Canada welcomes terroists with open arms

Canada welcomes terrorists with open arms

  • Deport them

    Votes: 40 48.2%
  • Prosecute them for terrorism and or treason

    Votes: 22 26.5%
  • Let them stay

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • Galt is a politically incorrect bigot for soliciting this poll

    Votes: 12 14.5%

  • Total voters


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
In general I find that we spend a ton of time on the boards bitching and moaning about Americans and the American government. We do this with little commentary about our own government's problems.

From financial scandals and corruption to our government's snubbing of our neighbors to the south, to our cowtowing to Quebec on a regular basis.

However, events of this week take the cake. The Khadr family (the mother and son at least) have re-entered Canada after a stay in Afghanastan. While in the sunny middle east they were admitted members of Al Qaida and were admittedly engaged in hostilities against allied forces.Our government has welcomed them with open arms. Instead of incarcerating them, the son (wounded in a firefight while trying to kill allied troops) will get a free ride off of our health care system.

I do not know if there is a legal basis for revoking citizenship however I have to believe that if taking an oath to Canada is a requirement of the citizenship that they were granted; by conducting hostilities against allied (and Canadian troops) this family is in violation of this oath and, at a minimum guilty of treason.

I have signed the following petition to have these people deported. I hope they will at least be placed on trial for their crimes of terrorism and of conducting hostilities against this country's soldiers.


Oct 14, 2003
Too bad I only get one vote. I want to prosecute them then kick thier fucking asses out. I pisses me off to no end knowing that, that piece of human garbage is going to get health care in Canada at my expence.

Last year I buried my uncle. He was a vetran of Korea. He called me to his apt. last Sept. and told me what he wanted done. The last part was to call Wards furneral home, tell them he was a veteran, and the Vetran's Affairs would pay for his last ride.

We reported that he had $7,000 in the bank and they refused to pay for anything including his grave plaque. They told me that with $7,000, I could pay for the coffin, service, and plot, in the Vetrans area. And if I applied for Death benifits I would get $2,000 or so to pay for the headstone.

Now these two pieces of shit are allowed to return to my country that they scorned with impunity. Glad they don't live next to me.

A few Canadians died on 9/11. Our government has done nothing for them at all. But these people were allowed entry WITHOUT passports. Ask the many people that have asked to bring thier aging or lone parents here with promises, that they will not be a burdon and the system, and were told no, how they feel about this.

I know, legally they are Canadian. But citizenship has been withdrawn for a hell of a lot less!

Go on ask me how I really feel..........I dare you?



Feb 19, 2003
For crying out loud, get the facts straight in your rant.

All Canadian citizens are treated equally - whether they acquired citizenship through birth or naturalization.

We don't revoke citizenship from those with unpopular opinions [no matter how many Canadians sign a petition].

It is a right of all citizens of ANY country to enter their country of citizenship.

Even John Lindh {Taliban fighter} had the right to return to the US where he was convicted of aiding the enemy. No one stripped him of his citizenship.

The kid has been out of Canada too long to receive free medical attention. There's residency requirements to access our taxpayer funded health care.

They used temporary "emergency" travel documents to enter Canada. They were not given replacement passports. [In fact they have been previously denied applications for new passports because they had lost their documents too many times.]

The father was killed last year. It was the father who influenced his children and wife to hate the US.

The Criminal Code has been toughened to expand the definition of terrorism to make it a crime to knowingly lead, join, fund, harbour, recruit or facilitate terrorism here or abroad.

If they have committed offences, charge them. At this point, these people have not been charged with any crime or found guilty.

There are no legal reasons to bar entry to Canada.


The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Lest there be any confusion about what I'm going to say, let me first state that I agree 100% with rembrandt100 - these people are "two pieces of shit", "human garbage", and (to add my own insult) pathetic hypocrites.

Their loathsome actions demonstrate how morally bankrupt Islamofacism actually is.

All that said, I find the online petition and suggestions that they should arbitrarily have their citizenship revoked to be disturbing. Not because I care for one second what happens to these scumbags, but because as a society, we must uphold certain standards and obligations. If we don't, what actually makes us better than anyone else?

I can only see two reasons why someone's citizenship should be revoked:

1) If they present a demonstrable threat to national security.


2) They have been convicted of a serious offence such as treason.

We should never consider revoking someone's citizenship for expressing disgusting opinions which, as best as anyone can tell, is all the mother has ever done. The issue with the son is obviously more complex.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Personally, I think there's a lot more going on here than at first meets the eye. I wouldn't be at all surprised if CSIS (Canada's intelligence agency) either wants to learn what the family knows or (better yet) monitor their communications in hopes of finding other cells in Canada. One thing is for sure, the family is going to be watched for as long as they remain in the country...


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
The Shake said:
... All that said, I find the online petition and suggestions that they should arbitrarily have their citizenship revoked to be disturbing. Not because I care for one second what happens to these scumbags, but because as a society, we must uphold certain standards and obligations. If we don't, what actually makes us better than anyone else?

I can only see two reasons why someone's citizenship should be revoked:

1) If they present a demonstrable threat to national security.


2) They have been convicted of a serious offence such as treason.

We should never consider revoking someone's citizenship for expressing disgusting opinions which, as best as anyone can tell, is all the mother has ever done. The issue with the son is obviously more complex.
The shake as usual presents a sound argument. Though he did get a little emotional this time. :p

They should be tried in court where the decision should be made. The son fought for terrorists and should be held accountable for that. Hey, hold back the lynch mob ... we are civilized aren't we?


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
Didn't know the Klan was rising again or the trailer park was on fire again or take your pick of cliche ignorance with a dash of mob mentality

They have not been convicted of any crimes and until or if they are:

these people should be left alone


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse

They have admitted to being a part of a terrorist group.

Well then, why don't we just let former SS death camp guards go too - I mean, they did that stuff "over there"...


Feb 19, 2003
So charge them and let them stand trial.



Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
Re: Holden...

HowardHughes said:
They have admitted to being a part of a terrorist group.

Well then, why don't we just let former SS death camp guards go too - I mean, they did that stuff "over there"...
Exactly! They should go on trial in a Canadian court of law. And accept the consequences of their actions.


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
no we aren't anon...

But then we should harbour admitted terrorists then?



Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
OMG Tompeepin...

Are you trying to say that you agree with me here???

Holy smokes!


The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Kathleen said:
You don't travel back to the homeland, and kill people from a nation you took an oath to.
There is no evidence that they killed or attempted to kill Canadians. The mother didn't do anything (other than say despicable things) and the son was injured fighting Pakistani security forces.

You leave Canada to fight for another country, you should be stripped of citizenship,
Really? Including Canadians who are in the U.S. military?

and arrested as a war criminal.
There is no evidence that these people are war criminals. Do you mean enemy combatants? For that to be the case, we would need to be at war, which we aren't. Have they committed an act of treason against Canada? If so, then they should be tried as such, but I've yet to read/hear any evidence of actual treasonous activity.


New member
Aug 7, 2003
I don't really know
Re: Holden...

HowardHughes said:
They have admitted to being a part of a terrorist group.
Well, if they have evidence then put them on trial

Until then, they have all the rights and privileges of a Canadian Citizen including health care and freedom from political and religious persecution

But from what I hear and read, it was the father (who is dead) that was affiliated with terrorist not the entire family. I don't think the family should pay for the sins of the father


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
The son was also involved in a terrorist training camp.

So, the argument about blaming the father is not really workable here.

I say give them a deportation hearing, but in the meantime, ship them up to Baffin Island, and force them to break rocks.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
HowardHughes said:
The son was also involved in a terrorist training camp.

So, the argument about blaming the father is not really workable here.
Isn't he 14 years old?!?

That certainly should not excuse him from punishment for any crimes that he may have committed, but the argument about the father is extremely pertinent!
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