yennut said:
I must clarify several misconceptions about me before we go much further. First of all I am no chicken shit as some of you seem to believe.
Who lied to you here? You're definately a chicken shit.
yennut said:
I was honorably discharged in 1985 and am now too old for active duty or I would gladly go to either Iraq or Afghaniston to get me some trophies.
That was funny, I could not stop laughing. You were honourably discharged? Hows that possible from someone who has no honour at all? The old part puts things into perspective. Are you suffering from some old age know, memory loss and impotence? Could explain the attitude.
yennut said:
Thirdly despite what you may all think I do not hate Canada.
Its ok, Canada hates you!
yennut said:
Therefore until somebody can prove to me that a new immigrant has more entitlement to this land than me get off your high horses.
Actually, your proud American Citizenship means squat here in Canada. This is not your land, this OUR land, you get off of it mo fo!
yennut said:
These immigrants have come to america, why? If it was so damn good where they come from then stay there.
Actually thats a funny statement. Do you know that the US government has a lottery system to get immigrants into the country? They need more people to help the economy grow. They actively go out and look for the brains from the different countries to come and do the R&D and high level jobs. Do you konw why? Because the brain power available in the US is very minimal. You are a perfect example of this. Thats why its easy for everyone outside of the US to get work in the US and get their papers.
yennut, you are an uneducated foulmouthed lout, please keep this up. This is fun!
p.s...don't go and have a heart attack on me old man! I don't want my tax payer dollars taking care of you.