It was a generalized, all men are trash for clickbait post that happened to go viral. The reason it went viral is because from a logical standpoint men are not a big a threat but from a feelings standpoint some women think they are.What you did again is the classic mansplaining " Most men do have compassion, would recommend women take precautions against creeps etc., "
Invalidating the women's emotions, experiences and feelings and not listening. That's the whole point. I don't know how many times I have to say this. Always invalidating ands shifting blame. A lot of men are also sooo clueless of how their behavior affects others. I could right essays about how clueless men are and this is as a man who has known a lot of men of different backgrounds.
Again, if you don't think this applies to you, move on. This isn't about you. This is about the bad ones. Why run defense for them?
You guys are free to do whatever you want regardless of how the women (that you want to date and f*ck) feel or think about you. Good luck dudes.
And that is why some women need men to protect them(I'm sure there are many women who have enough logic to see the stupidity of choosing the bear). Its from their own decision making fails that places them is dangerous situations.