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Bill Clinton is a GOD!!!!

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
onthebottom said:
Perhaps dyslexia is at fault here, perhaps Judas H meant DOG - that I'd agree with.


America was such a better place when Clinton was President.

Clinton is a GOD!!!


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Cinema Face said:
Anyone who thinks that the US was better under Clinton than Bush has a short memory.
I'll take up your challenge.

- Al Quaida grows to become a global terrorist organization while Clinton did nothing.
Ah, Bush Sr. funded Osama as his "boy" and did nothing. Clinton had drones deadlocked on Osama. When Gore's presidency was stolen by the Republicans, Bush Jr. ignored the memo claiming Osama Bin Laden will attack the USA.

- USS Cole gets bombs. Clinton did nothing. OBL is blamed. Clinton had 3 opportunities to get him. Didn’t bother.
Clinton had drones on top of Osama. They were developing them to have missiles. When Bush jr. took over, it was back to the whispers and ghosts of Iraq, Iraq, Iraq.

- WTC gets bombed the 1st time. Clinton did nothing.
Those pigs were caught and put in jail. And if you haven't noticed, under Clinton, we still had The World Trade Center.

- Clinton goes to war in Kosovo.
Ends the slaughter of 200,000 people with not one troop getting killed. Now the criminals are in war crimes tribunals. Only a couple are still at large and the area is a vibrant Democracy. Thank you General Clark.

- Clinton bombs Iraq.
After Saddam throughout the weapons inspectors. Make note that Clinton increased the no-fly zone to miles from the city limits of Baghdad. Bush Sr.'s man "General Swartz-cough" allowed Saddam to have copters with missiles and guns, causing the mess and attacks on the Kurds we are in now. Pigs!

- Clinton bombs Afghanistan
He bombed a terrorist camp..

- Clinton blows up an aspirin factory in Sudan
That's according to the Sudanese government. The same government that is doing genocide in Delfor. That factory was creating chemical weapons, not Anacin.

- Clinton almost invades Haiti. Carter saves his ass.
They got rid of a dictator. Haiti's current problems are caused by the Haitians, not the Americans.

- Waco Texas. Branch Davidians die because of Janet Reno’s colossal incompetence and stupidity.
That's almost correct. However, even if it was wrong to attack. David Koresh was more evil and burned those people. You could say that George W. Bush Jr. has yet to invade Neverland after Tom Sneddon tried.

- Oklahoma City bombing. Nuff said.
Domestic terrorism. Pig was caught and snuffed. Osama is still on the run under Bush Jr. because (now let me get this right) "we have to respect international borders"? WHAT?? We were fucking attacked!! What "international border" is denying the freeest country in the world to get that bastard?

- Somalia
Bush Sr. invaded and didn't finish the job, hoping for a re-election.

Don’t forget:
- Whitewater
Spend $25 million of tax payers money to investigate a land deal that the Clinton's lost money on?? Give me a break.

- Travelgate

- Paula Jones - Jennifer Flowers
Just ask them if President Clinton used a condom and they will not answer. Because nothing happened.

- Elian Gonzales
I'm on the GOP side with this and Elian should have stayed in the USA. His "cashier" father and pigheaded Cuban aunts had no right to "lobby" Congress. However, Elian Gonzales got his wish to see the Miami Dolphins and they kicked his little Cuban ass right through the uprights on his way to Cuba!! Answer this. Why did Elian's father NOT want to stay in America? Was his family held at gunpoint? Will Bush Jr. invade Cuba for free trade or to check Elian's left testicle and free him at 18?

- Selling nuke secrets to the Chinese in exchange for election campaign donations.
Not proven. Bogus garbage. Why didn't you say "They bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia by accident"?

- Stealing white house furniture.
Which US President didn't do the same? Lyndon B Johnson?

And last but not least:
- Monica Lewinsky
LOL!! What a waste of US tax dollars because of a blow-job. I'm just curious why Monica Lewinsky wasn't taken against her will and forced to do a Cal-Star Direct caning video aftwerwards?

- Finally, I defy all the Clinton cum-swallowers on this board to come up with ONE SINGLE GOOD THING that Clinton did in his 8 years.

The greatest economy ever in the USA from 1996 - 2000. It was so good that George W. Bush Jr. purposely made it look like a bubble to bring the USA back to January 1992 with $1.14 CAD per US Dollar and a continuation of the Iraq War without a World Trade Center and to ban all Americans from climibing and visiting Lady Liberty until 2004.

Another, Clinton increased Pell Grants and College Loans making it possible for any American at any legal age to get a 4-year college degree. Beat that. Bush Jr. has taken away all education with a wife that is a pathetic educator.

Face it. George W. Bush Jr. isn't necessarily a US President, just a bad leader. Soon to be an impeached leader.

Gyaos Baltar

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
kirmit129 said:
Notice when the Republicans are in power, the U.S. creates more shit in the world. When the Democrats are in power, the U.S. creates less shit in the world. Of course, power goes to the elites of society. People who think true democracy exists are just plain naive.

Usually I don’t bother commenting on historically challenged posts such as this, but this time I just can’t resist. Here’s a brief history lesson of democrats vs. republicans over the last 50 or so years:

FDR (Democrat)

Declared war on Germany and Italy; two countries that didn’t attack the US and didn’t even threaten to do so. 450,000 people died in that war.

Provoked a military response from Japan (Pearl Harbour) who felt they were forced to do so to break the blockade of US ships against Japan.

Truman (Democrat)

Dropped the atomic bomb on Japan, not once but twice while they were trying to surrender.

Invaded Korea, a country that didn’t attack the US or threaten the US in any way. Killed 1 million Chinese in that war.

Eisenhower (Republican)

Ended the Korean war.

Stopped Soviet expansion into Europe without the use of direct military action.

Kennedy (Democrat)

Botched Bay of pigs invasion of Cuba. Kennedy cancelled the air support at the last minute and let the Cuban ex-compatriots get slaughtered on the beach.

Cuban Missile crisis. Had the world the closest it’s ever been to a nuclear exchange between the Soviets and the US. Had the Soviets not backed down mere hours before the planned invasion of Cuba, it would’ve certainly ended in nuclear war.

Invaded Vietnam, a country that didn’t attack the US or threaten the US in any way.

Johnson (Democrat)

Escalated the Vietnam War.

Nixon (Republican)

Ended the Vietnam War.

Started diplomatic talks with China. Since China and the Soviets were enemies at the time, it set up a triangular diplomacy situation. Relations with the Soviets improved dramatically.

Carter (Democrat)

Let the Shaw of Iran fall and let a murderous theocrat take over.

Let Iranian students take hostages at an American embassy for an astonishing 444 days. Some say this was the beginning of Islamic terrorism against the US.

Let Nicaragua fall to the Communists.

Energy crisis

Reagan (Republican)

Ended the hostage crisis

Ended the energy crisis

Negotiated a successful nuclear arms reduction program with the Soviets.

Had a part to play in the ending of the cold war.

Clinton (Democrat)

Read my earlier post

Haiti (almost)

All failures and pointless losses of human life.

George Bush Jr. (Republican)

Had to deal with a large scale terrorist attack on US soil which was a retaliation against Clinton’s bombing of Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan.

Launched successful military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq to remove brutal dictators and install a democratic government.

As a result, other countries such as Egypt, Palestine and Syria are now fledgling democracies as a ripple effect of efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Previous brutal dictators such as Khadafy are less willing foster terrorism in the world as a result.


- Democrats started more shit in the world than Republicans.

- Republicans ended more wars than Democrats.

- Republicans are more successful with the wars they wage than Democrats.

- The world has been safer when Republicans are in office than Democrats.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
DonQuixote said:
A quick reply. Germany declared war on the US the day after
Peril Harbor. Italy did likewise. We were attacked and challenged.
Rightly or wrongly, they attacked us.

As to Truman, very tough call. The Japanese weren't about
to surrender. Truman played the trump card.

Bottom line, don't piss US off. All hell breaks out.
Rightly or wrongly, don't piss US off.

I'm not sure who made the 1st declaration but I'm sure it was the US that did the 1st military action against Germany and Italy.

The Japs were trying to negotiate a surrender with the Russians while "saving face". That was until the Russians decided to declare war on Japan (Stalin knew about the bomb and decided to get some land out of the deal).

Anyway, I don't really criticize what FDR and Truman did. I'm just spinning it to make a point. They were dems making some tough choices that costs lots of lives.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Cinema Face said:
Usually I don’t bother commenting on historically challenged posts such as this, but this time I just can’t resist. Here’s a brief history lesson of democrats vs. republicans over the last 50 or so years:
Everything you wrote is bogus and you know it. But my favourite one was:

- As a result, other countries such as Egypt, Palestine and Syria are now fledgling democracies as a ripple effect of efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

EGYPT IS A DEMOCRACY?? SYRIA?????????? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The world is as good as dead with Republicans in charge as crypto-communists.

Gyaos Baltar.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
baltimoron said:
Except for Gennifer Flowers, I don't understand his taste in women.
I though Paula could have been a good fuck with the hair doo and body. But, definately, Flowers could hump better and was experienced. Paula still needed some training, which is why she cried foul with the GOP-communists help.....and no one in the Republican camp knew how to have sex anyway, except for an occasional spank on the rear, panties down, of course.

Gyaos Baltar (Vice President of Caprica)


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
DonQuixote said:
There are just wars and then there are unjust wars.
That's the ultimate difference. You declare war on me,
I respond in kind. It's a moral and ethical issue. You
try to defeat me, I bring you to your knees begging
for mercy.

The Hun is either at your throat or at your knees:
Churchill. Germany is very anti-war to this day because
of their lessons learned. Too bad the US didn't learn
from Germany's lessons.

All commitments to war must be on just, legal reasons.
Not because you want to hit someone but because you were hit.
Defeat your opponent, not innocents in the region. Example: Iraq.
They never declared war on the US. They never threatened US.
Using this very simple logic, I would assume the Korean conflict was not just?



Nov 25, 2005
onthebottom said:
Using this very simple logic, I would assume the Korean conflict was not just?

Might as well throw in the overthrow of the Taliban and the Civil War.


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Cinema Face said:
I'm not sure who made the 1st declaration but I'm sure it was the US that did the 1st military action against Germany and Italy.
Try reading history, idiot, instead of having an uninformed opinion.

The US declared war on Japan on December 8, 1941, one day after Pearl Harbor.

On the 11th of December, Germany declared war on the USA, giving FDR the needed justification to join the war in Europe, which isolationist Republicans and Nazi sympathizers -- including Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford -- had opposed (see

George Santayana: "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
DonQuixote said:
That's your simple logic, go with it!
No, it was your simplistic logic, so go ahead and apply it to the Korean confilict and give us your verdict......


Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom

I make a compelling case that history shows dems are more warlike than reps and the dems are worse at it. Clinton is one in particular that lead the US on some pointless losses of life. Most of the Clinton lovers conveniently have short memory

All the lefties can do is nitpick and argue who was the first to declare war, Germany, Italy, Japan or the US. And of course, insult. Thanx TOV. You never disappoint trying to pass off insults as intelligent banter.

I rest my case :cool:
May 3, 2004
Cinema Face said:
I make a compelling case that history shows dems are more warlike than reps and the dems are worse at it. Clinton is one in particular that lead the US on some pointless losses of life. Most of the Clinton lovers conveniently have short memory

All the lefties can do is nitpick and argue who was the first to declare war, Germany, Italy, Japan or the US. And of course, insult. Thanx TOV. You never disappoint trying to pass off insults as intelligent banter.

I rest my case :cool:
Clinton communicated through his feeble responses to RIFT acts in the nineties, that if you attack and kill Americans, the American government will not respond with any forceful military demonstration.

"If you bloody America's nose, nothing will happen to you," was the overriding message to AQ acts during ther Clinton Admin.

Apparently AQ believed Bush was as weak as Clinton.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
rogerstaubach said:
Apparently AQ believed Bush was as weak as Clinton.
Amazing how they found someone weaker than Clinton. It's amazing how they found someone like Bush that would help them in their cause.

Osama couldn't have asked for a better friend than Bush.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
DonQuixote said:
That's a tough one. There were political mistakes that contributed
to the N. Korean-Chinese issues. I don't think too many in DC
thought China under the control of Mao in 1949 would get involved.
But, they did. East Asia has always been a murky swamp for
the US. Even moreso, back then. Was it MacArthur that made
the error in judgment when he went North? Prior to his misguided
campaign we had only 11,000 losses and were in control of half
the country. We unsuccessfully moved forward and lost another
40,000. Not good military strategy.

Was it a war that had to be fought! I vote yes. It resulted in the
Truman Doctrine - we will oppose Communism wherever,
whenever. At the end of the day the Truman Doctrine that was
the result of George F. Keenan's theory that Communism would
implode if given the chance would succeed. It did succeed. They

Did it result in unnecessary and costly battles? Yes.
Were those losses a cost=benefit to US? Yes.
Could we have done a better job? Yes. Were our
efforts worth the price. Yes.

Korea has to be a toughter decision than 'Nam. As it turns out,
it was a good decision.

First I have to say thankyou for answering a direct question with a thoughtful and direct answer.

But I have to say it fails your simple test of:

DonQuixote said:
There are just wars and then there are unjust wars.
That's the ultimate difference. You declare war on me,
I respond in kind. It's a moral and ethical issue. You
try to defeat me, I bring you to your knees begging
for mercy.

The Hun is either at your throat or at your knees:
Churchill. Germany is very anti-war to this day because
of their lessons learned. Too bad the US didn't learn
from Germany's lessons.

All commitments to war must be on just, legal reasons.
Not because you want to hit someone but because you were hit.
Defeat your opponent, not innocents in the region. Example: Iraq.
They never declared war on the US. They never threatened US.
It’s just a little more complicated than that isn’t it.

May 3, 2004
onthebottom said:
First I have to say thankyou for answering a direct question with a thoughtful and direct answer.

But I have to say it fails your simple test of:

It’s just a little more complicated than that isn’t it.

Good shot OTB. Mr. Moral Equivilancy takes a shot to the gut.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
rogerstaubach said:
Good shoot OTB. Mr. Moral Equivilancy takes a shot to the gut.
Let's not TOV ourselves, DQ put someting out there to discuss, let's discuss it.



Nov 19, 2005
the world seemed a lot quieter and there was trust in government when clinton ruled.... bush is a clown and he seem to have a lot of stuff going on in his mind


Nov 19, 2005
btw, the republican and democrat crap is like looking at fifa statistics of the countries and making predictions

look at how much bs bush has came up with... imo I don't think it has much to do with democrat/republican......... it's all how ppl look at it I guess

this is pointless.

the mayors should have more power and they should make big decisions.......... and please get arnold of the seat.. like seriously... what a joke
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