Chastisement of God -- house broken into.


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
fuji said:
Seek help. If you won't approach a mental health professional go and speak with someone you trust, like a priest or rabbi or whatever of religion you belong to.
Or get some advice from a 'Womanizing Slimeball' ;)

somebody put this thread out of it's misery... PLEASE!


Jan 31, 2005
snowleopard said:
Or get some advice form a 'Womanizing Slimeball' ;)
He's got my advice.

VJ, As I said up thread I have some experience with people who are schizophrenic and while no-one can tell from an online conversation, and while I can't tell even in person since I'm not a doctor, my advice is go and seek some help. The disease is not as portrayed in the movies and is often controllable. Some fairly famous people have suffered from it, and lead highly productive lives nonetheless.

It will be possible to live a healthy, normal life with appropriate treatment. Speak with a mental health professional, or failing that, speak with a responsible individual from your church as they will have considerable experience counselling.

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
VirginJohn said:
Only the TV (recently purchased, paid $ 1000) and Laptop (was going to replace it anyway since it was bought in 2006 - whatever idiots take the laptop!) were stolen. The house was ranchacked. A claim on the house insurance is going to be made. They did not touch the credit cards or take any cash...which although I'm pleasantly surprized, I think it's wierd. Why the TV and an old laptop? What was the point of this?

God 'allowed' the thieves to break into this house because nothing can happen without God's permission. (read book of Job) When walking in the ways of the Lord, there is a hedge of protection, but when you go against His Ways, then it's not God allowing bad things to happen, but He may withdraw protection and let the enemy come in.

The Lord says that there are certain things that are 'clean' and other things that are 'unclean'. (Leviticus 11). I looked at pics of Amber-Jade. This was not any escort pics -- was pretty hardcore stuff. Look at her site and you'll get what I mean. I looked at her site on Sunday evening, while I was reviewing a thread about why guys aren't hitting on girls in Toronto, and I stumbled upon one of her posts and checked her website.

That (amber-jade pics) was viewed on the laptop last night and I used a fleshlight. Whatever I did I think was a bit more than just looking at escort pics -- I may have crossed the line and went too far. This has to be a wake-up call. Whatever is happening, I'm getting more than I bargained for.

Stop be attention whore. If you feel bad for looking at escort picture that your guilt issue to deal with. dont pretend you get rob to get attention from terb member. most stupid crap I ever hear of. 5 minute of my life I never get back after read this.


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
Man, this thread is making me really horny. Does anyone know an SP who looks like Mary?


Feb 25, 2008
Downtown TO
Rockslinger said:
Oh merciful God, please please kill this thread. Thank you.
Sorry to resurrect this thread -- and please don't blame god for it, she has nothing to do with this resurrection this time around -- but I just couldn't stay quiet and leave this poor man in his misery.

Andy Stitzer said:
That is my unfortunate experience. 38 years and Mr Happy will accept no substitute for Mr Hand. Vag is a wood killer, other mouths are a bit better, but even the female hand just won't compare to Mr Right Hand.

Oddly I don't consider it much of a problem, as I can only get paid female sex, and I guess part of the payment is not to point and laugh . As long I can take matters into my own hand, I'm good. I'd consider it more of a problem if some fictional being stole my bike, if I had one. That would be a pain in the ass.
Not an uncommon issue, especially for men from an older generation who started their active sexual life at a time where safer sex practices (namely condoms use) were de rigueur.

I've had to "re-train" an ex partner of mine who like you, was unable to cum from either vaginal or oral stimulation, and even had trouble keeping in hard once in a pussy/mouth.

The trick here is to re-train Mr. Happy to react positively to more subtle, gentle, and softer stimulation. How you do this? The first step is to adjust your jerking off practices: put a condom on when jerking off, add LOTS of lube, loosen up your grip on Mr. Happy, and go for slower, more gentle stroking. The key here is to have some will-power: it's going to take some time before your cock adjusts to being stimulated differently and more gently, but don't give in to the desire to get the job done so to speak. You need to get Mr. Happy to understand that you're not going to give it the fast and furious stimulation it seeks, and that if it wants to cum, it will need to learn to enjoy and cum from the softer stimulation. This may mean more than a few jerking off sessions where you actually don't cum. Don't give in, be the bigger man here. After a few (or more) of those non-climactic sessions, Mr. Happy will want it so much that it's going to take whatever you give it and cum from it. Once you're at that point, it's only a matter of time and commitment before a pussy/mouth brings you the same pleasure.


Mar 24, 2002
OK, it was worth resurrecting this thread for the previous post. Thanks for that useful info, Gen.

NOW can we let it die???


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Why do you guys keep announcing the thread is closed when people are still posting in it? It's quite rude. Nobody comes in and posts "thread closed" when you lot are being all gay for each other in dozens of other threads. If you don't like it, stay out of it.
Hangman said:
Why do you guys keep announcing the thread is closed when people are still posting in it? It's quite rude. Nobody comes in and posts "thread closed" when you lot are being all gay for each other in dozens of other threads. If you don't like it, stay out of it.
Relax Hangman we're just joking... we do that... I'm sure you have noticed! :D


Mar 24, 2002
Hangman said:
Why do you guys keep announcing the thread is closed when people are still posting in it? It's quite rude. Nobody comes in and posts "thread closed" when you lot are being all gay for each other in dozens of other threads. If you don't like it, stay out of it.
A: Because it's not our custom to feed the trolls.


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
Hangman said:
Why do you guys keep announcing the thread is closed when people are still posting in it? It's quite rude. Nobody comes in and posts "thread closed" when you lot are being all gay for each other in dozens of other threads. If you don't like it, stay out of it.
Lol ... now I see why you chose the name 'Hangman' ... you take yourself and others way too seriously. Feel free to post 'thread closed' in our threads, and we'll ignore you as well ;)


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Okey dokey guys... Maybe I was taking it too seriously. I'll come see you in some other retarded threads :).

I normally don't feed trolls, but this guy was just waaaaay too fascinating. I think he's gone now.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
VJ, baby, you really should see a doctor. But just in case a little first aid might help, until the professionals turn up, here goes.

Your reasoning goes like this. God sees you getting all steamy from looking at Amber-Jade's website. Apparently you didn't get the message that God didn't want you to do that, so He reinforces the message by sending some angels to burgle your house.

Now, really, is this likely? Let's look at the nature of the "sin" involved.

God lets us know what all the sins are. He wrote the bible, to tell us what's right and what's wrong. Anything not mentioned in the bible as being sinful is OK. So, the bible does not say that looking at pictures of bare women is a sin -- so, it's not a sin.

We can go further and ask, is wanking a sin? Well, the only reference in the bible is the story of Onan, in Genesis. Some say God slew Onan because he spilled his seed on the ground. But look at the story a little more closely.

Onan and Er were brothers, sons of Judah, and Judah provided Er with a wife, Tamar. The Lord slew Er for being wicked, and Judah told Onan to perform the duty of a husband's brother, and go fuck Tamar, his dead brother's wife. But Onan felt it was wrong to have sex with a woman who was not his wife, and the story is that he withdrew at the last minute, and spilled his seed upon the ground. But the Lord regarded that as evil, and slew Onan.

Onan's crime, for which the Lord slew him, was to disobey Judah's order to fuck Tamar. The bible does not say Onan was jerking off. As everyone knows, apart from that very tenuous reference to Onan, there is nothing in the bible to suggest that masturbating is a sin.

What about the combination -- wanking off while arousing yourself by looking at pictures of bare women? Again, nothing in the bible suggests that the combination of two non-sins is anything but a non-sin.

Now then, let's look at the other sin that figures in your equation. You suggested God casued your house to be burgled. Now, burglary is undoubtedly a sin -- the bible is quite specific that all forms of stealing are prohibited. And procuring someone else to actually do the deed only makes it worse. So, if God really did cause the burglars to steal your computer, as you fear, that means God must have committed a sin, and indeed comitted a major crime under Canadian law. So, now we come to the crucial question -- is it likely, even just as a matter of common probability, that God would commit a sin, simply to prevent you from committing an act that He obviously does not regard as a sin?

Does the Lord ever commit sins? Well, yes He does. The bible records that He murdered thousands of people. Apart from anything else, He arranged for His only Son to be crucified -- a crime for which he would be doing major time under Canadian Law. But, obviously, that was a special thing.

In general, the Lord does not slay a person unless the person comitted a really grievous sin. Therefore, since you did not commit any sin, God would not have comitted a sin (by burgling your house) to discourage you from doing it again.

So, VJ, you're off the hook. God is very specific about the things he says are sinful, and God is OK with you looking at pictures of naked women. Plus, by not saying wanking is a sin, the bible says wanking is cool. (Of course, God does say it's a sin to have sex with girls you're not married to, but there you go.)

So, over to you, VJ. Look at the thing logically. There is no cause for you to knock yourself out with fears of the vengeance of the Lord; it's perfectly OK to put it down to simple coincidence. Move on.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Since that last post outburst a couple of days ago, I'm unable to read any replies on this thread...sort of a mental block. I will review this thread on March 18th, the date that VirginJohn will dissappear, at least from posting.

Here is this clip from youtube. This is a scene from One Flew Over the Cookoo's Next. One of the characters (Billy) loses their virginity and gets laid with a loose girl or prostitute. However, Nurse Ratchet threatens to tell his mom on him. Part XII

It's only a movie - but may be an inflection of thoughts of what people have thought on here about VJ.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
It is now March 18th. The premise that I came on here in the first place has been resolved and I'm going to move on (the premise of moral anarchy).

Buttercup suggests that God didn't have anything to do with this. I never said He did. I always blamed the devil. The devil can't do anything without God's permission (Job 1). The robbers didn't take the cash..they took the instruments of sin...anyway, I'm no longer going to argue. It's irrelevant now.

A car accident occurred on February 13, 2008.
A burglary happened on March 10, 2009.

What do these two instances have in common? If you read the post records, it happened at times that I manifested myself on here through that profile and removed all moral restrictions towards viewing nude softcore/hardcore internet images and time-constraints in an organized state of personal anarchy.

Reasons for viewing porn -- it's a lower-threshold than actually going with a woman. Anyway, at this point, I'm no longer going to view any further porn and am going to add the restrictions that are on my life prior to this whole excapade. The restrictions that ensured safety, order, and stabity. No further moral anarchy from this day forward. No more pics. This was a limited anarchy. Imagine if I actually allowed my self to see a hooker. Yes, a limited anarchy.

Thanks to everyone -- and genintoronto who made this thread allot of fun.
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