The One Spa

can't stand this kind of hobbyist...


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
I've seen SPs before in public and have thought that the very discreet knowing glance between us was kind of hot, but I'd never take it beyond that. If she wanted to see me in public she'd have let me know in private (and that doesn't happen BTW).

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Angela@Mirage said:
Hey Captian. Did I post this? Or did you?
Angela, what did I tell you already? If you're going to use my computer, at least log me out and log yourself on. Now get back to (my) bed! :D


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
Captain Fantastic said:
Angela, what did I tell you already? If you're going to use my computer, at least log me out and log yourself on. Now get back to (my) bed! :D
LOL again ... that's why Angela and I have a 'remote' but 'secure' connection!

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
I once had a lady spot me in public, throw her arms around me, and greet me like we were long lost friends. Luckily, I was with a buddy of mine. He was shell shocked as was I.
Can you imagine if I had been with a date, or family. I told my buddy she was a dancer, which was a lie. He was impressed. I was not.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Captain Fantastic said:
The MOST you might try and do is make eye contact and see if there is ANY sort of positive response -
I wouldn't even advise waiting for the 'positive response'. A 'hotty nod' or wave on the down low without breaking your stride... Then again I'm not as old a dirt and I'll do that to any woman I've seen around before (and find comely / interesting).

One place I lived in Toronto must have been located beside a stripper factory because over the span of a summer I think I saw every dancer I got a dance from in the previous two years. You know what you don't want? The woman 5yrs younger than you, that you dropped $140 on 3 weeks ago (where she had her ta-tas shoved in your mouth and let you roam to the point where you had a soaked hand) sitting two tables down in a pub while your date suddenly wonders why you got all tense.

Nothing happened, FYI...

But this isn't rocket science... I keep my club crawling on the down low (even to Dancers), and I don't want my hobby rudely interrupting my life. I don't have a single doubt that it's absolutely mutual.

edit: If you think 'The GTA is BIG', if you do a thing regularly it isn't nearly big enough... (At least if you're out and about a fair bit.)


New member
Sep 13, 2006
Captain Fantastic said:
Angela, what did I tell you already? If you're going to use my computer, at least log me out and log yourself on. Now get back to (my) bed! :D
You have to spank me first!


Hurricane Hank said:
I once had a lady spot me in public, throw her arms around me, and greet me like we were long lost friends....
Can you imagine if I had been with a date, or family. I told my buddy she was a dancer, which was a lie. He was impressed.......
I would consider myself lucky.



Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
ExGFE said:
I am so pissed right now at you guys. I saw one of my old clients today in yorkville. Once he saw me he walked right up to me and greeted me without any problem. I thought in my mind 'are you crazy?' Luckily my friend wasn't right beside me at the time. So wtf is up with some of these guys that think they have the right to do that. I wouldn't walk up to him. I mean it is obvious however he judged me it was ok in his head to say hi. Turns out I was right too. He asked for my number and wanted to maybe go out sometime. I saw him at most 3 times before so I know he was married. I wonder what he wants? I didn't want any of his moiney so I am sorry that I didn't have the drive anymore to hobby (hooker side of course). It really just wasn't a great experience. I have seen old clients before. One of them is still one of my best friends. Sorry to say this but most of the guys get weird after a while. Sorry that is the truth. But the good clients are what make the job fun and tolerable. But then a guy like the one today is what makes me hate cock. But I guess I had the last laugh because my 'pro' style evading skills kicked in and I told him I just recently got pregnant. Could have sworn I saw the bulge in his pants disappear along with once open wallet. LOL. Anyways just needed to vent a little.

- J

So many drama queens in the industry . A simple "Hey guys be respectful and don't approach us in public " would have been sufficient . Not good enough for the drama queen (LOL). You say you are " mad at all of us " and "you hate cock ". You insult older men with younger girlfriends and most of us get "weird after a while ". It would appear that you feel justified in insulting the majority of hobbyists becasue of the action of some . It would appear you have taken this opportunity to lash out at hobbyists in general and I for one am offended by it .You get a problem with one person then deal with the one person . You want to insult all of us then you do yourself a disservice and you add to the disharmony on this board by encouraging other people to make the insulting sweeping generalizations . Please exercise some maturity in future postings as I really am trying to stay positive in 2009 but I have always had problems allowing people to take pot shots under the guise of improving a situation .


New member
Sep 13, 2006
smylee52 said:
So many drama queens in the industry . A simple "Hey guys be respectful and don't approach us in public " would have been sufficient . Not good enough for the drama queen (LOL). You say you are " mad at all of us " and "you hate cock ". You insult older men with younger girlfriends and most of us get "weird after a while ". It would appear that you feel justified in insulting the majority of hobbyists becasue of the action of some . It would appear you have taken this opportunity to lash out at hobbyists in general and I for one am offended by it .You get a problem with one person then deal with the one person . You want to insult all of us then you do yourself a disservice and you add to the disharmony on this board by encouraging other people to make the insulting sweeping generalizations . Please exercise some maturity in future postings as I really am trying to stay positive in 2009 but I have always had problems allowing people to take pot shots under the guise of improving a situation .
Positive? You are always positive whether it be 2008, or 2009. As I had the pleasure of meeting you in 2008.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
smylee52 said:
So many drama queens in the industry . A simple "Hey guys be respectful and don't approach us in public " would have been sufficient.
I agree with all of your sentiment except the above. (BTW, doesn't it seem like ExGFE cares not what we think of her and vice versa.) But "don't approach the ladies in public" is a mantra that has been posted time and again, and yet there are still guys that do it. And some guys here think it's ok...

Just read some of the comments on the first page that supported or made excuses for the idiot that approached ExGFE - thereby endorsing his behaviour. Apparently there are still a lot of guys on TERB and elsewhere that don't get it - that's what made me go "WTF?!?" and post.


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
Captain Fantastic said:
I agree with all of your sentiment except the above. (BTW, doesn't it seem like ExGFE cares not what we think of her and vice versa.) But "don't approach the ladies in public" is a mantra that has been posted time and again, and yet there are still guys that do it. And some guys here think it's ok...

Just read some of the comments on the first page that supported or made excuses for the idiot that approached ExGFE - thereby endorsing his behaviour. Apparently there are still a lot of guys on TERB and elsewhere that don't get it - that's what made me go "WTF?!?" and post.
yeah Smiley pretty much echoes my sentiments in my previous response. No doubt it's a tough business, where you meet your share of assholes, but I don't get the resentment against 'most' hobbyists. I agree, some people just never seem to 'get it' even when the rules are clearly spelled out. But unfortunately, people who break the rules, or don't think the rules apply to them, are a reality we all have to deal with in all walks of life ~ just take a trip on the 401 on any given day. Get used to it, deal with it, get over it ... they're not going away.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
I've had two occassions in the past year where I've seen off-duty SP's out with their g/f's in public. Both times I smiled to myself and walked on by. Not my role to introduce myself. One of them I had an appointment with a couple of weeks later and I said I saw her at the theatre lobby that day but didn't say hi and she said she hadn't seen me and she was glad I didn't come over as she was with her sister and cousin from out of town who had no idea she was an sp. So yes, discretion is good.

Now I do sometimes get to know SP's outside of work, but in that case I phone them after they retire from the biz to meet me and catch up for old times sake. If they agree, great.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
Angela@Mirage said:
Positive? You are always positive whether it be 2008, or 2009. As I had the pleasure of meeting you in 2008.
Always fun when positives find each other ;) . We defy the law of physics (LOL) .


Under/over beside you
Aug 17, 2001
Niagara Falls, Ontario, CANADA
snowleopard said:
Now I'm curious ... do most SPs inevitably end up feeling bitter towards hobbyists in general, because of their bad experiences with a few? Should we be feeling some guilt and be apologizing for the actions of the jerks out there? Is it true that most of us get weird, after a while? I sure hope not.
Having been spotted in public (once in a grocery store...lucky me...not only one client was there, but 4:eek: and of course I hightailed it) and being called to from across the street, it can really cause a great deal of distress. Not to mention how to explain it later. Of course, in each of these situations I have never placed the blame on all men but it does add some interesting conversation by the nightstand. It's because of the good guys that I remain sane.


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Boys will be boys...

I was venting. Geez talk about being sensitive considering this is a board where you guys come and say some pretty nasty stuff at times. So just as quickly as you want to call me a ho please remember it takes two to complete the transaction.

Resentment? Please you guys resent girls for being sgfe's some time so please be respectful. I wanna see you hit a rough patch in life finding yourself flat broke and coming to the decision to start escorting, then have to deal with old men, young men, even fine gentleman like some in this thread. I wasn't even really saying anything about my past work. I was talking about some hobbyists that approach and those are the ones to ruin it for the others. And honestly for every bitter 'ho' there is a pig of a man. And actually I don't hate all hobbyists, again one of them is still a very good friend. I totally gained from the hobby. And sorry ifi was unclear but I meant guys that are idiots turn me off and I remember why cock was hated at one point. And trust me as much as I would like to say all the women just love cock and live and die for making that $$$ for sex, it is hardly the case. Why do you think so many girls turn to drugs? It is all about the couping. Luckily I had that good client turned friend that help ground me, deal with a lot of traumitizing events, balance my life with work and reality. I'll tell ya this though I never met another client like him. Anyways, I didn't mean to step on any sensitive toes. Then again I am not worried about lost business or anything so I think I will continue to speak my mind and offer a maybe new angle. Calling me names is not treating me with respect though which is what this board was about. Talk about a boys club...

Where my ladies at? Holla!!! ;)


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
tboy said:
A couple of things: Why would you assume he thought that was your real name?

As for "hooch" if that's what you think of yourself then you have some self loathing issues to deal with, I have never referred to any woman as a hooch.

As for looking off, I think you're a little off. In fact, I was at a club on friday (first time in ages) and I happened to have a couple of ladies 17 yrs my junior hanging out with me. If it looked so off, then they wouldn't have followed me down the bar, invited me to dance with them etc.

I will repeat, it wasn't cool him approaching you but that could just be because he didn't know the rules. I wouldn't have assumed this rule either until I found terb and learned the ropes.
Well done tboy.. I can also understand her frustration, but that is not reason to hate all men...

From the way she writes, it seems that she might be too sensitive about her work. She states that she can see it a mile away, so it might be that she thinks she has a tatoo on her forehead that reads "prostitute"....

Tugg Speedman

Jan 19, 2009
It's all about attitude. I bumped into a former sp in a bar and she was excited to see me and we hugged. What's with all the drama? Sheeeesh. :rolleyes:


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Captain Fantastic said:
What the fuck?!? Don't you guys get it? This hobby is about discretion... give your collective heads a shake! The clock stops the minute that hour is up. Then it's back to reality. Which means a hot young girl who gets paid for sex does not want to be a part of your life.

How the fuck would you like it if an escort came up and said hi and started talking to you with your wife, girlfriend, children, friends or family nearby? I know we'd be reading about what an idiot the SP was the minute you got back to your computers...

The MOST you might try and do is make eye contact and see if there is ANY sort of positive response - then you MIGHT be allowed to say "hi" and nothing more unless she initiates it.

Seriously, I think some of you guys are absolutely batshit crazy and/or completely disrespectful, selfish & insensitive.
Take a chill pill captain... Yes it was stupid to approach her, and yes this hobby is about discretion. I don't see a problem with making eye contact, smiling and saying hello. I do that regularly regardless if a person is an SP, and MPA, a dancer or just another pretty woman. Why should this make someone hate me or all men??

The fact that the guy tried to initiate the conversation is stupid. Not sure what was being said or how it was said, but it did not seem too bad and it was not like he was trying to out you...

This happened to me for the first time this past weekend. I was standing in line and turned around to see a familiar face right behind me. She looked really cute, and she kind of smiled at me... I could not place her face at first, but I noticed her looking at me. I turned around and was still thinking about it, when it hit me. I naturally rubber-necked back to see her smile at me. It was quite strange, and I became a bit flustered not knowing what to do, so I just said "Hi" and turned back to my own business.

exGFE seems is way too sensitive about something like this. So the guy approaches you and calls you the wrong name?? Have you never had strange men approach you on the street asking you for your phone number or a date???
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