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Andrew Tate is arrested and his luxury villa in Romania is raided by police

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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
No, that's your spaced out interpretation. He didn't say anything close to that. The human world is about more than building things. Women are essential to men.
He basically said that a woman needs a man to do things. Which, besides procreation, is not true. Women can change tires. Women can build houses and roads. Women can design industrial machinery. When the shit hits the fan, women can act as well as men. Believing that they can't is basic misogyny.

The thing about feminism, at least the main stream version of it, is that women are not saying they are superior. They are saying the are equal and deserve to be treated as such. That means they should make the same as a man while also having the same opportunities. Yes, there are crazy feminists out there that have extreme views, which is what folks like Ben Shapiro or Tate focus on. They don't want to discuss the main stream which is all about asking questions like why there aren't more women CEOs or what not.
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Hardened Member
Nov 12, 2021
Um....that sort of is misogyny. He's claiming that women can't do shit. He obviously prefers to hang with his sex slaves who he beats into obedience that deal with a capable. women. Does he really think there are no women engineers, construction workers, cops or soldiers?

Now, I only recently found out about this walking shit stain. Is he guilty of sex trafficking? I don't know. But, the number of women who claim he forced them into the sex trade outnumbers the two or three who are defending him. I honestly don't want anything to do with people who believe this dude's schtick. Small dick energy personified...
His entire idea of women is that they are not intelligent or smart enough to do anything. Its because that is the world he lives in. He lives in a world where young, dumb, impressionable, gold diggers fall for his BS whom he then proceeds to physically abuse and exploit.

People like dirtyharry love to shamelessly worship this dude despite the obvious red flags, because apparently that makes them "manly".

Whether or not he is convicted this guy is an utter scumbag. Like this guy belongs in the gutter along with his incel cocksuckers that he loves to exploit. lol
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
He basically said that a woman needs a man to do things. Which, besides procreation, is not true. Women can change tires. Women can build houses and roads. Women can design industrial machinery. When the shit hits the fan, women can act as well as men. Believing that they can't is basic misogyny.
Sure, women CAN do those things. Do they in any significant number? Will they in any significant number? Ukrainian women CAN suit up and fight against the Russian army... have they?

All those things CAN be done, but I can't tell you the last time I've seen a female construction worker, a female changing a tire, a female laying bricks or driving commercial trucks, a female building houses and roads. Why? Because they choose not to. Because they have other proclivities, which is natural.

Why would it surprise you that a population on average that has greater physical strength, more interest in things rather than people, have higher risk-taking predispositions, higher individual competitiveness, and different spatial proclivities gravitate toward certain types of jobs?

Why do you insist on equality of outcome in groups of people that are different? That doesn't make sense.

The thing about feminism, at least the main stream version of it, is that women are not saying they are superior. They are saying the are equal and deserve to be treated as such.
That WAS the mainstream version of it 30 years ago. Now it's superiority (faux superiority... when you have to tell everyone you're the best and that others are trash, you probably aren't superior) and retribution. It's now in over-correct mode for past transgressions.

They don't want to discuss the main stream which is all about asking questions like why there aren't more women CEOs or what not.
Peterson has already addressed this on multiple occasions but you don't read or listen to him and other intellectuals. It's because of the very principle that Tate is talking about.

There differences between men and women at the top of the distribution and this manifests in significantly different outcomes at the top of the societal hierarchy.

Why was Michael Jordan the best ever.. because of natural ability combined with his psychotic will to win. There are more psychotic men that than there are psychotic women, hence more CEOs. There are also more male Einsteins than female ones. There are more men willing to work 24/7 than there are women willing to do the same. There are more men willing to de-prioritize family for job/$$$ than there are women. Finally, men have the biological freedom to put off family and chase certain goals more fervently a lot longer than women since they can procreate at any age while a woman will have tremendous difficulty having a healthy pregnancy past 40 years old.

This is why that pretty world of 50/50 representation of genders is not realistic. It has nothing to do with hatred of women or thinking they can't become engineers.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You haven't been paying attention. The number of women who claim he forced them into the sex trade is dwarfed by those defending him.

You're neutered simp energy personified.
What is the socially acceptable ratio of women you force into the sex trade vs those you use as camgirls?
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
No, that's your spaced out interpretation. He didn't say anything close to that. The human world is about more than building things. Women are essential to men.
Haha just when I thought that they are human beings in their own right :)
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2022
Sure, women CAN do those things. Do they in any significant number? Will they in any significant number? Ukrainian women CAN suit up and fight against the Russian army... have they?

All those things CAN be done, but I can't tell you the last time I've seen a female construction worker, a female changing a tire, a female laying bricks or driving commercial trucks, a female building houses and roads. Why? Because they choose not to. Because they have other proclivities, which is natural.

Why would it surprise you that a population on average that has greater physical strength, more interest in things rather than people, have higher risk-taking predispositions, higher individual competitiveness, and different spatial proclivities gravitate toward certain types of jobs?

Why do you insist on equality of outcome in groups of people that are different? That doesn't make sense.

That WAS the mainstream version of it 30 years ago. Now it's superiority (faux superiority... when you have to tell everyone you're the best and that others are trash, you probably aren't superior) and retribution. It's now in over-correct mode for past transgressions.

Peterson has already addressed this on multiple occasions but you don't read or listen to him and other intellectuals. It's because of the very principle that Tate is talking about.

There differences between men and women at the top of the distribution and this manifests in significantly different outcomes at the top of the societal hierarchy.

Why was Michael Jordan the best ever.. because of natural ability combined with his psychotic will to win. There are more psychotic men that than there are psychotic women, hence more CEOs. There are also more male Einsteins than female ones. There are more men willing to work 24/7 than there are women willing to do the same. There are more men willing to de-prioritize family for job/$$$ than there are women. Finally, men have the biological freedom to put off family and chase certain goals more fervently a lot longer than women since they can procreate at any age while a woman will have tremendous difficulty having a healthy pregnancy past 40 years old.

This is why that pretty world of 50/50 representation of genders is not realistic. It has nothing to do with hatred of women or thinking they can't become engineers.

Nailed it. Mods can lock this thread now.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Re-grow your nut sack and embrace your place in the world.
I like my nut sack just the way it is and none of the ladies have complained during BL so thanks but no thanks!

True, Islam is looking more attractive with every passing year. Christianity is dying slowly, Islam is gaining. By the year 2050 they will be at parity and only 13% of the world's population will be non-religious (down from 16% that it is today).
AndrewX is going to be so disappointed in you! When are you converting to Islam? Will you be going to listen to an Imam, maybe Andrew can recommend a few?

One more thing, here is the official meaning of Misogyny. Please read it and absorb it then we can chat.


Pleasure Hound

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2021
Banning books, banning speech by not allowing the use of the word gay, banning prostitution for fuck sake. Jackass RIghtWIng WOKE culture!
Let's not forget their endless campaigns to remove all women's rights over their own bodies. Classic right-wing terrorist wokism right there....

All women should just leave Texas and let the men inevitably kill each other.....


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Banning books, banning speech by not allowing the use of the word gay, banning prostitution for fuck sake. Jackass RIghtWIng WOKE culture!
And these fucking pricks have the audacity to say that we are the one doing woke cultures???

The rightist fuckers are the ultimate woke people!

I have said it often. I would rather being poor drinking tea fucking girls in a farm then living in a million dollar gated area mansion with a gun in my hand because I am scared of the poor neighborhood.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Sure, women CAN do those things. Do they in any significant number? Will they in any significant number? Ukrainian women CAN suit up and fight against the Russian army... have they?

All those things CAN be done, but I can't tell you the last time I've seen a female construction worker, a female changing a tire, a female laying bricks or driving commercial trucks, a female building houses and roads. Why? Because they choose not to. Because they have other proclivities, which is natural.

Why would it surprise you that a population on average that has greater physical strength, more interest in things rather than people, have higher risk-taking predispositions, higher individual competitiveness, and different spatial proclivities gravitate toward certain types of jobs?

Why do you insist on equality of outcome in groups of people that are different? That doesn't make sense.
There is obviously more to that, including how girls were raised. Remember when they had home ec and boys had shop class? Just because some positions are historically male dominated does mean women can't do them, or want to do them. Sure, most probably wouldn't, but Tate was basically saying that they can't do those jobs. Women have served in the Israeli IDF for decades and fought bravely. In WWII, women took roles on the front lines other than being nurses. And are you saying women cannot be competitive? That is some pretty sexist BS right there.

That WAS the mainstream version of it 30 years ago. Now it's superiority (faux superiority... when you have to tell everyone you're the best and that others are trash, you probably aren't superior) and retribution. It's now in over-correct mode for past transgressions.
That is absolute bullshit. What are you even talking about? It's just men who feel threatened that are saying its faux superiority. There is no retribution...That is just...well, it sounds like right-wing spin - lots of talk, no facts.

Peterson has already addressed this on multiple occasions but you don't read or listen to him and other intellectuals. It's because of the very principle that Tate is talking about.
Sad to hear you think Jordan Peterson is an intellectual....

There differences between men and women at the top of the distribution and this manifests in significantly different outcomes at the top of the societal hierarchy.

Why was Michael Jordan the best ever.. because of natural ability combined with his psychotic will to win. There are more psychotic men that than there are psychotic women, hence more CEOs. There are also more male Einsteins than female ones. There are more men willing to work 24/7 than there are women willing to do the same. There are more men willing to de-prioritize family for job/$$$ than there are women. Finally, men have the biological freedom to put off family and chase certain goals more fervently a lot longer than women since they can procreate at any age while a woman will have tremendous difficulty having a healthy pregnancy past 40 years old.

This is why that pretty world of 50/50 representation of genders is not realistic. It has nothing to do with hatred of women or thinking they can't become engineers.

I don't know what type of women you've worked with, but I've known my fair share of psychotic behaviour the opposite sex when it comes to cutting throats and backstabbing to get ahead in business. There are many women who are saying no to families so they can advance their careers. I never said there should/would be 50/50 representation for CEOs or anything of that nature. But the point remains, the video you linked to shows Tate shitting on women saying they need a man to do all sorts of things. Now, sure, there are many women that fall into that category. But, there are many women who would take the bull by the horns and do it themselves. The reality here is that just because a woman doesn't do those things....which, frankly, many men don't doesn't mean they can't. I mean, would you change a flat on the 401 in a rain storm at night, or wait for CAA or a tow truck to do it for you?
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece

I'll admit that I've never heard of these guys before but they sure know how to have a good time.

Croatia looks beautiful.
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
None of the realities above are misogynistic.

Your hateful caricatures of those that understand the science is appalling.

The top comment on that video reads: "I am a staunch feminist, and have watched dozens of his videos. He cares more about women than many women do."

Thought you would enjoy this one...
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
There is obviously more to that, including how girls were raised. Remember when they had home ec and boys had shop class? Just because some positions are historically male dominated does mean women can't do them, or want to do them. Sure, most probably wouldn't, but Tate was basically saying that they can't do those jobs. Women have served in the Israeli IDF for decades and fought bravely. In WWII, women took roles on the front lines other than being nurses. And are you saying women cannot be competitive? That is some pretty sexist BS right there.

That is absolute bullshit. What are you even talking about? It's just men who feel threatened that are saying its faux superiority. There is no retribution...That is just...well, it sounds like right-wing spin - lots of talk, no facts.

Sad to hear you think Jordan Peterson is an intellectual....

I don't know what type of women you've worked with, but I've known my fair share of psychotic behaviour the opposite sex when it comes to cutting throats and backstabbing to get ahead in business. There are many women who are saying no to families so they can advance their careers. I never said there should/would be 50/50 representation for CEOs or anything of that nature. But the point remains, the video you linked to shows Tate shitting on women saying they need a man to do all sorts of things. Now, sure, there are many women that fall into that category. But, there are many women who would take the bull by the horns and do it themselves. The reality here is that just because a woman doesn't do those things....which, frankly, many men don't doesn't mean they can't. I mean, would you change a flat on the 401 in a rain storm at night, or wait for CAA or a tow truck to do it for you?
Most of your post is either ad hominem, anecdote, or outright mischaracterization.

Per your question, I'll call CAA or a tow truck, both which will invariably be men responding. Hence Tate's point once again.

I'll try to illustrate the point another way, that you might accept, because it shows the other side of the same coin.

Sure, you can point to examples throughout history to suit your argument, but like many other animals, we evolved two genders for complimentary purposes. Men and women are born with general predispositions, advantageous and disadvantages.

Here's one of the uglier sides when it comes to males.

The reason why the world over most prisoners are male is because at the top end of the violence and aggression distribution, you find far more men than women. The fact of high male prison rates compared to females isn't a sign of oppression against men. It doesn't mean men are inferior. And it's not due to socialization. It's because of those fundamental characteristics that come with being male.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The reason why the world over most prisoners are male is because at the top end of the violence and aggression distribution, you find far more men than women. The fact of high male prison rates compared to females isn't a sign of oppression against men. It doesn't mean men are inferior. And it's not due to socialization. It's because of those fundamental characteristics that come with being male.
So you're arguing that men shouldn't be leaders because they are too violent and criminal?
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
So you're arguing that men shouldn't be leaders because they are too violent and criminal?
I'm saying a small but significant proportion of men are extremely violent and aggressive (greater than the proportion of females) that gets them placed in prison, just like a small but significant proportion of men are genius psychotic work horses that place them into leadership positions at higher rates than women.

There are also higher rates of severely mentally challenged males compared to females at the lowest end of the distribution. So while you'll likely find more men in leadership positions than women, you'll also likely find more males suffering on the bottom tier of society than women.
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