

Mar 3, 2005
We Want Yennut

Ever since yennut was banned from the site it has been kind of boring around here. Are there any other radicals that want to join a discussion so that we can have some fun again. Barring that, bring back yennut.


Jan 13, 2002
The Canadian Perspective

The gulf war was justified because Sadam Hussien invaded Kuwait and that is why Canada got involved.

americanson said:
Ignore them Yen. It's like fighting a losing battle. While true that not all Canadians are anti-american it has sadly become well a .

9) The 1991 Gulf War is okay because Canada was involved.

Walk The Talk) it's not arrogance. Instead it can be called stating the facts.


Feb 13, 2004
Call it an inferiority complex, big brother syndrome, jealousy etc., whatever, but what really irks me is that SOME of our neighboors talk about the US as if they built it with their own two hands. No doubt that US empire is one of the most impressive of all time, but chances are the ones that do all the shit talking about how much of a bad motherfucker that country is, have had no input in its growth and development. So please spare me. This kind of trash talk comes from a different kind of inferiority complex. When one has no accomplishments of his or her own, than its straight to the line "way to go USA". I know a heck of a lot of super successful Americans who I work with and they have nothing but praise for Canada because they see the same characteristics of success in this country that I see in them.

They love it here because the whole enviornment here allows for much more expanded thinking whether it be extreme leftwing or rightwing. Don't get me wrong, they are very patriotic and would never leave their homesteads but whenever they are up here and see newsbroadcasts from CBC or BBC or any other world news service which they never pay attention to down there, they always comment to me on what a difference it is to the regular stuff they get on CNN, Fox and the other big three.

Finally to our the select anti-canadian Americans out there, we may be anti-american to a degree, but sticks and stones can break your bones but names will never hurt you. When you Yanks starting calling names, because of your nature, the sticks and stones are soon to follow


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Spode said:
Finally to our the select anti-canadian Americans out there, we may be anti-american to a degree, but sticks and stones can break your bones but names will never hurt you. When you Yanks starting calling names, because of your nature, the sticks and stones are soon to follow

Generally speaking the vast majority of Americans are not anti-Canadian. How many here have tried to influence your elections? Belittle your leaders??

Converselt can you say the same thing?


Oct 5, 2001
Fenian Invasion of 1866

Careful Here !!!!!!

Let's not get the Irish all pissed off................... :)


Jan 13, 2002
(1) As they say, to each his own. Different people have different values. There are lots of successful Canadians(Medical Doctors, Nurses, IT professionals, ENgineers, Academics, Entertainers, News Anchors( Peter Jennings and the like), who prefer to move south for various reasons(lower taxes, an environemnt better for entrepreneurs and people who possess special talents ).

(2) Do you know why the U.S. dollar has been dropping for the last two plus years and the end is not in sight ? Do you know who is holding the majority of the U.S. Treasury Bonds ? Do you know what will happen if the Asian Central Banks start dumping the 'mighty' U.S. dollar ? You don't want to know, coz it will be catastrophic.

yennut said:
(1) I realize that most people around the world wish they could live in the U.S.A. and more importantly be an American citizen, but I wouldn't expect this from Canadians.
(2) If we really wanted total control, who would stop us. Learn to live with it and thank America don't disparage it. I know the truth hurts!


Mar 3, 2005
Ice Dog you make some very dumb suppositions about the american dollar dropping for the past two years. I as a proud canadian realize that we are basically at the U.S.'s mercy and I think you had better come to the same realization. The americans can control the value of their dollar any which way they desire. Do you actually believe the dollar's slide had anything to do with forces outside the continental U.S.? If you do you have a very naive world view. There truly is only one world superpower both monetarily and militarily and that is America. Hopefully that idiot we have in Ottawa as a Prime Minister will see the error of his ways and fall in line with the U.S. It is in our best interests.


Jan 21, 2003
Distinction anti-American Administration policies and anti-american

There is sharp distinction between the the Administration and American people. I am against the policies of the Bush Administrtion not Ameican people, but I will label as anti-American anyway.


Oct 29, 2003
anti- americanism - why?

The USA has lost all credibility since the invasion of Irak, that includes US government, US media, all US institutions. It's all about oil, money and self -interest. US foreign policy is a real joke!!! Down with the Americans!!!


Jan 13, 2002
Dont' be so defensive ! I merely raised that question what will happen if the Asian Central Banks start selling the USD ?

Did you know what happened last week when the Korean Central Bank chief hinted that he might want to divest some of his US reseve ?

Before attacking other's pointof view, can you give us three reasons why the USD has depreciated so much vs other currencies ? I suppose you will respond promptly since you are such as smart ass.

You have to be very very ignorant to assume that 'The americans can control the value of the USD'. Just ask Alan Greenspan .

enidob said:
Ice Dog you make some very dumb suppositions about the american dollar dropping for the past two years. I as a proud canadian realize that we are basically at the U.S.'s mercy and I think you had better come to the same realization. The americans can control the value of their dollar any which way they desire. Do you actually believe the dollar's slide had anything to do with forces outside the continental U.S.? If you do you have a very naive world view. There truly is only one world superpower both monetarily and militarily and that is America. Hopefully that idiot we have in Ottawa as a Prime Minister will see the error of his ways and fall in line with the U.S. It is in our best interests.


Mar 3, 2005
Its all about interest rates Ice Dog and that is all controlled by Mr. Greenspan. Do you notice how the whole world is waiting with bated breath when Alan Greenspan speaks. That is because he alone, with his monetary policy, will determine where the u.s. dollar is headed. Thinking anything else is rather naive. You are simply giving too many extraneous factors importance that they don't really merit. The U.S. controls their dollar and virtually everybody elses currency with their monetary policy. As for the U.S. foreign policy sucking, I agree. However we must remember he with the most money makes all the rules and whether we like it or not that is America. We have just got to learn to live with it. Living next to the world's only superpower has certain obligations and we as canadians are not doing our part nor are we supporting our brothers to the south when we rightfully should.


Jan 13, 2002
Uncle AL has been raising the U.S. Interst Rate 6 times since last summer .
During the same peiod, Bank of Canada has increated the rates only twice.
Tell me, how come the pressure on the USD is there ?

Obviously, Interest rate itself cannot control the the dollar.

Do you know what will happen if Greenspan keep increasing the interest rate ?

Do you what kind of impact the Korean Central Bank Chief's comment had on the USD last week ?

Do you really know the reasons(at least one, if not three) for the slide in USD ? I can tell you that one fo which cannot be controlled by teh U.S. ! Not a chance.

Get the facts, do your homework, before you open your mouth !!

Do you know what is called blind faith ? Wake up !

enidob said:
Its all about interest rates Ice Dog and that is all controlled by Mr. Greenspan. Do you notice how the whole world is waiting with bated breath when Alan Greenspan speaks. That is because he alone, with his monetary policy, will determine where the u.s. dollar is headed. Thinking anything else is rather naive. You are simply giving too many extraneous factors importance that they don't really merit. The U.S. controls their dollar and virtually everybody elses currency with their monetary policy. As for the U.S. foreign policy sucking, I agree. However we must remember he with the most money makes all the rules and whether we like it or not that is America. We have just got to learn to live with it. Living next to the world's only superpower has certain obligations and we as canadians are not doing our part nor are we supporting our brothers to the south when we rightfully should.


Mar 3, 2005
You're asking me questions and hinting that you know the answers. If you know the answers then tell us all about the "Korean Bank" factor. Greenspan has been raising interest rates, true, but check your facts. Canada's interest rates have been higher all along and the only reason David Dodge has not fallen suit as aggresively here in Canada is because of the strong appreciation of our currency our economy is not growing at the rate it would normally be expected to grow at. Does that sound like a knee jerk reaction to american policy or are they pulling our strings. I opt for the latter. At any time that the americans or should I say Greenspan wanted to raise the value of the american dollar believe me he could. That is one of our problems here in Canada. We refuse to accept America's dominance and tow the line. The sooner u realize what is really going in the world Ice Dog the better off and less bitter you'll be.


Mar 3, 2005
Too bad they didn't kill the communist bitch as well. She is in a war zone. If she wants to stay safe she should have stayed in Italy and stomped some grapes.


Aug 26, 2001
enidob said:
Too bad they didn't kill the communist bitch as well. She is in a war zone. If she wants to stay safe she should have stayed in Italy and stomped some grapes.
LMAO. A protagonistic statement if there ever was one. Members, don't give him the luxury of a response.


Jan 13, 2002
Every informed person knows what caused the green buck to slide. I am not bitter about what has been happening to the USD. Why should I be ?

What I am pissed off are people like you and those big-ego Amercians who have no idea about the current state of their dollar, yet they still have this shitty attitude that 'either you are with us or you are againt us ' coz Yanks can rule- a case of blind faith and ignorance.

Oh, BTW, I have no intention of educating you about the green buck . Did you say I was dumb ? You don't want information from a dummy. You can figure this yourself. Smart ass!

enidob said:
You're asking me questions and hinting that you know the answers. If you know the answers then tell us all about the "Korean Bank" factor. Greenspan has been raising interest rates, true, but check your facts. Canada's interest rates have been higher all along and the only reason David Dodge has not fallen suit as aggresively here in Canada is because of the strong appreciation of our currency our economy is not growing at the rate it would normally be expected to grow at. Does that sound like a knee jerk reaction to american policy or are they pulling our strings. I opt for the latter. At any time that the americans or should I say Greenspan wanted to raise the value of the american dollar believe me he could. That is one of our problems here in Canada. We refuse to accept America's dominance and tow the line. The sooner u realize what is really going in the world Ice Dog the better off and less bitter you'll be.


Mar 3, 2005
Two things. First off I am canadian, born and bred. Second I definitely don't want u to educate me because it is quite obvious you are seriously lacking in this capacity.
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