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Best Place for a single guy to hobby vacation in the Caribbean/Mexico/Central America


Active member
Jul 19, 2013
So what are we talking about price wise in houlgin. How is the scene there, do they come to you, you go to them, do you pay to date them or are there mostly street and bar pickups ? Where is the best place to stay? How to het in touch with people that rent accomodations there so someone can plan accordingly ?
bump - I'm asking the same questions too :)


Active member
Jun 5, 2003
Probz' smoking much more than a cigar...
I've been to Cuba more than 20+ times and I feel safer walking down a "calle" at 1 am in the morning than I do on Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa during the day.


Everyone in Cuba knows that "yumas" bring in necessary dollars to the economy and when you fuck with a tourist (not literally mind you) then you get thrown in a Cuban jail immediately.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Just a heads up on geography...Cuba is in North America.

I know...I'm being a dink.

And I do agree with you...it's very safe I think. But not so safe for the girls. Cat and mouse games in Havana. Never tried much anywhere else.

Costa Rica (also technically in North America, although people like to invent a continent of Central America) is also very safe, no cat and mouse games. And Colombia...I think safe. But others think otherwise. But safe as far as hobbying is concerned.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Try Holguin, girls line up there and its cheap. I frequent Cienfuegos now. I made local friends now. Its easy to find chicas. I am travelling again in End of Jan or Early Feb.
Cienfuegos is a very popular destination for single men. I used to go to Rancho Luna but have not been there for almost a year. Guys there do pay for their chica guests. So it was very common to see retired guys with young 20+ year olds.

Is there any other resort in Cienfuegos that you would recommend?


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Cienfuegos is a very popular destination for single men. I used to go to Rancho Luna but have not been there for almost a year. Guys there do pay for their chica guests. So it was very common to see retired guys with young 20+ year olds.

Is there any other resort in Cienfuegos that you would recommend?
I'm skeptical about Cuba right now. Heard recent disturbing stories of tourists being jailed for suspicion of sex tourism (used to be just the chicas got in trouble). Cuba is short of foreign exchange right now...so perhaps some extortion happening. Who knows.

Costa Rica is still the safest in my opinion...as far as just doing it, not worrying about police, etc. and being able to pick and choose openly. Last time I was there went to a hotel...chicas came into the bar, pick one, negotiate price, go to room, next... All legal, safe, and technically I would not have needed to leave the hotel. But I do...I walk, I go other places, I study Spanish, waste a bit of time in casinos, go to massage places. Really unlike almost anywhere else in Central/South America.

Colombia is great...but doesn't have the point and shoot convenience. But still...go to casas...pick one out of the line up, pay or agree on time...do it. Done. Or many other alternatives. But almost none as simple as the Costa Rica options.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I'm skeptical about Cuba right now. Heard recent disturbing stories of tourists being jailed for suspicion of sex tourism (used to be just the chicas got in trouble). Cuba is short of foreign exchange right now...so perhaps some extortion happening. Who knows.

Costa Rica is still the safest in my opinion...as far as just doing it, not worrying about police, etc. and being able to pick and choose openly. Last time I was there went to a hotel...chicas came into the bar, pick one, negotiate price, go to room, next... All legal, safe, and technically I would not have needed to leave the hotel. But I do...I walk, I go other places, I study Spanish, waste a bit of time in casinos, go to massage places. Really unlike almost anywhere else in Central/South America.

Colombia is great...but doesn't have the point and shoot convenience. But still...go to casas...pick one out of the line up, pay or agree on time...do it. Done. Or many other alternatives. But almost none as simple as the Costa Rica options.
From what I have heard, the only tourists jailed in Cuba, were those who opted to have sex with the chicas who were under 18. Apparently, the age for consent for the locals is 16 years, but to tourists it is a mandatory 18 years old minimum age.
Apart from that, none of my buddies have complained about the cops stepping up their security measures to hold tourists to the same level of scrutiny as the locals. Yes, all the legal casa particulars require the women to also be registered and have their identities on them. It will be on their records if they are being registered too often. That is why they opt only to go to the non-licensed casa particulars that only charge a room fee of 10 CUCS per booking.

This guy got jailed for promoting prostitution in Costa Rica:


This is the Cuba Dave who got indicted in Costa Rica:



Active member
Aug 27, 2002
I've been to Cuba more than 20+ times and I feel safer walking down a "calle" at 1 am in the morning than I do on Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa during the day.


Everyone in Cuba knows that "yumas" bring in necessary dollars to the economy and when you fuck with a tourist (not literally mind you) then you get thrown in a Cuban jail immediately.

Everyone in Cuba also knows that Cuba is in North America.

unlike Probz', who has been smoking the good stuff


New member
Dec 27, 2019
If you have Spanish skills my favourite places are Colombia and Argentina.
Sousa DR is great if you are into ebony girls. Most girls are available from the bars for take out for maybe $100-$150 for an overnight. The bar owner gets a cut. Been a few years since i went. If you want the fairer skin Latina beauties you have to go inland to Vega or San Francisco. Been a few years since I’ve been.
One trip to DR spent a couple months before my 2 week trip chatting up a bunch of girls on Latincupids.com ... or whatever Latin dating site I found. Paid off ten fold as I spent 2+ weeks bouncing from city to city with a stable of girls lined up for dates in each city. Some girls got intimate with, others not. Had a blast.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Tried hobbying in Havana once, not easy. That was about 5 or 6 years ago. Girls are scared in public, if the police pick them up they are toast.
Hobbying in Havana is the EASIEST most imaginable scenario possible.

It's actually moronically stupid. You have no work to do.
Glad it has changed since I went there. I'll stick with elsewhere though. Nothing more depressing than walking around town and seeing everything almost derelict.
I hope things have improved for Cubans but they have the worst infrastructure I have seen. Friendly people for sure.

Stayed at the Parque Central Hotel, the view from the roof is humbling. Even looking out the window, or walking around Havana Viejo.

Hobbying in Havana is the EASIEST most imaginable scenario possible.

It's actually moronically stupid. You have no work to do.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Forgive my ignorance but how does one keep from just getting outright robbed in a foreign country looking for this kind of fun? I feel like I would be an easy target and completely unaware of where to go, what areas to avoid and just open to being exploited (the irony of which is not lost on me). Especially since I like to travel alone.

This is my general feeling. Some countries for example have death penalties for things perfectly legal in Canada. Certainly you need to have some rR&D before hand.

As a said note, many countries taxi drivers usually give you a quick tour of the situation usually volunteering the info without being asked if you alone. However for all I know they could be some kind of scam.

On the other hand many countries have perfectly safe and legalized systems. R&D I imagine would be the key. Local knowledge if the best if you have contacts on the ground,
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