we can learn from each other and get rid of our weaknesses with other's strength. And as a result, bring East and West closer ... bring humanity closer.

What is great is that we are all Canadians and can actually talk about this without getting into a real fist fight. I mean, think about it, if all the White boys were in Europe and all the Asians were in Asia and we met in a cafe somewhere in the Middle East to talk about this, I am sure a fight would break out! But yet, we share this piece of all we all call home and talk.


Feb 16, 2002
Interesting points, but you are missing the key issue- SIZE. Yes, size does matter. My chinese girlfriend used to spurn off her chinese admirers because of this issue. Oh, don't try to argue with me on this subject. You know, I am Jamican black. As my girl friend says all the time, once you go black, you don't back.
If you dont' belive me, dare to compare

Good luck to your next pooning

hapkido said:
I have asian female friends who only date caucasin men and from what I have learned here are some of the reasons they don't date asian guys. I don't necessarily agree with some of the answers but who am I to tell them what they should like.

1) generally asian men are shorter and have a smaller body frame
2) asian men remind them of their brothers or rebellion against parents
3) they were raised in an all caucasin community which shaped their preferences for caucasin males

Also I really do believe media plays a large part on what the "ideal" male should be and you don't see alot of asian role models in Western Media . I'm sorry but Jackie and Jet Li is not representative of us asian males. LOL. We aren't all born with Karate and math skills. LOL


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Well resourse I'm glad you have done a scientifically significant survey of erect penises by race to come up with this conclusion . Tell me did you measure on the top ?

This is a bit silly isn't it ?


New member
Apr 9, 2002
I can`t believe this is still alive ?

My guess is that there could have been more informative responses, had the originator not suggested some answers to his questions like " Or is it part of the asian culture to hobby? Or are most asian web savy and have access to sp more so than others? Or are they one horny bunch? "

Interesting thing is there is a similar thread on PERB. Just pay attention to how the question was posted and how responses followed. There is one political sensitive post by Little Alex, but all everybody took it in strides.

Here is the link to the similar topic on our sister board.

BTW, I saw a picture in which Little Alex datying, very funny.

Will post the link if I can find it...

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
[resource] said:
Interesting points, but you are missing the key issue- SIZE. Yes, size does matter. My chinese girlfriend used to spurn off her chinese admirers because of this issue. Oh, don't try to argue with me on this subject. You know, I am Jamican black. As my girl friend says all the time, once you go black, you don't back.
If you dont' belive me, dare to compare

No wonder you asian guys have to see SPs all the time or jerk off 3 times a day like Sub

Good luck to your next pooning
And I know a SP who said that she avoids certain individuals if they are big. The only size that really matters is the size of wallet and asians seem to certainly have a large size wallet. I think, I would not believe what my girlfriend too much. She knows how to please when things are going right and taunt when they aren't.


New member
Jun 15, 2003
LarryL I'm not going to over analyze every topic I throw out and think through every conceivable paramater or framework to have a "proper" discussion. Fuck man i just finish seeing a SP and she made the comment about 50%? I thought it was interesting and threw up a topic. Now you want to berate me on symantics? What are you an academic?

You have people from all walks of life who have their own opinion and belief system. Politically or Not Politically correct. So let's leave it at that and stop bustin my balls and get some ass.
Aug 20, 2003
As I look through the archives, I have noticed two generalizations abour Asians in North America. They are: 1) have short dicks, hence poor lovers and 2) are rich.

All I wish to put forth is that these two generalizations are most inaccurate. Please do correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Ron Jeremy a Hindu? And, have you ever seen an Asian dude in Toronto driving a really beat up 1988 Toyota Corolla that's falling apart? I have!

Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
Takeda Shingen said:
As I look through the archives, I have noticed two generalizations abour Asians in North America. They are: 1) have short dicks, hence poor lovers and 2) are rich.

All I wish to put forth is that these two generalizations are most inaccurate. Please do correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Ron Jeremy a Hindu? And, have you ever seen an Asian dude in Toronto driving a really beat up 1988 Toyota Corolla that's falling apart? I have!

The story is quiet different here in USA. The richest community in US is Indians then Japanese. At the bottom are blacks and hispanics.


New member
Jun 15, 2003
I would think black women and men generally have larger body frames than asians and would therefore would have larger sexual anatomys.

A small percentage of asian women like big cock and a large percentage of them who wouldn't go near a blackman. Some asian sps have commented to me that larger cocks hurt them and they don't enjoy the session.


New member
Aug 27, 2003
hapkido said:
Well other girls what's your take? Just curious.
See aboved...

Hapkido's thread was an attempt to illicit information from female members. All I've seen here is a bunch of males giving their 2cents. How sad!
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