Ashley Madison

Climate Change

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
our climate system is dynamic, non-linear & chaotic
So far more complicated than you have been mislead to believe
so yeah lots to unpack

first leason
our climate system is dynamic, non-linear & chaotic is not controlled by a trace, orderless, colorless , inert gas measure in parts per million

The historical average is not 260 ppm
CO2 has historically been decreasing
Learn something, plants die below 150 ppm, then every living thing on the planet dies

1. what part of these facts do you not understand
the turn over of natural emissions of CO2 via plants dying / rotting and Co2 aspirating from the oceans is 50 X what man-kind produces
the planet has had mush higher Co2 levels 4,000 ppm than current 400 ppm so it is not possible to blame 100% of the 0.01% change on man kind

2. Satellite temperatures show a Tropopause 0.18 C anomaly from the 30 year mean , despite what you call a very alarming increase in CO2
Temperatures are just not following the alarmist play book

View attachment 232401
3. The 15 micron wavelength is saturated- This is fundamental physics as per the Beer-lambert law
View attachment 232405

Like so many phenomena in nature, absorption has a logarithmic relationship to concentration
View attachment 232402

I never mentioned Cambrian, do not misrepresent me
Co2 levels have historically been much higher than present levels

what flora existed?
Healthy planets, CO2 is plant food

Study says Canadian forest fires have declined since 1989 peak – RCI | English (
View attachment 232411
No definitive trend
It would be a downward trend if they showed back to the 1930s

You compared the ozone issue (a chemical effect) to the greenhouse gas theory (a theory , never experimentally proven, & a physical effect

Nope my first Leeson was - do not compare a chemical effect to a physical effect, but I will not quibble about the order of leasons
the point is you compared a chemical effect to a physical effect, despite being instructed not to compare a chemical effect to a physical effect and instructed not to do this early in science class

Glad you brought up the scientific method
You do understand ?:
1. The Greenhouse gas theory has never been experimentally proven , hence the stipulation that it is a theory
2. All the catastrophic climate projections & doomsday propaganda are derived from computer simulation models
computer simulation Models with an absolutely abysmal forecasting record
computer simulation Models which can not reproduce the past
computer simulation Models which are woefully inadequate to model our dynamic, non-linear & chaotic climate system
They have performed well as propaganda tools , if misleading others is your objective

so explain where the experiment part comes in with computer simulation models ?

you left out the part where the hypothesis gets rejected if experimental results do not match up with predictions

Do not be ridiculous
Prove any of the scientific facts I have stated as incorrect or run away sniveling

we are certainly not
I understand the scientific principles
you spew the propaganda

View attachment 232413

Thought you might like this......


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
We all know all those wildfires in Alberta were caused by WEF, Bill Gates and Trudope !


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I don't know who caused those fires but I think a
comparison of carbon emission level over 2016--
--2022 to what it was over 2006--2015 should place
Trudeau above Harper as the more likely cause. Libtards
here would want you to believe voting Trudeau and his
Liberals would save us from natural disasters though.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
We all know all those wildfires in Alberta were caused by WEF, Bill Gates and Trudope !
yeah nutjob activists have no qualms about blocking roadways, gluing their faces to pavement, intentionally misleading children or destroying priceless works of art
but they draw the line at starting bush fires?

they are irrational , irresponsible lunatics , so yes they start wildfires


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
yeah nutjob activists have no qualms about blocking roadways, gluing their faces to pavement, intentionally misleading children or destroying priceless works of art
but they draw the line at starting bush fires?

they are irrational , irresponsible lunatics , so yes they start wildfires
Totally unhinged.
Climate change protesters starting forest fires?

That's wacked.


Well-known member
May 25, 2021
It's all great, but these two are the best:

2. Satellite temperatures show a Tropopause 0.18 C anomaly from the 30 year mean , despite what you call a very alarming increase in CO2
Temperatures are just not following the alarmist play book

View attachment 232401

3. The 15 micron wavelength is saturated- This is fundamental physics as per the Beer-lambert law
View attachment 232405
The tropopause is a boundary layer. It doesn't really have a temperature. But then you post a graph showing a 0.6°C increase in 40-ish years?

#3 is pure gobbledygook. The 15 micron wavelength of what? Is saturated how? Are you trying to say that no 15micron radiation reaches through the atmosphere? You seem to be operating in a world where people don't have google. I'm not a beer-lambert expert, but that form of the equation has 6 conditions needed to be valid, none of which are true when it comes to the atmosphere. Further, the form of the equation that is applied to the atmosphere is not the one you posted here.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It's all great, but these two are the best:
]The tropopause is a boundary layer. It doesn't really have a temperature.
what a ridiculous statement

height of troposphere in km - Google Search
The troposphere begins at the Earth's surface and extends from 4 to 12 miles (6 to 20 km) high.
The troposphere is where climate is determined and it is also where the alarmist scientists have predicted the warming will occur

of course there is a temperature
do you know of any other 20 km high sections of atmosphere without a temperature ??

But then you post a graph showing a 0.6°C increase in 40-ish years?
and a 0.2 C decrease since 1998 despite a 17% increase in CO2 concentration . this is nearly a quarter of a century
Temperatures are just not following the alarmist play book

#3 is pure gobbledygook. The 15 micron wavelength of what?
if you have to ask what the 15 micron wavelength is, you clearly do not have the slight clue about the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by organic molecules. this is the fundamental mechanism underpinning the greenhouse gas theory

hint: the 15 micron wavelength is the relevant absorption wavelength for Co2 , water vapor also absorbs at this wavelength

Is saturated how?
As i already mentioned absorption has a logarithmic relationship to concentration

if you are going to be rude at least avoid being ignorant as well and pay attention

incremental additions to concentration absorb diminishing incremental energy.... until you can no longer measure the incremental energy..
think of painting a barn red , the first two coats of red paint make the barn redder, the 8th or 9th coat do not make the barn appear redder, you are just wasting paint


Are you trying to say that no 15micron radiation reaches through the atmosphere?
the 15 micron wavelength is opaque when viewed from space

You seem to be operating in a world where people don't have google.
you seem to be operating in a world where scientific principals get ignored in favor of propaganda

I'm not a beer-lambert expert,
no you are not

but that form of the equation has 6 conditions needed to be valid, none of which are true when it comes to the atmosphere.
the Beer- lambert law is most commonly applied in solutions , no doubt your conditions are related to solution chemistry

the underlying principal is same for gasses

a photon traveling at the speed of light does not stop to ask if this is a solution or a gas

Further, the form of the equation that is applied to the atmosphere is not the one you posted here.
so now you confirm the Beer- lambert law is applied to the atmosphere??
Please make up your mind

no doubt the form of the equation is modified to account for the unit length l, which is length of the cuvette cell used in solution chemistry
the logarithmic relationship between absorption and concentration still holds true
like so many things in nature
1683906103312.png [/QUOTE]
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Well-known member
May 25, 2021
Flap Flap, Coo Coo.
You actually went back and edited your original comment to say Troposphere and not Tropopause. To cover up for the fact that you were wrong. Not realizing that like 3 other people had quoted the original. On a message board dedicated to sex worker reviews...

Man, I've been arguing on the internet since the 90's. You've shown me something new today.

Go find a soup kitchen to volunteer at. Do some good in the world.
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Reactions: Valcazar


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You actually went back and edited your original comment to say Troposphere and not Tropopause


To cover up for the fact that you were wrong.
no i strive to be accurate & fix typos when i notice them
Not realizing that like 3 other people had quoted the original.
On a message board dedicated to sex worker reviews...
just as irrelevant

Man, I've been arguing on the internet since the 90's.
and yet you still do not understand the subject matter

You've shown me something new today.
good please pay attention

Go find a soup kitchen to volunteer at. Do some good in the world.
go scare some more children with your lies

The troposphere is where climate is determined and it is also where the alarmist scientists have predicted the warming will occur
too bad for you Temperatures are just not following the alarmist play book

you think tropopause vs troposphere is a got ya moment
you are so wrong

it is clear you do not have the first loose clue about the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by organic molecules
this is the fundamental mechanism underpinning the greenhouse gas theory

yet you take the propaganda as absolute truth

you are out of your depth

you just spew propaganda & are incapable thinking for your self
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
No no it's all because of poor forest management. Trump said it a few years ago. We need to vacuum our forest. Simple.
poor forest management is a factor that can not be ignored, yet alarmist ignore this
just like cloud formation is ignored in climate models
just like urban island heat effect are ignored in surface temp records
just like natural variability is ignored (despite multiple ice ages before the industrial revolution)
just like the million sub sea volcanoes are ignored
just like solar variability is ignored
just like the abysmal computer model track record is ignored

but a 0.01% change in atmospheric composition is unquestionable proof positive of AGW ??
I do not think so
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
What role did climate change play in Alberta’s wildfires?

There are a few main ingredients behind wildfires in Alberta. The province’s particularly grim fire season so far this year — in which more than 400 wildfireshave burned more than 122,000 hectares of land, and displaced around 30,000 people — is mostly due to weather conditions, according to Mike Flannigan, research chair for predictive services, emergency management and fire science at Thompson Rivers University.

In particular, this is because, under climate change, Alberta is growing warmer and drier, creating an ideal stomping ground for wildfires. “I attribute this primarily to human-caused climate change. And the reason is, you know, as we get warmer, we are seeing more fires,” he told The Weather Network.

But it’s a complex issue, and there are many other factors that go into whether any given year is going to be average or a rager. And, not every factor this year (and others) is immediately connected to a warming climate, caused largely by burning fossil fuels.

Here’s what can and cannot be blamed on climate change this fire season, and going forward.

Did climate change literally start the fires?

Well, no. There’s not some kind of Captain Planet villain going around and starting fires. Captain Planet is a now ancient cartoon and this is real life. Wildfires generally start one of two ways: lightning, and human activities, a person flicking a cigarette butt into dry grass for instance. Mostly, but not always, these are accidental cases. Across Canada, the number of incidents where humans start wildfires has been decreasing thanks to things like fire bans. This holds true in Alberta too, where the five-year average, as of 2022, shows that 68 per cent of fires were caused by humans, and 32 per cent were caused by lightning. That year, the numbers were 61 and 38 per cent, respectively (one per cent is listed as under investigation). This year there have been a number of human-casued fires, but half are still under investigation.

But, climate change may also cause an increase in storms in Alberta. On one hand, this could mean more precipitation and, thus, less dry matter to catch flame. On the other, it could mean more lightning strikes. This latter point is a concern this year as well. So, it’s kind of a mixed bag.

Ok, but, where does El Niño fit in?

This year, the world appears to be transitioning away from a La Niña (cold) to an El Niño (warm) weather system. This is believed to have contributed to how hot Alberta got this year and, as such, the fires. Both events usually happen every three to seven years, but often on irregular schedules, and the warmer version occurring more often.

According to Marc-André Parisien, a research scientist with Natural Resources Canada, Alberta was expected to see a later spring, but La Niña ended “a little bit faster than anticipated.”

“And it looks like we're kind of barging into an El Niño situation here a little bit quicker than we thought,” he told The Weather Network.

It’s possible that climate change could cause more frequent, and stronger, El Niño events, but the verdict is out.

Doesn’t May always get wildfires?

For sure. May is regularly the busiest wildfire month in Alberta, but May got off to a rough start this year.

According to Parisien, the seeds for this year’s fire season were sewn late last summer. The province got a moisture deficit because of a late summer drought, which, at least, was made more likely by climate change. Then the following winter was mild and had below average precipitation. So, by the time May rolled around, the “spring window” — the period of time between when the snow melts and when plants start turning green again — was a dry one. And then it got hot, and windy.

It was pretty hot, dry and windy wasn’t it?

Take a look at some of the biggest fires the province has seen recently: namely the 2011 Slave Lake fire, the 2016 Fort McMurray Fire, and the 2019 Chuckegg Creek fire. Flannigan noted that this year has similar conditions to those past events. “It seems like every three to five years, we have a very active spring,” he said.

According to Flannigan’s previous research, eight of the worst wildfire weather years on record happened in the past decade.

Plus, according to Parisien, after wildfire crews put out a blaze, the fire can still do a slow burn in the soil. When things get warmer, drier and windier, these fires spread more. This means more fires can start, or escape the initial efforts to suppress them. “You’re gonna get fires that grow faster, bigger and more intensely,” he said.

That sounds bad.

Flannigan noted that not every year is going to be as bad as this one. Some will inevitably be relatively mild. But it’s worth noting that it’s just three per cent of fires in Canada that are responsible for 97 per cent of the total area burnt. These fires are more likely to start on days with extreme heat, he said, which Alberta can expect to see more of going forward.

The first week of May saw record high temperatures broken across the province and some weather stations reported temperatures as high as 30C.

Beyond the area burnt, people displaced, and inevitable health impacts that come from wildfire smoke, these fires also feed into climate change. One study found that forest fires alone, including those in North America, usually make up 10 per cent of global emissions. But the fires in 2021 accounted for 23 per cent.

So, it’s not great, no.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
What role did climate change play in Alberta’s wildfires?

There are a few main ingredients behind wildfires in Alberta. The province’s particularly grim fire season so far this year — in which more than 400 wildfireshave burned more than 122,000 hectares of land, and displaced around 30,000 people — is mostly due to weather conditions, according to Mike Flannigan, research chair for predictive services, emergency management and fire science at Thompson Rivers University.

Thankfully changes driven by climate alarmism should render disasters like
this a thing of the past in the near future. Our leaders and majority of the population
have long understood and accepted climate change. What needs to be done is
to see to it that climate policies initiated are to remain in place and progress
steadily. By 2050 emission will be reduced to zero if government's climate
plans are on schedule. Oil production will carry on beyond 2050 but according
to Steven Guilbeault he approved the Bay Du Nord project only under the
condition that the project will attain zero emission by then. Extending zero
emission requirement from offshore Newfoundland to Alberta oil sands and
other oil producing regions should enable us to continue exporting oil into
the distant future free of concerns about hurricanes and forest fire.

Climate activists' would better shift their focus from climate alarmism
to monitoring our government's climate policies. Any signs of slack in
our climate leaders must be dealt with by climate lawsuits and strikes.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
yeah nutjob activists have no qualms about blocking roadways, gluing their faces to pavement, intentionally misleading children or destroying priceless works of art
but they draw the line at starting bush fires?

they are irrational , irresponsible lunatics , so yes they start wildfires
you must be referring to the Convoy people.... Freedumb!


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Convoy people are not the ones I'll worry about setting
forest to fire as it won't serve their interest.

Climate alarmists must understand it is not climate change
people should be warned about and educated on. It is the lack
of climate action and its consequence that merit more of their

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
poor forest management is a factor that can not be ignored, yet alarmist ignore this
just like cloud formation is ignored in climate models
just like urban island heat effect are ignored in surface temp records
just like natural variability is ignored (despite multiple ice ages before the industrial revolution)
just like the million sub sea volcanoes are ignored
just like solar variability is ignored
just like the abysmal computer model track record is ignored

but a 0.01% change in atmospheric composition is unquestionable proof positive of AGW ??
I do not think so
None of those issues are ignored, if you actually looked at an IPCC report you'd know that.
Ignorance is not bliss, its ignorance.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The troposphere is where climate is determined and it is also where the alarmist scientists have predicted the warming will occur
This is an idiotic statement from larue as he tries to cover his ass for attempting a bait and switch.

Climate change uses surface temperatures for their projections and measurements, not the temperature 4-20km up in the atmosphere.
To try to claim that the temperature on the surface of the planet isn't warming because its not warming as fast in the troposphere is dishonest and idiotic.

You can't bait and switch by changing the terms in the discussion.

The global temperature is going up on the surface of the planet you live on larue.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts