Breaking : Rob Ford has finally admitted to smoking crack cocaine


New member
Jul 14, 2009
In my view, the fact that he just may be elected Mayor again in Toronto speaks volumes about the man, himself. Sincerely, Jon .
in my view it speaks volumes about the IQ of residents of Scarborough and Etobicoke.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
He's campaigning for 2014 quite aggressively actually...



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Suppose the mayor had been recorded snorting coke through a thousand dollar bill then what? I am of the opinion that alot more cocaine is being consumed by others in positions of authority and high industry than we imagine.
What is your relationship to Mayor Ford?
Have you smoked crack with him?


Active member
Dec 4, 2008
Rid'in with the James Gang
I don't think Rob Ford should be calling people maggots, it's immature, but to be fair he didn't call them names for no reason. The reporters are and have always been out to get him, have called him every name in the book, have tried to ruin his character and reputation many times over (way before the crack incident), so he reacted to that. At the end of the day, all of these attacks on his personal character and personal life are just a distraction and take away time from Rob Ford being mayor and running the city like he was elected to do.

I have much more respect for those who criticize his policies and not his personal character, appearance, and vices outside of office. The only problem is that his policies are sound and he's been doing a great job in his office so all his opponents can do is bring down his character and personally attack him.
What a bunch of crap. He hasn't managed this city his made up numbers are bullshit. Toronto deserves and needs better. He will continue to bully, undermine his adversaries and lie to everyone in his life and in Toronto.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Ford reminds me a bit of some football player down in the states, Richie Incognito, who just got suspended by the Miami Dolphins for bullying a teammate.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
It's long past time Council referred his conduct to the Integrity Commissioner to report on with all deliberate speed and begin the process of sanctioning his improper and unworthy behaviour in office. The serial lying about his drunken and/or drugged state at public events, and in his office (remember Adam Giambrone?) would be a good place to start. With the wisdom acquired from the previous CofI case, Council would likely not mishandle any sanction it chose to apply this time.

Certainly a Mayor who thinks losing your job for putting your head on a desk is not enough—his manager needed to be fired as well, according to Rob—would be unlikely to mount a sincere, substantiated and compelling argument that he's entitled to hang onto his. So far his entire defence and Rehab Plan amounts to, "I love my job".


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Yes...... and Jack Layton's arrest in a Toronto massage parlour comes to mind as well........ Sincerely, Jon .
This is the Toronto Esciort Review Board, we can't really complain about anyone going to a massage parlour.
And you are wrong as usual - Layton was NOT arrested.

In my view, the fact that he just may be elected Mayor again in Toronto speaks volumes about the man, himself. Sincerely, Jon .
The fact is that is not a fact but your opinion.
More name calling, just shows once again how immature you are.
To really insult you should say, "More name calling, just shows once again how much like Ford you are"

You're welcome Jon, so far I haven't seen any posts in this thread attacking his policies or his performance in office, only personal attacks against his character, which is extremely sad.
That's not what this thread is for. But if you really want, we can start filling up posts with his terrible policies. Transit, Portlands development, social assistance, Conflicts of Interest....the only competence he's shown has been his policy of lying about everything.

It's also convenient that no one even mentions any more his awful performance with the casino attempt. What should have been a slam-dunk turned into just one more opportunity for the Ford circus to spew such utter garbage, exaggerations and lies that no one could believe anything he said about the cost, about how many jobs would open up, or anything and his ineptitude at negotiating ended up with him unable to convince council (and the public) to vote in favour of it.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
acutus said:
In my view, the fact that he just may be elected Mayor again in Toronto speaks volumes about the man, himself. Sincerely, Jon .
If true, that would say far more about Toronto voters. They already elected a known serial liar and drug-user with a record of disorderly conduct in public.

So far there are no actual stats that suggest he would be re-elected. Not surprising, as there's nothing like a known slate for voters to pick from. Try to keep your fan-boy enthusiasm on the level of reasonable surmise.

As a f'rinstance that might well include the possibility that Ford Nationals might discover that they couldn't twice vote for a lying druggie who won't get treatment once they were in the privacy of the voting booth. Not and admit it afterwards. Something about fool me twice.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I find Rob Ford to be a buffoon and a reactionary. I also think he's very bad for Toronto and its image.

That said, it's gotten to the point that I actually feel sorry for the guy as he's obviously got serious substance abuse and mental health issues. Finding out that he commits suicide at some point wouldn't surprise me at all. This guy needs help and if he's not going to get it himself then the people around him need to stage an intervention and get him the help he so desperately needs.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Ignorance is bliss.
I truly don't understand where that belief comes from. Now we have hard evidence that he's been lying about so much, and
1. dropped out of Carleton U after 1 year in business program
2. has never run a business or worked in any capacity wrt finances
3. has never even held a real job.

So I don't understand why anyone would think Ford is in any way competent to lead what is basically a corporation with an annual operating budget of around $9 billion. Nothing in his background shows any aptitude or even interest in managing finances. Most of what he claimed about the casino was bullshit. He has wasted millions over subways and has put the taxpayers on the hook for billions which will be need to be paid off over the next few decades.
Oh yeah there's also this, from a Conservative councilor and CA:

for background:
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I find Rob Ford to be a buffoon and a reactionary. I also think he's very bad for Toronto and its image.

That said, it's gotten to the point that I actually feel sorry for the guy as he's obviously got serious substance abuse and mental health issues. Finding out that he commits suicide at some point wouldn't surprise me at all. This guy needs help and if he's not going to get it himself then the people around him need to stage an intervention and get him the help he so desperately needs.
An inexpensive and simple solution. :)


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
We don't know everything yet, he says he doesn't even remember how he found himself smoking crack. What else doesn't he remember doing. So many addicts I've known behave precisely this way. They are shocked to learn what they did under the influence and actually don't remember doing it. The distinction between lying and telling the truth is meaningless to an individual who is not in control of his actions. His life is in danger.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I thought crack was highly addictive

Why is he not hooked? or is he?

Just give hooked fools their drugs and they can function

The worse part about being hooked is the drugs are illegal


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
I thought crack was highly addictive

Why is he not hooked? or is he?

Just give hooked fools their drugs and they can function

The worse part about being hooked is the drugs are illegal
I was going to type out a long response but it's easier to copy and paste:

Such functioning alcoholics are still self-destructing with mood-altering substances, however, their usage of chemicals is not so obvious as individuals with addictions who live on the streets. Functioning alcoholics are often binge drinkers or have “delta” patterns of alcoholism.


Those with binge drinking habits can go for long periods of time without using mood-altering substances (alcohol/drugs), but then, often for no apparent reason, binge for an undetermined length until he or she collapses.

Binge drinkers and drug users typically cannot predict the results of their behaviours. Such functioning alcoholics may black-out by drinking and do not know where they are when they awake. Also, they likely have made numerous foolish decisions while drinking alcohol or using mind-changing drugs that in some cases can be life-threatening. These functioning alcoholics have addictions and their lives have become unmanageable as a result of their alcoholism.

The interval between binges may be weeks, months, or years. The interval between binges may remain constant, fluctuate or decrease.
If the interval between binges continues to decrease then the pattern will eventually change from binge drinking to chronic, daily drinking. Jellinek refers to binge drinking as epsilon alcoholism.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I was going to type out a long response but it's easier to copy and paste:
I do not believe crack falls into the binge category

I doubt that you can binge on crack then go long periods without it

my understanding is it is highly addictive and you need to take it several times a day so how can ford run a long meeting ????

Does he smoke in his office throughout the day without staff smelling it ???

I say give addicts their drugs so they can function and not fund organized crime
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