The answer is pretty simple, and it isn't related to any single group, it is related to people.
If people immigrate to Canada and become "Canadian" (by integrating into our society, learning to speak the local language, participating however they feel in our society), then yes, they become Canadians. They share canadian values, they respect canadian laws, and (extreme version here) would be proud if their sons and daughters (or husband or wife for that matter) would join the military and fight in the defence of their one true country, Canada.
If people immigrate to Canada only to avoid some issue (real or imagined) and don't integrate into our society, then they aren't Canadians, they are just tolerated long term visitors / residents. Those are the type of people who never learn the language, don't participate in being Canadian, live only within their own "community", pine for home, don't deal with "non-community" members, send their children to "community" schools rather than mainstream, etc. They just want to bring their life and lifestyle from another country and live here, nothing more.
They are not Canadian. They might be Canadian one day (if they choose to join us as Canadians). If they don't,then they are just tolerated visitors, nothing more. Just choosing to live in Canada doesn't make you Canadian.