Boob, as usual you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, or only have 1/8 the story and can't comprehend the rest.
Yes, Harper has a Master's degree in Economics from what was a 2nd rate school at the time (University of Calgary where he also completed his undergrad). It took him almost a decade to get and he never worked as an Economist. (His undergrad started at U of T and he dropped out after a year, along with his pal and fellow dropout - Charle's McVety.) Harper calls himself an "Economist", which is the same as a history graduate calling himself a "Historian" - a huge stretch both ways. Harper's pre-political experience was years working for Imperial Oil's mailroom - a job his Dad got for him. Then he entered politics after FINALLY getting his Master's degree - working for Preston Manning and Deborah (pronounced "De-
bore-ah" LOL) Grey during the early years of the Reform Party. Harper has NO private sector experience outside of pushing a mail cart as "that creepy mail-room guy with the dead eyes". Prior to being elected PM, Harper had only left Canada once, on an all-you can eat, all-inclusive Caribbean vacation. That influenced his world view of believing that no third world nation is worthy of Canada's aid when there is obviously more than enough food at the resort buffet table.
Oh, and in keeping with the spirit of this thread - have to detail Harper's sexual past. Stephen Harper and Charle's McVety both fled U of T after being bullied for being gay lovers. (Sheesh, Toronto "progressives" are such mean spirited hypocrites!) This set off their life long self loathing hatred of Toronto progressives and gays (in that order). OF COURSE, the young Stephen Harper was also De
borah Grey's lover and back door man (as well as Preston, who swung only one way politically, but both ways when it came to pleasures of the flesh). Harper met his future wife, Laureen (pronounced: "Lurleen") who was into leather and bondage. He later learned that not only was she previously married, she was bi-sexual. During Harper's later years's as PM, Lurleen would find comfort in the arms of her female RCMP bodyguard - spending many nights of hot passionate lovemaking in the Chateau Laurier, where she lived after realizing that her husband was a total dick. And yes, Stephen Harper abused kittens.
Now Scheer: Again, you are TOTALLY out to lunch. Scheer has 6 months private sector experience after graduating from God know's what undergrad degree.... (wait - thanks to Wikipedia, Scheer obtained a degree from U of Regina after dropping out of U of Ottawa's history program.... so he is a HISTORIAN... LOL! BTW - what is it about the CPC and leaders who dropout of University at a larger school, to finish their degrees at a smaller, less prestigious institution?) Anyway, Scheer's ONLY private sector experience was 6 months working for an Insurance Company in their training program where presumably he was told that he lacked the personality to become an Actuary, so he quit or was fired. So SIX MONTHS is Scheer's total private sector "business experience" before moving to Ottawa and sucking at the public teat as a kiss-ass backbencher. He was voted youngest Speaker by his MP peer's the same way he won the leadership of the CPC... by commanding the "meh" vote. Remember: Scheer is a guy who lacked the personality to become an Actuary and also lacked the charisma to become an Accountant. So he was destined to be a backbencher or puppet speaker.
Scheer's sexual history is bland, boring, and kind of cringeworthy - just like the man himself. He lost his virginity to his wife, Jill Ryan (who was way....WAY more sexually experienced than Andrew). As he came (for the first time) he screamed "I WANT TO MARRY YOU!". Jill Ryan replied "What the FUCK??". But she became pregnant and the rest is history. His favourite position is fucking up and his idea of foreplay is to put on his favourite iTune's playlist: "The best of the Carpenters." He never lasts longer than "We've Only Just Begun", which is ironic because he can never "finish" his wife (which explains her massive collection of vibrators). On the darker side, Harper's years of abuse (during Scheer's Speaker period) resulted in Andrew's chronically prolapsed anus.
So once again, Boob, you were wrong. You know shit about politics. You should stick to what you do best - whacking off to that cum stained photo of Stephen Miller being pegged by KellyAnn Conway being corn-holed by Trump.
The poor kitten has that "why is this man's finger up my butthole?" look..