I can’t really disagree with you but I do have friendships with people I do business with. Escorts do prefer some customers over others regardless of how much they pay. That is not about love or sex, but mutual respect and enjoying each other’s company. A lot of people take the posture that they understand how things really are and that the rest of us are fools. I think the models we make of human interaction need to be continually refined. Things are usually more complicated and nuanced than can be summarized with simple theories. But, what the fuck, let’s try a theory: if you find yourself “falling in like”, move forward. If you find yourself “falling in love”, take a back step.
When you watch a movie or read a book, you *know* those events are all carefully staged and that there's no real peril, right? You're suspending your disbelief in order to enjoy something. I view sex work the same way. You're engaging those same parts of your brain. I'm not saying you can't be
friendly with a sex worker. Of course you can. But I would in no way characterize it as a friendship or being in the true spirit of friendship. Friends are there for you when you have nothing to offer them. They take time out of their lives (with no compensation) to listen, to console, to celebrate, etc. Here... you're literally paying someone to be with you. Remove the money, remove the 'friendship'.
Maybe I am cynical but I view this as a transaction. There's no real friendship to gain or at stake here. Sorry, that's just how I see it and I feel this perspective is much safer than treating a sex worker as your friend because you may experience heartache or a sense of loss when things end. And they will inevitably end.