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Breaking : Rob Ford has finally admitted to smoking crack cocaine


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
I don't think Rob Ford should be calling people maggots, it's immature, but to be fair he didn't call them names for no reason. The reporters are and have always been out to get him, have called him every name in the book, have tried to ruin his character and reputation many times over (way before the crack incident), so he reacted to that. At the end of the day, all of these attacks on his personal character and personal life are just a distraction and take away time from Rob Ford being mayor and running the city like he was elected to do.

I have much more respect for those who criticize his policies and not his personal character, appearance, and vices outside of office. The only problem is that his policies are sound and he's been doing a great job in his office so all his opponents can do is bring down his character and personally attack him.
Well said, Mr. JamesDouglas. Thanks for posting this. Sincerely, Jon .


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
I don't think Rob Ford should be calling people maggots, it's immature, but to be fair he didn't call them names for no reason. The reporters are and have always been out to get him, have called him every name in the book, have tried to ruin his character and reputation many times over (way before the crack incident), so he reacted to that. At the end of the day, all of these attacks on his personal character and personal life are just a distraction and take away time from Rob Ford being mayor and running the city like he was elected to do.

I have much more respect for those who criticize his policies and not his personal character, appearance, and vices outside of office. The only problem is that his policies are sound and he's been doing a great job in his office so all his opponents can do is bring down his character and personally attack him.
I don't even know where to start... another apologist blaming the media... yeah.... the media poured alcohol down his throat until he was blackout drunk... the media drove him to known drug dens to hang out with is homies... the media forced him to lie over and over and over for 6 months...
before the crack allegations? the media made him freak out at a leaf's game then deny he was drunk and belligerant and asked to leave... the media made him get charged in florida for dui, then forced him to lie about until he was presented with fact that he could not deny...

my god... i've been blaming the wrong party all this time... the media is the real culprit... Ford is an innocent party...


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Well said, Mr. JamesDouglas. Thanks for posting this. Sincerely, Jon .
You're welcome Jon, so far I haven't seen any posts in this thread attacking his policies or his performance in office, only personal attacks against his character, which is extremely sad.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
And as for your earlier comment that the left would defend Miller if he was caught smoking crack: not in a million years. The left has a fine tradition of pillorying its own when they mess up. Ask Adam Giambrone about that.
Yes...... and Jack Layton's arrest in a Toronto massage parlour comes to mind as well........ Sincerely, Jon .


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Now he wants people to believe that he only did crack once, and it was in a drunken stupor
...and that the only time he did it, he managed to get it videotaped.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
You're welcome Jon, so far I haven't seen any posts in this thread attacking his policies or his performance in office, only personal attacks against his character, which is extremely sad.
You cannot attack in a vacuum... when there is no 'performance in office', there is nothing to attack.
When the only things that are worth commenting on are his personal problems... SERIOUS, CHRONIC personal problems... that's pretty sad, and should be a sign to any reasoning adult that the person needs to go...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Jokes aside, the really positive thing about Ford scandal is that he has been surveilled by the cops and no evidence of him embezzling was discovered.
I would expect him to be caught with a bag of cash received from Scarborough developers for the subway deal or something of that nature.
That's how they pay off the INTELLIGENT mayors. With Ford, they just give him a couple of bottles of vodka or a 2-4.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Rob Ford is fiscally responsible, if Chow were in office our city would be bankrupt. Would you people rather have a crack smoking drunkard who lowers our taxes while simultaneously making our city prosper, or Chow who'll destroy the economic well-being of our city and make us the next Detroit?
your hyberbole is useless


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Yes he smoked crack cocaine. But he was neither charged, nor convicted..a normal threshold.

so, while his actions are wrong in people's eyes..it was a late evening poor judgement call.

if people lose their jobs because they simply did some crime...caught or not..... Then we better start firing ALL THE PEOPLE WHO DID DRUGS OVER THE YEARS, Also we need to let all people go that drive with over .80 mg of alcohol in their system. What about all of us....being in a common bawdy house. I dare say half the Doctors should be out of business for doing drugs.
but of course , taking a nap at one,s desk is cause for immediate dismissal..Ford blew a gasket when he heard about that.. A true hypocrite, and a pathological liar to boot..


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
....but according to some, all politicians lie.
Id rather they lie about their drug of choice instead of where 1.1 billion dollars went

accused of being biased against the mayor and conducting a witch hunt ....

Councillor Doug Ford, Mayor Rob Ford’s brother and closest adviser, has called for Toronto police Chief Bill Blair to take a leave of absence following Blair’s comments Thursday about a video that appears to show the mayor smoking crack cocaine.
“(Blair) believes he’s the judge, the jury and the executioner. He wanted to go out and put a political bullet right between the mayor’s eyes, and thought that would be the final bullet to knock the mayor off, and he showed his cards — he thought he had a royal flush and. . . he had a couple pairs of deuces,” Doug Ford said on AM640’s John Oakley show Tuesday morning.
He later held a news conference to repeat his comments, but went a step further by saying he will ask the OIPRD (Office of the Independent Police Review Director) to investigate the chief’s behaviour.


Bill Blair reacts:


I have a responsibility to uphold the law and I can’t be deterred from that by personal attacks. And I’m not going to respond to personal attacks,” he told reporters. “As I said on Thursday, and as I’ve said on many occasions, we’ll do our job and we’ll do it without fear or favour. We have a responsibility to uphold the law, to gather evidence and where there is evidence to support a charge, put that evidence before the courts.”
Funny, didn't know that making up laws was part of his duty. Google g20 if you're not aware of what im talking about...

Personally, I have never been upset because of the concept of Rob Ford smoking crack. We live in a real world, and like it or not a lot of "real" people have vices....Vices being how you deal with life's bullshit.

There are many people out here who function & do their jobs with "vices", whether it be alcohol, marijuana, hash, crack, cocaine, ecstasy etc.....you get the point... Let's face it had he been accused of doing any one of these things, or even seeking company of escorts the spotlight would be no different, we have seem it many times South of the border.

What I have been insulted by is his taking us sensible adults for fools. Any individual with a tidbit of common sense, knew that the man obviously has been involved with drugs in some capacity, at some point in his life.

What I am also upset about is how he has let this entire "situation" spiral out of control to the point that even our young adults & children are aware of it. How does it look for a public figure, need I say a role model to admit to doing something illegal after repeatedly lying & make it seem ok......

The man has obviously pissed off a member of "the powers that be", someone who is out for blood. Let's not forget this is not the first, second, or even third incident or accusation involving him, this is just the incident that is sticking.

My grandmother always used to say "Don't throw bricks, when you live in a glass house"....Obviously....need I say more.....

The scary part about this is that IMHO this is just the tip of the iceberg.....there is alot more to come out...

And the Saga Continues

well said


Sep 30, 2008
He lied again! I said he's not an addict. Addicts are always lying, that's the first sign for an addict. How long is he going lie? Not a real confession. Sorry Mr. Ford, not impressed.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
You're welcome Jon, so far I haven't seen any posts in this thread attacking his policies or his performance in office, only personal attacks against his character, which is extremely sad.
I've noticed that in a couple of these Threads; but that's because there's not much there to attack. How many members here remember the photo-shopped image of Mayor Ford that NOW magazine published just after he won the election? Or all the problems Mayor Ford had with strange people coming around his house and property trying to peer into his windows? His house. Where his wife and children live. The Homo/Left folks who have a different ideology and political agenda than Mayor Ford can get really vicious and ugly. Perhaps it's not unreasonable to consider the stress that that kind of slimy behaviour could generate for an individual? Perhaps that was the point, though. It seems to me that being subjected to that kind of social pressure could easily drive a regular fellow to drink or do drugs. Sincerely, Jon .
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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Quite simply, fatboy had it all and he f@-ked it up. Yes the left wing media types have wanted his head for a long time, not caring caring if he jumped or got pushed out at high altitude. And what does he do, he hands his head to his enemies on a platter. He will not leave City Hall unless he is hand cuffed by LE and escorted out. More power to him, he was a reputation for tireless community service from his days as a councillor until now, and his work looking out for the taxpayer Is admirable. However smoking crack in the hood on video is not good politics is it? Lots of sophisticated politicians are cocaine users privately, but smoking crack cocaine is hypocritically seen as unacceptable among affluent substance abusers. The fact that he just may be elected mayor again in Toronto speaks volumes about our times, the core issues and the calibre of the political candidates. His siblings also have a history of hardcore drug use, his sister and oldest brother, but they are not politicians are they? He got elected mayor for many reasons but he continued to live his private life like a drugged out drunken privileged teenager. Notice that his wife Mrs Ford is almost never seen with him and never spoke of in the media for some reason?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Quite simply, fatboy had it all and he f@-ked it up. Yes the left wing media types have wanted his head for a long time, not caring caring if he jumped or got pushed out at high altitude. And what does he do, he hands his head to his enemies on a platter. He will not leave City Hall unless he is hand cuffed by LE and escorted out. More power to him, he was a reputation for tireless community service from his days as a councillor until now, and his work looking out for the taxpayer Is admirable. However smoking crack in the hood on video is not good politics is it? Lots of sophisticated politicians are cocaine users privately, but smoking crack cocaine is hypocritically seen as unacceptable among affluent substance abusers. The fact that he just may be elected mayor again in Toronto speaks volumes about our times, the core issues and the calibre of the political candidates. His siblings also have a history of hardcore drug use, his sister and oldest brother, but they are not politicians are they? He got elected mayor for many reasons but he continued to live his private life like a drugged out drunken privileged teenager. Notice that his wife Mrs Ford is almost never seen with him and never spoke of in the media for some reason?
In my view, the fact that he just may be elected Mayor again in Toronto speaks volumes about the man, himself. Sincerely, Jon .


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
In my view, the fact that he just may be elected Mayor again in Toronto speaks volumes about the man, himself. Sincerely, Jon .
Ding Dong, You're Wrong!

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