Good in what way? If I were to say if the city is better or worse off in the last 8 years of his reign, I would say it's worse.Tory was a good mayor thus far, well accomplished and was in the process ( technical still is) in working on the 2023 budget.
However he put his own head on a platter by his actions and voluntarily said he would resign.
Tory full well knew the game, the consequences and hoisted himself with his own petar. This is how the electoral process works and if a worse mayor comes than so be it.
It doesn’t matter if some of the public forgives him or not, he wants to go and should go as he will increasingly morph into a ‘lame duck” mayor if he decides to linger. The Mayoral- MLSE trail will be intensify and further handicap Tory as time goes by.
Likely more than one lady has spread her legs on Mayor Tory’s casting couch in the past and more scandals maybe coming.
Tory’s family life is neither here nor there in this egregious lapse of judgment which will cost the City of Toronto hundreds of millions of dollars if he stays or goes.
The city is several crises in a trench coat: housing, transit, public services, homelessness, mental health, drugs, violent crime, infrastructure, basic amenities...