VJ, baby, you really should see a doctor. But just in case a little first aid might help, until the professionals turn up, here goes.
Your reasoning goes like this. God sees you getting all steamy from looking at Amber-Jade's website. Apparently you didn't get the message that God didn't want you to do that, so He reinforces the message by sending some angels to burgle your house.
Now, really, is this likely? Let's look at the nature of the "sin" involved.
God lets us know what all the sins are. He wrote the bible, to tell us what's right and what's wrong. Anything not mentioned in the bible as being sinful is OK. So, the bible does not say that looking at pictures of bare women is a sin -- so, it's not a sin.
We can go further and ask, is wanking a sin? Well, the only reference in the bible is the story of Onan, in Genesis. Some say God slew Onan because he spilled his seed on the ground. But look at the story a little more closely.
Onan and Er were brothers, sons of Judah, and Judah provided Er with a wife, Tamar. The Lord slew Er for being wicked, and Judah told Onan to perform the duty of a husband's brother, and go fuck Tamar, his dead brother's wife. But Onan felt it was wrong to have sex with a woman who was not his wife, and the story is that he withdrew at the last minute, and spilled his seed upon the ground. But the Lord regarded that as evil, and slew Onan.
Onan's crime, for which the Lord slew him, was to disobey Judah's order to fuck Tamar. The bible does not say Onan was jerking off. As everyone knows, apart from that very tenuous reference to Onan, there is nothing in the bible to suggest that masturbating is a sin.
What about the combination -- wanking off while arousing yourself by looking at pictures of bare women? Again, nothing in the bible suggests that the combination of two non-sins is anything but a non-sin.
Now then, let's look at the other sin that figures in your equation. You suggested God casued your house to be burgled. Now, burglary is undoubtedly a sin -- the bible is quite specific that all forms of stealing are prohibited. And procuring someone else to actually do the deed only makes it worse. So, if God really did cause the burglars to steal your computer, as you fear, that means God must have committed a sin, and indeed comitted a major crime under Canadian law. So, now we come to the crucial question -- is it likely, even just as a matter of common probability, that God would commit a sin, simply to prevent you from committing an act that He obviously does not regard as a sin?
Does the Lord ever commit sins? Well, yes He does. The bible records that He murdered thousands of people. Apart from anything else, He arranged for His only Son to be crucified -- a crime for which he would be doing major time under Canadian Law. But, obviously, that was a special thing.
In general, the Lord does not slay a person unless the person comitted a really grievous sin. Therefore, since you did not commit any sin, God would not have comitted a sin (by burgling your house) to discourage you from doing it again.
So, VJ, you're off the hook. God is very specific about the things he says are sinful, and God is OK with you looking at pictures of naked women. Plus, by not saying wanking is a sin, the bible says wanking is cool. (Of course, God does say it's a sin to have sex with girls you're not married to, but there you go.)
So, over to you, VJ. Look at the thing logically. There is no cause for you to knock yourself out with fears of the vengeance of the Lord; it's perfectly OK to put it down to simple coincidence. Move on.