

you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
papasmerf said:
After talking with many Canadians I realize that those located in Toronto, surrounding areas are and those who have not are anti-American. But the majority of Canadians are not.
thats a generalization and untrue

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004

wildchilds said:
When I have traveled in different countries attitudes towards me have changed when it is made known I am a Canadian "Oh thank goodness we worried you were going to be an ignorant American" has been said more than once,
Hmmm...and what do you think they say about you behind your back?

that said I would be ashamed to be an American, judgeing by reactions I have received in my travels..I would be ashamed that some of the world views my country and the people in it in such a way, generialization by those yes it is.
How sad that you worry about what other people think about you, as opposed to worrying about what you have or haven't done.

There are things that "America" has done that are magnificent. There are also things that "America" has done that are abhorrent. Strangely enough, the same can be said about virtually every country, past or present, in the world.

No doubt, there are people who have legitimate and well-informed gripes with American foreign policy. The vast majority of those who view American negatively, however, should look in their own mirrors and do a little self-analysis first.

There are many countries who are responsible for far more "evil" than the United States, but is there a single nation on the planet that does more good?

Americans need to come to gripes with the fact that the rest of the world see the USA as the world's bully and will take there shots at them, unfortunately your going to have to get used to it.
Ummm, hello?

Virtually all of the criticisms that have been leveled at Americans in this thread are directly related to policies that stem from "getting used to it".

Talk about wanting to have it both ways...
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
The only people taking this thread too seriously are the "stop taking this thread so seriously" chorus.

We're playing with our troll. If there were "a modicum of wit or intelligence" in his posts, which there assuredly is not, he wouldn't be a troll, now would he?

For God's sake, troll baiting was what the internet was invented for. If that's disallowed, then, then - I just don't know what the world is coming to.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
wildchilds said:
When I have traveled in different countries attitudes towards me have changed when it is made known I am a Canadian "Oh thank goodness we worried you were going to be an ignorant American" has been said more than once, that said I would be ashamed to be an American, judgeing by reactions I have received in my travels..I would be ashamed that some of the world views my country and the people in it in such a way, generialization by those yes it is.

As far as Sept 11th, it was a tradgedy indeed, but Americans need to come to gripes with the fact that the rest of the world see the USA as the world's bully and will take there shots at them, unfortunately your going to have to get used to it.

maybe those people you met on your travels should be ashamed for holding a view of all amercians as a certain way. your comments on 9/11 are out of line. please delete them

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Drunken Master said:
We're playing with our troll. If there were "a modicum of wit or intelligence" in his posts, which there assuredly is not, he wouldn't be a troll, now would he?
How patently untrue. Trollling can be an art-form. Sadly, Yennut falls into the "12 year old who just got his first computer" category of trolls.

For God's sake, troll baiting was what the internet was invented for.
DM, are you hung-over today? It's trolls who do the baiting, not those who respond.

If that's disallowed, then, then - I just don't know what the world is coming to.
I'm not suggesting that you ignore him (although Goober is), I'm just saying that he shouldn't be taken seriously and should not be used as an excuse for all of this smug Canadians are So Superior bullshit that's happening here.

I just don't think that such a mediocre troll deserves all the sweet, sweet man-loving that you're giving him.


Jan 20, 2004
red said:
maybe those people you met on your travels should be ashamed for holding a view of all amercians as a certain way. your comments on 9/11 are out of line. please delete them
Out of line :confused: give your head a shake I said it was tragic, but parts of the world do see the USA as the worlds bully no reason to delete


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
wildchilds said:
Out of line :confused: give your head a shake I said it was tragic, but parts of the world do see the USA as the worlds bully no reason to delete
you also said they should get used to it. I took this to mean you thought they deserved it. if I misinterpreted your comments then my apologies


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
I found it interesting that this thread has mushroomed so quickly. There are strong feelings on both sides.
I have lived in the USA for close to 15 years and now live in Canada since about three, and have lived in Europe for about 25 years.
Although I have some family in Canada i have to admit I have always just taken an outside look on Canadian society.
Looking on the surface Canada looks like a "lite" version of the USA, with some European attributes in the mix.
Now that I have lived here I came to realize that Canadians as a whole are very different from Americans. IMHO Canadians are much more like Europeans.

Canadians, very much like Europeans, look to the goverment for solutions to everyday problems. Most Americans prefer non-govermental solutions.

Canadians seem very unsure about who they are and what they are. There are still very strong ties to England. Some of them are superficial, but some of them are quiet substantial.

The phrase " I am a Canadian" has different meanings in different part of the country. A Quebecer feels different about it than someone from Alberta.
Americans are very different in that way.
The way how Canadians feel about patriotism reminds me a lot of Germany. It seems to me that Canadians are very much afraid? or unsure ? about professing "I am a Canadian".
Germans are ashamed of their heritage (see WW2) and are scared of being patriotic. Till now i can't figure out why Canadians are that way.
Americans are very proud of their heritage and have no issues standing up in fron of anybody. Even immigrants (and i am one of them) in the USA, are taking on the same kind of pride.
Given what i observed earlier about Canadians it is easy to understand, why a lot of Canadians are turned off by most Americans.

My family, including myself, have been the subject to quiet a bit of anti-americanism in Canada. I prefer to apply the "10% asshole factor", which says, that no matter where you live or work, there will be always 10% of the people that are assholes.
This is true no matter where you live.
I also believe that a lot of the prejudice, on both sides, is spread by people who have never lived on both sides.
The press in both countries does a good job of propaganda. Overall I have to say that Canadians are a little more obsessed about Americans than vice versa.


langeweile said:
I found it interesting that this thread has mushroomed so quickly. There are strong feelings on both sides.
I have lived in the USA for close to 15 years and now live in Canada since about three, and have lived in Europe for about 25 years.
Although I have some family in Canada i have to admit I have always just taken an outside look on Canadian society.
Looking on the surface Canada looks like a "lite" version of the USA, with some European attributes in the mix.
Now that I have lived here I came to realize that Canadians as a whole are very different from Americans. IMHO Canadians are much more like Europeans.

Canadians, very much like Europeans, look to the goverment for solutions to everyday problems. Most Americans prefer non-govermental solutions.

Canadians seem very unsure about who they are and what they are. There are still very strong ties to England. Some of them are superficial, but some of them are quiet substantial.

The phrase " I am a Canadian" has different meanings in different part of the country. A Quebecer feels different about it than someone from Alberta.
Americans are very different in that way.
The way how Canadians feel about patriotism reminds me a lot of Germany. It seems to me that Canadians are very much afraid? or unsure ? about professing "I am a Canadian".
Germans are ashamed of their heritage (see WW2) and are scared of being patriotic. Till now i can't figure out why Canadians are that way.
Americans are very proud of their heritage and have no issues standing up in fron of anybody. Even immigrants (and i am one of them) in the USA, are taking on the same kind of pride.
Given what i observed earlier about Canadians it is easy to understand, why a lot of Canadians are turned off by most Americans.

My family, including myself, have been the subject to quiet a bit of anti-americanism in Canada. I prefer to apply the "10% asshole factor", which says, that no matter where you live or work, there will be always 10% of the people that are assholes.
This is true no matter where you live.
I also believe that a lot of the prejudice, on both sides, is spread by people who have never lived on both sides.
The press in both countries does a good job of propaganda. Overall I have to say that Canadians are a little more obsessed about Americans than vice versa.

Stop being so damned serious in the Lounge buddy. Can't you see we're trying to hijack this thread?

And increase our post counts.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
The Shake said:
How patently untrue. Trollling can be an art-form. Sadly, Yennut falls into the "12 year old who just got his first computer" category of trolls.
Look, I wasn't saying he was a particularly good troll - I suppose the art of trolling is something you would know a great deal about ;) - but other than you he's the only thing we have to play with at the moment.

DM, are you hung-over today? It's trolls who do the baiting, not those who respond.
But what shall we do when the Master Baits? (/A Funny Thing Happened To Me On The Way To The Forum)

I'm not suggesting that you ignore him (although Goober is), I'm just saying that he shouldn't be taken seriously and should not be used as an excuse for all of this smug Canadians are So Superior bullshit that's happening here.
Oh, for God's sake. Your crusade to rid to world of "Canadian Overconfidence" is getting a little old. Why is it nobody ever looks at American obnoxiousness - surely the equal of the Canadian variety - as the product of some deep seated inferiority complex?

I just don't think that such a mediocre troll deserves all the sweet, sweet man-loving that you're giving him.
Careful. Like GIMME I'm a homosexual recruiter for the Taliban.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
wildchilds said:
Out of line :confused: give your head a shake I said it was tragic, but parts of the world do see the USA as the worlds bully no reason to delete
Hmmm, you're conveniently leaving out this part:

wildchilds said:
Did not see to much 'swagger" when you got your asses handed to you on Sept 11th

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Drunken Master said:
Oh, for God's sake. Your crusade to rid to world of "Canadian Overconfidence" is getting a little old.
What Canadian Overconfidence? Smug (if false) moral superiority, yes, overconfidence, no.
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
The Shake said:
What Canadian Overconfidence? Smug (if false) moral superiority, yes, overconfidence, no.
Granted, but let's take things in their context and see how often this (admittedly immature) smugness is in response to being told, and told with some frequency, how morally inferior we and the rest of the world are to our neighbours to the south.


Jan 18, 2004
I'm glad you all think I'm a troll and if anybody is being baited it is you, hence the word troll. As a proud american I find it disheartening that with all the good we have done for Canada that its populace would be so unappreciating. By the way wildchild you my friend are an ignorant asshole. I heard over and over how America had it coming to us after 9/11. Well my friend nobody on the face of God's green earth had suck a heinous act coming to them. I might be considered inane and perhaps you feel my comments are way out of line, but none of my comments were made with malice in mind, unlike so many of you holier than thou canadians who feel that you have some sort of moral superiority. I truly am disgusted.
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