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Breast Preferences


Little Miss Bossy
Nov 30, 2004
Ok, so I'm seriously considering getting my boobs done. However, most of my customers (I'm a dancer, for those that don't know) have freaked out when I've told them and begged me not to do it. Of course, this really makes no difference to me as in the end I'm doing it for myself and not for my customers. But, it got me thinking, alot of women do get their boobs done because they think men prefer fake boobs, or just big boobs in general. Is this really true? Do most of you guys prefer fake or big boobs? And if not what's your favourite type of breast? Big, small, real, fake? What about nipples? Feel free to post visual aids!!!



Jun 29, 2003
After further review,we,my s/o and I have come to the agreement that your breasts are fine!Actually they look yummy! :D
If you need a second opinion would be more then happy to get a few couples dances from you at your convenience,mmmm,lol.
S/O says 20 years and 2 kids would be reason to have them done,as for now,you have the best that there is!


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I think your breasts are perfect, don't alter them at all.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003

I'll offer my opinion on this as a TERB member who may not fit the general TERB demographic (Never been to an SP, never been to an MP and, now, only very rarely ever go to an SC) Believe it or not I come here cause I like the dialogue in the lounge.

Funny thing, I have a very dear friend who is going in this week to get hers done. As much as I'm being a supportive friend to her, I have discouraged her from doing it. This has been to no avail. She says the same thing as you that "she's doing it for her and not for anyone else". I, in no way, am intending to sound condescending, but what I can say is that I hear this a lot from women that want to get an augmentation. While this may be true (I don't pretend to understand what provides any individual a sense of self actualization) I have formed a few opinions on this stuff through my discussions with my friend over the last while.

A quick survey amongst my guy friends has led me to believe that, generally speaking, men like the "novalty" of big boobs in a cartoon sort of way. They find them pretty cool on dancers or someone walking down the street but, they seem to regard them as more attention grabbers than something that they really care about when it comes to a relationship. I have 1 or 2 friends who are "boob" and MUST have a girl with big boobs. No other physical attribute matters, the girl can be slim, fat, tall or short. It doesn't matter(These friends are usually the ones who end up being absolutely unable to maintain a relationship). From a purely physical standpoint it's a very rare case where I find boobs a deal breaker as far as a guy being attracted to a girl. (a fat butt, or unattractive face can often be a deal breaker but not usually boobs).

Even still, in a relationship, ultimately, none of the above things matter over the long haul. It may sound like a cliche but it is truly the type of person that matters and how you gel as a couple. It's the whole package that matters (physical attributes, personality, items in common)

Now, most, women I've spoken to on this issue feel that getting an augmentation will make them more attractive, will give them more self confidence and/or boost their self esteem. Usually, what I've found is that none of the above are true (at least not in a long lasting way) and they have ended up disappointed. (not in the boobs or the work of the surgeon but in the impact on their lives). Typically, there has been little or no difference. If someone feels that they have become a stonger person or that their self esteem has been improved, it has often been more of a realization of a level of self-esteem and strength that they just didn't realise was already there.

Echo, I don't know what you look like. I don't know if you have big boobs, small boobs, nice boobs or otherwise. Whichever way you slice it (no pun intended) an augmentation won't, nor should it, change the person that you are. If you are truly doing it for you, ask yourself what you really feel it will gain you as a person. If you can com up with some really good answers then go for it. If you can't come up with some real good answers about what "doing it for you" really means then maybe an augmentation won't necessarily get you what you're looking for.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
I'd have to say that myself and most of my friends like breasts that are not too big and not too small.

Huge tits that are obviously silicon enhanced are a big turnoff for me


Registered and a User
Jan 6, 2003
In a deep, but well lit, hole
Your breast are absolutely perfect. Please don't change a thing!

One caveat; this is surgery involving anesthesia. There's a chance of dying on the table every time you receive a general anesthesia.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Getting big fake boobs places a woman in danger of becoming a fashion victim. Because they're artifical and excessive, they're inherently vulnerable to come to be viewed as unnatural and thus tasteless, vulgar, ridiculous, etc. There are signs that this is happening already. You may end up finding yourself in possession of the bodily equivalent of pink flamingoes or a mullet, with the difference that it'll be difficult to undo.


Little Miss Bossy
Nov 30, 2004
Well, so many responses, and so few answers to the original question!!! haha.

I have no problem with my body or self-esteem, I don't expect getting implants to change the way I feel about myself or have a vastly huge impact on my life in the grander scheme of things. I am however, fascinated by body modification in all senses and am drawn to being able to alter my body the way I see fit...for whatever reasons, wether it be merely decorative or something a little deeper. I don't see anything "wrong" with any type of body or breasts. I don't fixate on my breasts or feel depressed every time I look in the mirror...however, given that I have to oppertunity to change them...well, it's tempting.

As far as anaesthesia goes, I have cervical cancer and have to have pieces of my cervix scraped out every year for the rest of my life, under, that's not really a risk I can avoid one way or the other.


New member
Jan 19, 2004
I prefer real ones, and yours look very good. But I like enhanced ones too, if they are soft.
So if you must, then make sure they feel real.
Good luck with your decision. :)


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I'm not a big breast man but if I had a choice I think a large 'B' to 'C' is killer. As long as it is in the realm of possibility on a person's frame


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
I vote no

I have never met you, but from your picks what you already have is extremely nice. Why expose yourself to the risks that come with surgery?


Dirty White Boy
Nov 29, 2004
Planet Boom

I would stay au natural, nothing wrong with that you are perfect as you are. If you DO go with implants I would not go beyond a C as they usually look and feel fake. Just my opinion. :D

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
My preference is for large, the larger the better. And yet I am able to form meaningful, long-term relationships, how unexpected. As with most things, real are better than fake, but big and fake is way better than small and real. Too many women get small implants, and then wish they had gone bigger, if you are going to go through the pain and expensive, they might as well be gigantic. Just my opinion.


Aug 21, 2001
at her six
au natural is the way to go.
And yours are THE WAY TO GO!


Aug 18, 2001
EchoXXX said:
Well, so many responses, and so few answers to the original question!!! haha.

Everytime the topic of natural vs artificial came up, terbites have consistently voted for natural. Here is one poll and more views. Hope it helps.

Even if you decide to do it, consider this. During a discussion with somebody who has an implant, she was mentioning that it is better to get them when you are older. You are sooooooooooo young. Let nature work for you a bit. Also another consideration is, not sure if you are planning to have kids. In such a case, according to her it is better to have it done once you have your kids. In that case, the augmented breast will feel more softer. I am not the expert, just heard from the experienced ones:)
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