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Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Cardinal Fang said:
Langeweile, GIMME is about as accurate in his analogies as yennut is with his ignorant statements.
This is an accurate analogy.


Jan 18, 2004
Hey Gimme why don't you come clean. You made reference in an earlier quote that you have been harrassed crossing the border since 9/11 so spare me the b.s about being of British ancestery. Where do your roots originally hail from MF. I know you weren't man enough to admit it. What have you got to hide? Might I be correct all along in assuming you are either a member or recruiter of a terrorist organization. Personally I think I've hit a nail on the head.

Also just a note for all those that have pm'd me thanking me for trying to out this MF I appreciate all your support. The only way we are going to win this war on terror is to be vigilant and look for the enemy wherever he might be. At least this piece of puke lives in Canada and not in America, but now we have to make sure he never crosses the border.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Amazing what people say and post behind the veil of a computer, eh? I often wonder what impotent and meaniningless lives some TERBites have. Hmmm....


Jan 18, 2004
Hey Rama if you go back to the beginning of this thread you will soon discover that I did not initiate this pissing match, but once engaged I will not let go. Why don't we cast blame squarely where it belongs with Gimme.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
yennut said:
Hey Rama if you go back to the beginning of this thread you will soon discover that I did not initiate this pissing match, but once engaged I will not let go. Why don't we cast blame squarely where it belongs with Gimme.
Umm...If YOU read my post again, you will see I didn't specifically direct it at anyone. But if you feel the shoe fits....


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
yennut said:
What is wrong with my tone or my attitude? Confidence and being outspoken breeds success. As our President George W. Bush so eloquently said "In Texas we call my swagger, walking." When you are the best why should you try to hide it. Is it something to be ashamed of?
its called trash talk and its impolite. perhaps the canadians you meet are not anti-american, perhaps its just personal. they don't like you?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
wildchilds said:
I would be ashamed to be an American, thus the reason us Canadians when travelling abroad proudly display our Canadian flags so as not to be confused with whiney/pompus Americans.
Did not see to much 'swagger" when you got your asses handed to you on Sept 11th as tragic as that was, your 'Swaggin" leader chose to take the bully approach and invade a country that had nothing to do with Sept 11th, yet Americans still wonder why they are looked down upon in the worlds view
this is a shameful and wrong headed post. There is no reason for americans to be ashamed of who they are and sept. 11th was a tragedy - it was a cowardly act and innocent people were killed for insane/political reasons that had nothing to do with the individuals who were killed

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Yennut is a made up troll handle similar to Alien(<>..<>), Great Scot Fan, Cardinal Fang, Goober's Mom, A. Gorilla, tbill, Sheik and red.

Ignore him. Or toy with him. But for cripes sake, don't take him seriously.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Cardinal Fang said:
You generalized and stereotyped without having any facts. That's ignorant and a refuge for the weak.

And yes you did strike a sensitive chord being that I have many friends and family members are American's and despite having opposite views to me are in no way as ignorant as you. America could do far better than have you defend them in the manner in which you do. It’s embarrassing to your inane drivel.

Y, you are rightfully entitled to your opinion and may be you are indeed an American, BUT in no way your views represent those of the majority US citizens.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Goober Mcfly said:
Yennut is a made up troll handle similar to Alien(<>..<>), Great Scot Fan, Cardinal Fang, Goober's Mom, A. Gorilla, tbill, Sheik and red.
:eek: What ?

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Goober Mcfly said:
Yennut is a made up troll handle similar to Alien(<>..<>), Great Scot Fan, Cardinal Fang, Goober's Mom, A. Gorilla, tbill, Sheik and red.

Ignore him. Or toy with him. But for cripes sake, don't take him seriously.
The sad thing is, morons like Wildchilds used this Troll as an excuse to express some pretty vile anti-American comments.

I'm amazed that such second-rate trolling has generated such a virulent and voluminous response. Sadly, it confirms that the Canadian Inferiority Complex is alive and well here on TERB.

I could see having some fun with the idiot if there was even a modicum of wit or intelligence in his trolling, but this is as basic as it gets. I mean, the only thing more played out that riling sensitive Canadians with the Ugly American gimmick is going to www.wearetrekkersnottrekkies.com and telling the nerds that people who dress up as Klingons are repressed shoe-sniffing homosexuals.

Seriously, people, get a fucking grip.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Goober Mcfly said:
Yennut is a made up troll handle similar to Alien(<>..<>), Great Scot Fan, Cardinal Fang, Goober's Mom, A. Gorilla, tbill, Sheik and red.
I forgot "The Shake".



you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
americanson said:
Ignore them Yen. It's like fighting a losing battle. While true that not all Canadians are anti-american it has sadly become well a hallmark of sorts in the past few years. This is while they: 1) ASre protected by the U.S. military 24-7-365. Free of charge.

2) Export 85% of all goods into america which accounts for over half their trade.

3) Undoubtedly profit handsomely from our pop culture. That includes favorite movies, shows, clothers, music etc.

4) Call us "bullies" whenever a trade dispute occurs.

5) The laughable excuse that "they hate the Bush administration" but not U.S. americans or america in general. Yeah right. Anything and everything in Canada that is even remotely pro-american (eg. Conservative Party, National Post, etc.) is viewed with contempt.

6) It's not anti-american it's "Canadian Soverignty"

7) A gov't funded "news source" at a rate of 1 billion a year of tax dollars dedicated to anti-americanism and anti-semitism. The CBC of course.

8) Iraq is all about Oil. Washington put Saddam into power (Not true) Rather the truth is that we sided with him vs Iran back in 1983 because of Iraq 's oil
Other countries that did so were France, Russia, China, And West Germany.

9) The 1991 Gulf War is okay because Canada was involved.

10) Finally we are all brainwashed puppets who buy into Bush's scare tactics that another terror strike is imminent. Uh and we're supposed to believe it's not? Sadly Canada isn't the first or last to suggest this rather it was local drunk Senator Ted Kennedy who said that Bush was capitalizing on 9-11 to further his political agenda.

Need I go on? In the end many may see America as arrogant but when you can back up what you sday (Walk The Talk) it's not arrogance. Instead it can be called stating the facts.

1. you are not protecting Canada except as a consequence of protecting yourselves. (nothing wrong with that, but lets be clear)
2. we export 85% of all our goods to the US and this is 50% of our trade? huh?
3. profit handsomely on your pop culture? if you mean enjoy - yes. if you want us to stop, I will promise to keep watching but not enjoy myself
4. bullies? maybe not bullies, but trade partner who won't abide by the negotiated terms
5. conservative party and national post- treated with contempt? well they seem to get a third of the vote every election, but you may be basing it on terb postings. I hope not.
6. Somethings are a matter of Canadian sovereignty. we do have the right as a nation under god to act or refrain from acting in any given situation- hey just like the US
7. how the cbc is funded is for the Canadians to decide. I disagree that it is anti-american or anti-semitic
8. Not everyone is saying Iraq is about oil, but for sure it is not about WMD's or al queada
9. the 1991 gulf war is ok because it was sanctioned by the UN and involved the removal of an invador from a peaceful and sovereign state
10. Brainwashed puppets- i only hear this from americans on terb. not sure where it started. I do think Bush, like every other US politician has used 9/11 for political ends. thats what politicians do- they are evil, lying soul-eating bastards.


Jan 20, 2004
red said:
this is a shameful and wrong headed post. There is no reason for americans to be ashamed of who they are and sept. 11th was a tragedy - it was a cowardly act and innocent people were killed for insane/political reasons that had nothing to do with the individuals who were killed
When I have traveled in different countries attitudes towards me have changed when it is made known I am a Canadian "Oh thank goodness we worried you were going to be an ignorant American" has been said more than once, that said I would be ashamed to be an American, judgeing by reactions I have received in my travels..I would be ashamed that some of the world views my country and the people in it in such a way, generialization by those yes it is.

As far as Sept 11th, it was a tradgedy indeed, but Americans need to come to gripes with the fact that the rest of the world see the USA as the world's bully and will take there shots at them, unfortunately your going to have to get used to it.


Jan 21, 2003
Goober can you reveal his/her other ID?

Goober Mcfly said:
I forgot "The Shake".

So what is his/her other identity on Terb, I believe he/she is in the accounting line of work. yennut got jump on "looking for an accountant" thread when he/she offered very bad advice about filing tax return.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
wildchilds said:
As far as Sept 11th, it was a tradgedy indeed, but Americans need to come to gripes with the fact that the rest of the world see the USA as the world's bully and will take there shots at them, unfortunately your going to have to get used to it.
Translation: Women should expect to be and get used to being raped if they continue to wear sexy clothes.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
bornonaug9 said:
So what is his/her other identity on Terb, I believe he/she is in the accounting line of work. yennut got jump on "looking for an accountant" thread when he/she offered very bad advice about filing tax return.
The Shake is Asian Sensation.

</did I mention I'm not a moderator anymore?>


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
MuffinMuncher said:
Although I disown yennut and wish he would emigrate to France (and I hope I speak on behalf of all the Americans on this board), I share his frustration at the depth and breadth of the anti-American attitude on this board.

It seems that while reviews are fair game for the delete button, unless you threaten to cross the border and detonate an explosive devise in Dubya's rectum, pretty much any vile post about the USA or its leadership is allowed to stand, regardless of fact or validity. Yes I'm generalizing, and I do not hold the moderators responsible as they are hardly political scientists, but you get the idea.

The difference however, is that while yennut is the poster boy for how to NOT argue your case, I learned a long time ago that it is pointless to bitch about Canada's pervasive distain for America on a Canadian escort board. Its like spitting into the wind.
yes. there are many but not as many as anti-canadian comments
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