Besides paying for it, what’s the easiest way you’ve gotten laid ;)


Supporting Member
Oct 19, 2022
ill go first (not that its hard) disco-danced my way u- to someone while in 4 inch heels and an afro wig at a popular disco night. Few words were exchanged, and few were needed.

that one night stand turned into 3 day roadtrip to seattle. He got upset when i took the wig off so i left it on the entire trip lol ;)


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
Showed up married to a bar full of married women interested in cheating on their husbands. As soon as I smiled at her, I knew I would be spending the weekend with her. Great time. Went back to the same place the following two years for more success.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
I am master of my domain. Having said that there are many domains to be a master at. I am a magnificent picker of stocks. ( Ask Phil C. McNasty ) My reputation precedes me when I arrive at an event. I can pull a rabbit out of my hat when I so desire, so to speak. I have three lady friends with benefits, it use to be four but one moved to another city to pursue a career advancement. ( I still offer her the same benefits ) One attribute ladies are impressed by is being a provider. I have doubled/tripled their nest eggs annually. I prefer the no pressure no obligation relationships. Do these ladies know each other? Two of them do, as one introduced me to her friend.
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Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Years ago I was in a bar in NEW YORK a beautiful woman approached and said she had been stiffed by her date and they had planned on going to Trapeze on 37th, she was all excited and wondered if I would like to join her, I asked how much said just cover the door fee and drinks, no charge for her , she wasn’t a pro…so I did , a full night of debauchery, I must say since it was might first time it took a while to get settled with all that nakedness around me

Sonic Temple

Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
Feb 14, 2020
Showed up married to a bar full of married women interested in cheating on their husbands. As soon as I smiled at her, I knew I would be spending the weekend with her. Great time. Went back to the same place the following two years for more success.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2019
I was sitting in a bar with some friends... and girl asked me to move my chair back from the table... she jumped on my lap and...
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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
Many years ago, I was visiting a small city in Canada on a business trip. Asked a local colleague if she was from Toronto. She said: No...why do you ask? I responded: Because you're so sophisticated. Bang! I wasn't even trying...she was just so flattered.
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Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Bar . Sat next to a petite attractive GND SHE SOON asked me to dance so she could rub her body against mine. It was clear she was lonely and needed some sex. We quicky went to her place and laid down and started making out, we did not have INTERCOURSE as THAT IS AGAINST MY PRINCIPALS BUT DID HAVE OUTERCOURSE, It was fun as I tried to make her feel good about herself as she explored her sexuality. The best way to do that is be non judgemental go slow and and communicate after a couple of hours and a few breaks we hugged a deep hug and I left

What is wrong with that
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Was at an event and a friend and his girlfriend came up and told me that a friend of theirs was in town and over coffee that morning had been talking about wanting some NSA sex but negotiating all that seemed really hard and the girlfriend, seeing I was at the event, wanted to know if she could recommend me as the obvious solution to approach. Girlfriend gave her word she wouldn't promise anything, just vouch for me and tell the visiting friend that I was a good choice if it turned out we hit it off.

Girl came up later with them for an introduction, we spent the weekend fucking on and off.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I am master of my domain. .... My reputation precedes me when I arrive at an event.
Ah, so the entire party gathers around the door waiting in murmured silence for your arrival ?
I can pull a rabbit out of my hat when I so desire, so to speak. I have three lady friends with benefits, it use to be four but one moved to another city to pursue a career advancement. ( I still offer her the same benefits ) One attribute ladies are impressed by is being a provider. I have doubled/tripled their nest eggs annually. I prefer the no pressure no obligation relationships. Do these ladies know each other? Two of them do, as one introduced me to her friend.
My gut reaction to this particular post : 🤮

By your own admission, these are paid admirers. I think the question is how to get laid without money or personal experiences that got the desired goal without paying.

Sample: I picked a woman in a bar and invited her for a drink. I talked about myself until she passed out from boredom and then screwed her.
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A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
When I first signed up for Plenty of Fish years back, I ended up having sex on my first date. It was probably one of the worst experiences I've ever had.

Another time was with someone I met through Craigslist Casual Encounters. We both got absolutely hammered and ended up back at her place. The sex must have been good, or at least decent, because we hooked up again the next weekend.

Then there was the time I was at a gig during either Canadian Music Week or North by Northeast, I can't remember, where a woman came up to me and struck up a conversation. We ended up spending the night hanging out together and because I was an idiot who didn't pick up on obvious signals, I missed a chance to get laid. Or, I'm ending this story with, "And that's how I met my ex-wife."
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