No convictions against anyone except family members. Rob first denied that he had an addiction, and off course all his base were scolding the press for it. Then the truth was obvious and he confessed.
Surely, for now Dougie will deny it. As he got away with this illegal activity, obviously he is not going to confess to it. One day he could come out and change his statement when he is outed by those involved.
That journalist published the "Sexual" groping about a decade ago. She described the incident to the Publisher who employed her. But the Publisher clearly stated that it was not "Sexual" in nature. Obviously, her account of it will be contradicted by the Publisher. So the Publisher and Trudeau can corroborate one another's account of it. Trudeau had apologized the following day, and it should have been water under the bridge. Why did she Publish that allegation then. She should come clean now that the right wing press are trying their best to find that smoking gun.
In the case of Donnie boy when he is turfed out of Whitehouse, hopefully after the Mid Terms, then the 20 or so women will have a field day as he then can be indicted for those crimes.