Sure, women CAN do those things. Do they in any significant number? Will they in any significant number? Ukrainian women CAN suit up and fight against the Russian army... have they?
All those things CAN be done, but I can't tell you the last time I've seen a female construction worker, a female changing a tire, a female laying bricks or driving commercial trucks, a female building houses and roads. Why? Because they choose not to. Because they have other proclivities, which is natural.
Why would it surprise you that a population on average that has greater physical strength, more interest in
things rather than people, have higher risk-taking predispositions, higher individual competitiveness, and different spatial proclivities gravitate toward certain types of jobs?
Why do you insist on equality of outcome in groups of people that are different? That doesn't make sense.
That WAS the mainstream version of it 30 years ago. Now it's superiority (faux superiority... when you have to tell everyone you're the best and that others are trash, you probably aren't superior) and retribution. It's now in over-correct mode for past transgressions.
Peterson has already addressed this on multiple occasions but you don't read or listen to him and other intellectuals. It's because of the very principle that Tate is talking about.
There differences between men and women at the top of the distribution and this manifests in significantly different outcomes at the top of the societal hierarchy.
Why was Michael Jordan the best ever.. because of natural ability combined with his psychotic will to win. There are more psychotic men that than there are psychotic women, hence more CEOs. There are also more male Einsteins than female ones. There are more men willing to work 24/7 than there are women willing to do the same. There are more men willing to de-prioritize family for job/$$$ than there are women. Finally, men have the biological freedom to put off family and chase certain goals more fervently a lot longer than women since they can procreate at any age while a woman will have tremendous difficulty having a healthy pregnancy past 40 years old.
This is why that pretty world of 50/50 representation of genders is not realistic. It has nothing to do with hatred of women or thinking they can't become engineers.