We'd get service increases with higher taxes at least.
Ford keeps cutting services, health care and education.
Developers get tax breaks and we have to pay for them under Ford.
Tory didn't fix anything.
You're living in dreamland if you think that by simply electing left leaning politicians, it will solve everything. There's already lots lefties on council and guess what, Tory's budget passed with a vote of 25-1.
As for the province, how well was it being run by the Liberals? You must have a short memory. Why do you think they were voted out and left with just 7 seats.
Here's a few reasons, in case you've forgotten.
- Ornge
- Skyrocketing hydro rates
- Cancelled gas plants
- Cuts to front-line health care
- eHealth
- Doubling the debt
- School closures
- Lining the pockets of Liberal insiders
- PanAm Games
- Liberal waste
Your assertion that Conservatives are corrupt and Liberals aren't is simply laughable.