ATTENTION, MASSAGE OWNERS, attendants and customers


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Sex is a favourite topic for any newspaper, cop or politician who needs re-electing. I doubt any money was needed also.
I also think strip club owners like their situation where alcohol and cash is involved - it's a better money laundering setup for their other activities.


Area 51 Escapee
Apr 15, 2003
Stuck in Lodi again
"He says something big will happen in october to start the end of all massage parlours in ontario,"

Well the only ones that could affect all the massage parlours in Ontario is the Ontario Legislature and they will be back from their long summer break by then and Dalton would probably like nothing better than to be seen as "cleaning up" Ontario. Stranger things have happened.


Mar 24, 2004
I believe the_truth, but I doubt there was any bribe paid to a journalist or politician. The public loves a good sex story. Shrewd business people nowadays pay large sums to public relations firms and lobbying groups (bogus or legitimate) who use their political influence and media contacts to keep such news stories in the public eye. If there is a sufficient number of stories presenting a "problem", then we can expect politicians to come in with "a solution".

The thing to watch for is not one story, but a trend. If there are a lot of similar stories in the media, you can be sure a PR firm or lobbyist is at work -- especially when they are all quoting the same sources.

But it takes a lot of horse power to move an elephant. Political action doesn't come cheap. And don't forget there is $$$ at stake for the government (licensing fees) and news media (ad revenues).

Sex between consenting adults doesn't usually provoke political / LE action, unless it outrages the public's sense of morality (e.g. if minors are involved).

That said, the strip club owners are playing a dangerous game. A morality crackdown by politicians and LE on MPs may backfire to include SCs. The public doesn't make a distinction between MPs and SCs.


New member
Jun 10, 2005
Paul Waters said:
I am sure that the police have more than enough manpower to go after massage parlours.

It is not like we have any unsolved murders in the city.
Actually, it's a lot HARDER to close a MP than most people realize. My boss has been in jail twice, charged with bawdy house charges, and we're still kickin'. These days, as long as you have a good lawyer and lots of money, you'll still be open. Just keep on postponing your trial date and you'll buy yourself a couple of years easily!! And if they DO succeed in closing you down, just move down the street... then you'll still be kickin' for another 10 years!!! :D

As for the whole October thing... I'm wouldn't be too worried about it. Probably they'll go around, lay a couple of charges, and back to business as usual. There's not enough jail cells to put all the owners and MPAs even if they wanted to.

Jack Mioff

re: members
Dec 23, 2003
bobistheowl said:
I don't see MPs as being responsible for the decline in SC business, but the following factors have really hurt SCs:

1) The price of dances: In the golden days of SCs, (mid 90's), full contact lap dances could be had for $10. There were lots of really hot Central and South American girls who were really enthusiastic, (I never felt that way about the Russian and Eastern European ladies. On average, they delivered far less milage). Now a low-contact dance is $20, not including the VIP room charge. Dances are far too expensive. An hour of FS with a decent SP is about half the cost of an hour of SC dances. Once people got used to full contact dances, it became difficult, if not impossible, for them to be satisfied with less.

2) There are almost no younger men going to SCs, and if they do, it's a group of frat boys having one dancer for their whole table, or for the guy who's having a birthday.

3) The smoking ban in public places was a major hit to SCs. I think about 50% of patrons and dancers smoked when I was a SC regular.

4) The quality of the dancers has declined significantly, but the cost of the service has not.

5) DJs who went to the John Gallagher School of Announcing are really annoying.

6) The quality of music, and the length of songs has declined. Lite, MOR music like Celine Dion, Beyoncé, etc. may appeal to the dancer on stage, but the audience sure doesn't like it.

7) Real features are few and far between. There used to be professional travelling features with exotic stage shows. Now it's pretty well minor or washed-up porn stars. One appearance on bangbus seems to be enough to qualify.
Don't forget the annoying trend of SCs to play a non-dance set of music between dancers. When I pay > $7 + tip for a beer, I expect to see someone on stage continuously. This is the major factor for me that I don't bother going anymore. That and the fact the mileage/dollar is much greater at the MPs, IMO.



New member
Apr 21, 2003
I also doubt that there was 200k paid. However, what if there was a contra deal.... story information for advertising space. A sort of "quid pro quo"?

things that make you go Hmmnnnnn......


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
leah_mpa said:
... There's not enough jail cells to put all the owners and MPAs even if they wanted to.
But if they did, that's a 'reality show' I'd actually eat my dinner in front of the tv for.
Play with paton

antaeus said:
But if they did, that's a 'reality show' I'd actually eat my dinner in front of the tv for.
Goodtime to borrow LE uniform for MPA bodysearch. Apparently some digs the uniform. Better yet, I let them play with my paton, as I let them leave the back door (of station)... :p

Seriously, Goodtime will dread that day.


Still Around
Apr 17, 2004
c'mon.... there are still a few hrs left in October


New member
Aug 20, 2003
bobistheowl said:
I don't see MPs as being responsible for the decline in SC business, but the following factors have really hurt SCs:

1) The price of dances: In the golden days of SCs, (mid 90's), full contact lap dances could be had for $10. There were lots of really hot Central and South American girls who were really enthusiastic, (I never felt that way about the Russian and Eastern European ladies. On average, they delivered far less milage). Now a low-contact dance is $20, not including the VIP room charge. Dances are far too expensive.
7) Real features are few and far between. There used to be professional travelling features with exotic stage shows. Now it's pretty well minor or washed-up porn stars. One appearance on bangbus seems to be enough to qualify.
You raise some good points , as most people in this board know I have always said $ 20 was too much. If I COULD SPEND $ 20 PER DANCE OR $ 40 OR $ 60 I would but fact is I can't . I do want dancers to make money they are trying to make a living as well as us. The trouble is the clubs decided they should charge $ 20 and most guys don't want 1 dance . What happens is that the avrage guy who used to go to clubs thinks ' Hey if I go I am going to see some good looking dancer but get frustrated because my budget can't handle say 5 dances for $ 100 so they stay away or go less often. For those making six figures maybe $ 20 per dance is ok and for some dancers they make a lot at $ 20 but for the average dancer I think it hurts them. Another point at I Don Knows the smoking room is freezing but they don't seem to care since you complain and they never do anything .
They have also stopped providing matches. In other words you feel like they don't care whether you come or not.


Proverbs 23:27 ; )
Oct 16, 2005
Another Plane Of Existence
But how connected are the SC owners really when compared the MP owners? Sure the SC guys probably have more political and police type connections, but then again, practically all MPs are controlled my the Triads, Yakuza, or Russian mob, and if they're aren't, they certainly have connections to those groups.

And having met and spent an hour with the 2 owners of Seductions, they are really smart and professional guys and I doubt they'd wanna really start a fight organized crime.

Some tips to improve SCs, more service, that's all I ask, and drop the price of an $8 bottle of water!


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Gawd said:
And having met and spent an hour with the 2 owners of Seductions, they are really smart and professional guys and I doubt they'd wanna really start a fight organized crime.
Biker gang members come in all shapes and sizes. Just because they look like businessmen don't mean they haven't roughed someone up to get to their standing. Seductions, a well known NF strip club, is most likely run by either Hells Angels or The Outlaws. NF is a breeding ground for biker gangs and italian mafia. Don't think for a second that the sex trade there isn't influenced or run by some form of organized crime.
Again, put a thug in a suit, still a thug.


New member
Mar 16, 2004
the truth

truth or not... I would just like to say that some independents or smaller, more private establishments have made it a little more difficult to get through the doors because of this. unfortunately, this has not been responded to in a favorable mannner by most. My personal belief is that most people should appreciate the level of safety and privacy we are trying to provide. Making an appointment should not be such an imposition if it is, in return, providing a safe, secure environment. We would truly appreciate not getting such a hard time on the phone from you, as everyone in this situation, is trying not to have their asses handed to them on a platter.

If there is one thing that I do know, it is that the police like to go for the easy target... like most bullies out there. And a small, private establishment is just too easy to knock off for them. And from looking at the other side of the coin for a moment... they have taken numbers from cell phones, called parents, gone to addresses listed on their identification, etc. We are on the receiving end of all the s**t they hand out, not the clients. So, please do not add to the amount of bull we are currently dealing with...
We know what the risks are... but please, just appreciate what we are trying to do as it will benefit all of us...


Proverbs 23:27 ; )
Oct 16, 2005
Another Plane Of Existence
Sure biker gangs are badass and tough... but they got nothing on the mafia/mob/Triads/Yakuza... Alberta is a good example... the Angel's leave the organized crime controlled places alone and vice versa... Calgary/Edmonton versus the rest of Alberta.


a muddy reclining Buddha
If there's a demand for it there will always be a supply... just like drugs massage joints are not going to ever go away. I remember when it all seemed to start... somewhere around 1996~1997.... We would go up to the Fairbanks and get drunk and horny watching these Asian babes dance for us... then we would head up the street to that plaza where the Tim Horton’s is... the massage joint was called Lucky 8 I think and was run by a Chinese women (mamasan) and there were some hotties working in there. I remember by first massage girl I fucked was named Susan... there was an even younger and cuter chick named Tina... I banged her a number of times. Then there was this Place up in Richmond Hill named Volcano... does anyone remember this place? It was like a massage joint in Bangkok in there... just full blown wide open sex! Didn't take the cops long to bust that place. How did we learn about all these places... well RIGHT HERE! Yeah I learned where to go and who does what all on the Net... the Net did help massage joints and did damage to the Strip Clubs... so are these 2 rich brothers going to close down the Net too? LOL!!!!!!!!
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