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Chastisement of God -- house broken into.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
VirginJohn said:
My house has just been broken into. Laptop and TV was stolen. Police have been notified. They left the cash behind, the desktop (I'm writing on) behind, and the cards behind.

This is the chastisement of God against viewing escort pics. A hedge was broken and the enemy came through. The Lord can see everything and will judge. The wrath of God is against all unrighteousness. Judgment must begin in the house of the Lord.

Do I repent? It's obvious the laptop was stolen because I was looking at pics of Amber-Jade last night. God got angry and allowed thieves to break into this house and steal the laptop. But the TV wasn't used -- why did they take the TV? Escorts were seen through this desktop computer -- but this computer was not stolen.

This never happened before. It only happened when I really started viewing escort pics. This is a warning shot. Something worst may happen. It's not March 18th yet. The program says I will contiue course of action of viewing pics until that date. The program has to be modified -- I can not modify the program -- I can not fight against God, my life is in His hands, if I have to repent I must -- error in program, suicidal state of mind going head-long towards chastisement -- incident should sober me up.

Sector of time: March 5 - March 10 -- modified activity of viewing more escort pics. Intend to view until March 18th as per ruling of diary.

Last time I was here was February 10th - February 18, 2008. You can see the posting history. During that week on February 13, 2008 I had my first car accident, which cost $ 800 cash to repair.

Unlike this time, the event date is March 10, 2009 rather than March 13, 2009.

Praise be to God! He cares about me and will get my attention and reform me, the easy way or the hard way through chastisement -- The Lord loveth whom He chasteneth! I will succeed. I will be successful in every area of life. Take that.
Did I not tell you to put that crack pipe down in another post? That shit will kill ya!


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Entropy said:
Did god take your fleshlight too?
The thieves did not take the fleshlight.

Police were here. Just finished the police report. Putting on a home security system on now. My family had this home since the 60's and nothing like this has ever happened before. The worst thing was my bike got stolen when I was a kid, but I left it outside. Well, now they know this computer is in this room. Will get the serial numbers for TV and Laptop and forward them to the police and make a home insurance claim once we get the report in a week's time.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Aardvark154 said:
John, sarcastic Terb Comments aside you really need to talk with your Priest/Cleric. God does not act in this way. This rather has to do with the fallen nature of mankind - the thieves.

If you are not just someone having fun "jerking our chains," please see and talk with a Cleric you trust.
God acts in that way. The Bablonians took the Jewish people captive of Judea. The Assyrians conquered the Northern Tribes of Israel. This was prophecied to happen. The Israelites would not change from their backsliding ways. History shows that God acts in that way.

The book of Job talks about the hedge of protection. The Bible also talks about the accursed thing (Joshua). The Israelites started losing the battles when Achan stold the accursed gold from the city of Jerico.

This will continue to be monitored. The police find it unusual that cash or cards weren't stolen but the laptop and TV was. The cash was scattered and out of the envelope. This sounds more like a chastisement targetting the laptop and TV than a robbery.


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
VirginJohn said:
The police find it unusual that cash or cards weren't stolen but the laptop and TV was. The cash was scattered and out of the envelope. This sounds more like a chastisement targetting the laptop and TV than a robbery.
They noticed you were a member of TERB and they got side tracked on what you like to look at when you are not praying. Read my signature line below, I have been warning you for a long time now. The signs have been here VJ, but you need to read them.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
genintoronto said:
Whatever you say, O Captain, my Captain!
Wow, even though my real-life persona has nothing to do with a captaincy of any kind, I found that line to be a complete turn-on!
Grrr-owl! Talk sexy to me! :p
genintoronto said:
Captain, add a non-monogamy stipulation to the pre-nup please.
"Lawyerman" is on the case. He charges virtual dollars by the virtual 15-minute block. Luckily my virtual credit is good.
genintoronto said:
Monogamy is not an option with me. I thought that was a given.
It was a given. Noir is just exceedingly polite and never takes anything for granted. Part of her charm.


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
Captain Fantastic said:
Wow, even though my real-life persona has nothing to do with a captaincy of any kind, I found that line to be a complete turn-on!
Grrr-owl! Talk sexy to me! :p
Get a room you two.


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
Noir, better go with the King size Captain's bed in the condo ... with at least 3 drawers for Gen's paraphernalia collection.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
genintoronto said:
For those who missed the reference: O Captain! My Captain!
Glad you let us know that. It's better than letting the unwashed masses think it was a Robin Williams "Dead Poets Society" reference... ;)

(Actually, it was partly the fact that you quoted Whitman that was such a turn-on! I can imagine it in your French accent... mmmm!)


Apr 24, 2005
Cycleguy007 said:
WHAT!? Your bike???!!!
Now, I am totally confused. Someone stole Virgin's bike and CycleGuy is pissed off? Also, did I hear Gen is involved in a threesome with some captain? What in blazes is going on here?


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
Rockslinger said:
Now, I am totally confused. Someone stole Virgin's bike and CycleGuy is pissed off? Also, did I hear Gen is involved in a threesome with some captain? What in blazes is going on here?
Were all going to hell, right VJ?


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
Captain Fantastic said:
(Actually, it was partly the fact that you quoted Whitman that was such a turn-on! I can imagine it in your French accent... mmmm!)
Just curious, does she "sing the body electric?"
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