ATTENTION, MASSAGE OWNERS, attendants and customers


New member
Jul 30, 2005
Im about to tell all of you, the reason the massage industry has been under a microscope in recent months. It may seem far fetched and you can choose to believe or not, But every bit of information that im about to tell you is true.
There are two multi-millionare strip club owner brothers in the Toronto area, they blame the total decline in thier strip club business on massage parlours, escorts and believe it or not even TERB!!!!!!! When in actuality the blame is 90% on them but they are too stupid and pigheaded to realize all of the mistakes they have been making over the last decade. With that said you may have some understanding of how desperate they really are. Being part of thier inner circle Ive been listening to thier ramblings reguarding this subject for over a year, how they are going to CLOSE ALL TORONTO'S MASSAGE PARLOURS. Now you may laugh??? I did the first time it was said to me. But recently one of the brothers and I were talking alone (he was very drunk) and said way more to me than usual. Have any of you wondered how a maijor Toronto paper would do a 3 day story on holistic brothels?? good news right?? WRONG!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I was told directly that certain employees of "THE NEWSPAPER" were paid in excess of $200,000 for what they did and it continues to this day. Ok most of you are saying right "nobody would pay that much for something like that" the answer is almost nobody would. BUT THEY DID!!! ever wonder why the chosen spa for the big article was the one on bay street? It was chosen to get politicians to take notice and for the cops to look stupid. A BROTHEL on Canada's wall street???? wow that should wake em up. Now remember most strip club owners would never blow $200,000 on something like that but when you are losing MILLIONS a year and you blame it on massage parlours whats the difference. Thats just the tip of the iceberg, certain city councillors who are on the band wagon, and recently fought to close 773 queensway are on the take also. When nobodys looking they're hanging with the owners and getting thier fill of dances in the office, thats where they entertain public officials, politicians or anyone important. They wouldnt want any customers to see them or hurt the reputation of the individual, but of course the hidden camera in thier office is always recording (in the smoke detector, and I've seen some tapes) they keep those copies incase they ever need a "FAVOUR"
Furthermore a check of certain individual local politicians' election campaigns will show precisely who donated the required money to get them elected.

The only reason im coming to all of you with this is, for one main reason something one of the brothers said to me that really hit home. He said "after all the massage parlours are closed all the attendants wont be able to feed thier babies, and the ones that dont want to become prostitutes will start dancing and we will be here for them" I couldnt believe my ears I almost dropped my drink, The absolute nerve of THIS fucking millionare to screw with peoples livings just so he can make even more MILLIONS.
One of them publically went on radio to denounce holistic whore houses??? I wonder how many hundreds of people over the years can say they had more than a dance at his establishment?? Can you imagine if somebody had a tape of the owner of this particular strip club denouncing all these so called whore houses, stating that "he knows that prostitution happens at his club but business is slow" hmmm somebdy should send that tape to the radio announcer that was interviewing him. Maybe even someone I know has tapes of sexual acts happening in thier club??? If you think im kidding it can easily be proven.
CAN YOU IMAGINE??????????????????????????????
This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, they will stop at nothing to destroy the massage business.

The bottom line is this, I was told he spent over 1.6 million so far on lawyers private dectives and pay offs, He says something big will happen in october to start the end of all massage parlours in ontario, then thier business will begin to rise.. he didnt tell me whats in store for all of you, but i can guarantee it cost them ALOT of money. Ive held my silence long enuff, I thought all of you should know what your up against and whos causing all the problems. I not going to name them directly but im sure you can guess?

But I will guarantee this. If this nonsence continues, and they dont stop what they have started, I will share this information with people who know exactly what to do with it.

I hope this sheds some light on the subject, All of this and MORE can be proven if need be.


New member
Oct 20, 2004
Uhhh.. well... if they have told this to you, and you are posting it on Terb, they must have a pretty good idea who is posting this information here.

You are either very brave or very stupid to be posting this.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I don't think there's a payoff by any strip club owners, but they would benefit if the massage industry collapsed.
The general public simply doesn't like how these parlours have become bolder with their street signage and advertising. Average people are complaining to their political representatives and to the police. Adults aren't cool about their kids being exposed to this in their neighbourhoods, wives don't like them so available to their husbands.
The parlours are shooting themselves in the foot.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I wonder who these strip club owners might be???

Hmmmm, Spiros and his not so swift brother from the House of Lancaster comes to mind. And being that the one MP that they went after was on the Queensway.........

Never the less, I totally believe the original poster. I also wouldn't doubt for a second that City councillors are on the pay roll. I have seen my own councillor in action when it comes to corruption (he's a pro) and he is one of the most vocal opponents to the whole massage industry.

And I find it truly a case of the pot calling the kettle black for the strip club owners to suddenly jump up on the the morality soap box.

I don't forsee the MP business going belly up any time soon though. Espeically in the 905 belt where to tell you the truth, this 416 typically ventures to anyway. These guys may be able to influence the 416, but they don't have enough money to shut down 905, and that's where most of the action, or at least the best women are.

Bottom line is strip joints are lame / passe. You get the same old tired shit. I used to frequent strip joints 10 / 15 years ago, but my trips there have just about dried up to maybe 2 or 3 times a year. And I never bother with lap dances any more because they are a total waste of money. All you get is frustrated. By and large the strippers of today pale in comparison to the strippers of 10 or 15 years ago. So many of them are trash, they don't intrigue me in the least anymore. They come round and pester you for a dance, and it's so easy to say no.

If these two morons had any brains they would realize that the strip joint goose is pretty much cooked, and since they can't beat the MPs, they should consider joining them rather than waste their money. Just like when the G-strings came off 25 years ago and never went back on, the MP genie is out of the bottle and isn't going back in any time soon.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Something tells me that the_truth is a second User ID of perhaps a better known terb poster also.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
MrLuvr said:
Uhhh.. well... if they have told this to you, and you are posting it on Terb, they must have a pretty good idea who is posting this information here.

You are either very brave or very stupid to be posting this.
I was thinking excatly the same thing.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Regardless of whether or not the facts of the matter are true, I do believe that a crackdown on the MP scene will potentially help the SC scene. Key word is potentially. If guys can't go the rub n' tug they'll either go to SCs, escorts, or neither. Escorts cost too much (relative to MPs) and are more of a hassle. That leaves SCs or nothing. Say it's a 50/50 split; that's still an increase for SCs.

Again, regardless of whether this story is true or not, the one thing it does have going for it is something I've said all along: SCs have strong ties to organized crime. Your average joe SC owner (if there is such a thing) wouldn't have the knowledge or ability to bribe politicians to such an extent. But organized crime would. I'm not saying SC owners are part of the mafia, or the bikers, or some asian triad, or whatever, but they're dealing in a vice industry that has real strong connections to the criminal "underworld" so to speak. So I wouldn't put any of this past 'em. Of course, the flip side is that MPs also have strong ties to organized crime so I doubt they'd want to kill the MP golden goose just to go back to the SC "silver" goose.

I don't really think the SC owners can put the "genie back in the bottle" though. It's never going to go back to the way it was. Society has become much too sexualized for SCs to have the appeal they did back in their heyday. SC business is way down even in the USA, and they have far harsher laws re: adult entertainment than Toronto does.

Probably the biggest problem with this "source" has already been pointed out: wouldn't be kinda obvious who is leaking the info???


'Senior' member
Aug 30, 2004
near YOO
james t kirk said:
If these two morons had any brains they would realize that the strip joint goose is pretty much cooked, and since they can't beat the MPs, they should consider joining them rather than waste their money.
As you point out, they could have joined the MP business explosion in Metro TO and $1.6 million would have been better spent opening spas than fighting the massage industry.

Maybe they really are morons!


Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
I don't know squat about the particulars, but this is how business gets done, and it's also how a lot of business models on the skids - 'legitimate' or otherwise - react to innovation or change; desperately hanging onto what they know through means fair or foul, yet ultimately doomed...RIIA anyone?

As to why they didn't get into MPs...I'd imagine that industry's players have who gets in as much under control as I hear the strip clubs are. In Vancouver the strip clubs are generally HA with some Russians thrown in the mix; but I suspect the Russians have to 'work with' HA.


Apr 3, 2002
Never the safest place
If SC owners and others think they can create massive public outrage over MPs, as happened in the 1970s when the province invoked The Disorderly Houses Act to close MPs on Yonge St., they're not succeeding. Health International on Bay is still open. I don't think there's much will to make the huge effort it would take to close the hundreds of MPs in the Toronto area, and if they did the business would find other ways to keep operating. I doubt the SC business will ever return to its previous popularity. In the long run I think the media attention will only lead people to realize how outdated our prostitution laws have become.


New member
Jul 12, 2003
I don't see MPs as being responsible for the decline in SC business, but the following factors have really hurt SCs:

1) The price of dances: In the golden days of SCs, (mid 90's), full contact lap dances could be had for $10. There were lots of really hot Central and South American girls who were really enthusiastic, (I never felt that way about the Russian and Eastern European ladies. On average, they delivered far less milage). Now a low-contact dance is $20, not including the VIP room charge. Dances are far too expensive. An hour of FS with a decent SP is about half the cost of an hour of SC dances. Once people got used to full contact dances, it became difficult, if not impossible, for them to be satisfied with less.

2) There are almost no younger men going to SCs, and if they do, it's a group of frat boys having one dancer for their whole table, or for the guy who's having a birthday.

3) The smoking ban in public places was a major hit to SCs. I think about 50% of patrons and dancers smoked when I was a SC regular.

4) The quality of the dancers has declined significantly, but the cost of the service has not.

5) DJs who went to the John Gallagher School of Announcing are really annoying.

6) The quality of music, and the length of songs has declined. Lite, MOR music like Celine Dion, Beyoncé, etc. may appeal to the dancer on stage, but the audience sure doesn't like it.

7) Real features are few and far between. There used to be professional travelling features with exotic stage shows. Now it's pretty well minor or washed-up porn stars. One appearance on bangbus seems to be enough to qualify.


Nov 26, 2002
I think most people will go to SPs and then use SC as a last resort. Maybe in october they will do a major crackdown on Sps. I for one would rather wack off to internet porn than go to a SC.

I do think his story has alot of merit and I guess in October we will know if he is telling the truth.

Thanks for the heads up if all this is indeed the truth.



james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
I don't know squat about the particulars, but this is how business gets done, and it's also how a lot of business models on the skids - 'legitimate' or otherwise - react to innovation or change; desperately hanging onto what they know through means fair or foul, yet ultimately doomed...RIIA anyone?
Exactly, they are trying to hang on to a doomed business model in some ways. The first problem for strip clubs is that there are simply way too many of them. They all smelled a profit way back when and strip clubs began growing like weeds around the GTA. Now the money is drying up and there just simply isn't enough money in the arena to keep all the SCs viable. What really needs to happen is a culling of the number of strip clubs down to a number where there is profit for the ones that remain. These guys figure rather than re-invent themselves they somehow will take out the competition (MPs). Well, good luck trying.

I have always thought that strip clubs were set up to be the perfect brothels. You have the big venue, the women, the men, the sex / vice of it all. Hell, you even have booze. If they could combine that with back room full service, you'd have a booming business. The problem with this model is that you've just gone over the top in offering too much for the public at large to handle. Not only do you have the sex angle, but you have the booze angle too which would create huge problems with drunks. For this reason, I don't see this scenario working, at least not in an urban environment.

MPs work because they are quiet. They don't sell booze, you get a few customers at a time, and it's quiet. Someone else posted about MPs not being discrete enough, having loud signs announcing to Joe Q Public is going on behind the closed doors, etc. This is NOTHING compared to the garishness of your average SC with its large signs, huge parking lots and large comings and goings of patrons.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
james t kirk said:
Bottom line is strip joints are lame / passe. You get the same old tired shit. I used to frequent strip joints 10 / 15 years ago, but my trips there have just about dried up to maybe 2 or 3 times a year. And I never bother with lap dances any more because they are a total waste of money. All you get is frustrated. By and large the strippers of today pale in comparison to the strippers of 10 or 15 years ago. So many of them are trash, they don't intrigue me in the least anymore. They come round and pester you for a dance, and it's so easy to say no.

Personally for me there really is no connection at all between MP and SC.

The death of MPs will not make SCs any more appealing to me.

Even if the dances were $10 everywhere I still would have no problem at all saying no thanks to these silly little dances.

Now if the Pro brings in a fresh batch of senoritas, I could be in trouble. :p


New member
Mar 31, 2002
As for the adverising of mp's and such, I was walking down Queen St on Saturday and on the back of a rickshaw there was an ad for a mp, 30 lovely ladies, 10 VIP rooms,

I was quite surprised by that,


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
The formula is simple. If the quality and variety of the strippers declines I am going to find other ways to entertain little wha. MPs will survive raids -- they have for decades. Your powerful millionair friends better save their money and prepare for retirement if their only busisness model is to racketeer. The WWW has de-bullshit-ized the whole industry.


Capitalism. It's dog eat dog.

since they can't beat the MPs, they should consider joining them rather than waste their money
MP's are too illegal. They are bawdy houses with no other purpose (oh right naked massage, lol). SC owners while willing to turn their backs on whatever sex does occur in their clubs (bait to sell booze) are not willing to risk everything to submerge into this world where they could also possibly go to prison.

They see themselves as legitimate business people losing a piece of their pie to criminal elements. While society sees all the sex-biz's as the same there are many disctinctions made within it. There are legal lines that many won't cross. And it is the owners who will ultimately pay the price if/when police act. Different segments in the sex-biz go after each other all the time, often using the law.

I find it very plausible that the strip brothers urged a story out of Dale Brazao. I just can't imagine it took much incentive. Brazao is a dweller in sex-biz culture.

Do you think he was paid big bux to do the expose on escort agency owner David John Allen in 2001? (that ended up with Allen getting a 3 year sentence)

These stories have got him the most attention he's had in his career and these are his favourite topics anyway. I doubt $200,000 was required.
Toronto Escorts