Do you doubt that I have ability to pick stocks? Ask Phil C. McNasty he will curse and jump up and down but he will not deny my abilities. Check out the old stock picking thread. I like to run circles around U-man and kick his ass every time I orbit him. Just go by my previous picks and you will see that I can enhance the wealth of my lady friends. Trust me, women admire this ability that a man has. My ladies take me out for diner, and on vacations. They bring back cigars for me from Cuba. They get me nice bottles of booze for special occasions, some of which I am too cheap to buy for myself. It is nice to be a pampered kitty.My gut reaction to this particular post :
By your own admission, these are paid admirers. I think the question is how to get laid without money or personal experiences that got the desired goal without paying.
Sample: I picked a woman in a bar and invited her for a drink. I talked about myself until she passed out from boredom and then screwed her.
Post #196, 197, 198, 200, 212, 236, 244, 267.
These are not bored housewives that are just doing their duty, or the bored lump laying there for you to get it over with. These are eager to please career women that appreciate my abilities.