American Idol Rocker Dude


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
Lil'Miss said:
I was just wondering if you had opinions other than Scott being a "fat fuck" or Anthony being gay (as if that's some horrible thing).
Fair enough, fair enough. I actually think Scott has a nice voice, but I just don't think he is as good vocally or performance-wise as some of the others. Like Spode, I also don't like his attitude. He seems unnecessarily arrogant and seems like a walking time-bomb. I would not want to hang out with him, but I do not apologize for calling him "fat fuck", "fat boy" or "fatso". It is a distinguishing characteristic, but if it makes you feel better, I'll also refer to Bo as "long haired hillbilly" and Vonzell as "token black chick".

I have said a number of times here that I think Anthony can sing. But I like to make fun of him because he is not particularly masculine. As I have said before, when I say he is "gay", I mean I think he is being unmanly, not that I really think he likes men (not that there is anything wrong with that). I could potentially hang with Anthony, he seems like a nice guy, and he probably attracts women with that sensitive guy thing he has going on.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
homonger said:
I could potentially hang with Anthony, he seems like a nice guy, and he probably attracts women with that sensitive guy thing he has going on.

I was with you 100% up until this sentence :D


Feb 13, 2004
Another Excellent edition of American Idol. And to my surprise...two songs each. If I was to vote someone out it based on performance it would be Anthony. But if I was to vote someone out based on attitude than omfg Scott Savol is the first in line to go. Lil'Miss I'll refrain from the physical jabs and stick to the matter at hand which is Scott Savol's attitude which totally sucks. First of all in his commentary before the first performance he stated that he wasn't leaving cause he's going to broadway. Ok. Showing a little Moxy as the junkie said in her Critique. He also sang it to Simon in his performance which was cool by me as well. I thought he actually did alright, but not that good. But when he had his commentary before the second song, he sounded like a jackass. "Make Me More Appealling to the people"? WTF is that? Who said your appealing. No my friend. Modesty is appealing. Treating women with respect is appealing. The rock band YMMV is verrrry appeallling. And some may think your appealing, but thats not for you to say. (Leave Vonzell's Commentary out of this :cool: ) And his reaction to Simon's critique on the second song which was "ok", was totally disgusting and disrespectful to the spirit of Idol. When Simon said that he was off a couple notes, Scot the portly gentlemen (couldnt resist) said whatever. Whatever?!?! FUck you whatever.

I'm too upset to post any other review other than Bo is amazing as is Vonzell, Carrie is slipping IMHO, Anthony should be turfed after Scott gets finally removed for his bad attitude.

PS What happened to DenWa's post? Did he have second thoughts about his misguided statements of Vonzell going next? Or is he misguided? Speak up DenWa! What do you know exactly?


Craving DenWa's Member
The elusive DenWa post was my fault. I thought I was logged on and posting under my name. Feeling silly, I deleted it. Plus, DenWa has VERY strong opinions on AI and might beat me for misrepresenting him :eek:
I may be misguided when it comes to logging onto TERB, but not about Vonzell. She is an awesome singer, but for some reason, doesn't seem to be getting the votes. She has been in the bottom three a LOT lately. I really do think she's gonna go tomorrow.
I do agree with you on Scott's attitude. At this point in the competition, STFU when the judges are talking to you. Be a little humble. You're not a diva yet. he did, however, outsing Anthony and Vonzell *Lil'Miss ducks*

Bo kicks ass, Carrie is cute. They will be the final two.



Feb 13, 2004
Lil'Miss said:
The elusive DenWa post was my fault. I thought I was logged on and posting under my name. Feeling silly, I deleted it. Plus, DenWa has VERY strong opinions on AI and might beat me for misrepresenting him
You should change your name to Lil'Missterio. Your mysterious aura is widening. :confused:

BTW I judge know one for their opinions. I like to challenge (read understand) opposing opinions, but yours are spot on. In the end I do think you care who wins Idol


I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
I thought tonight's show was merely tolerable.

Anthony - He was bad, and then he was mediocre. I don't care what train says, I think Anthony is likeable. But he did not help his cause at all tonight, and he is probably the one to get the boot tomorrow.

Scott - I think fat boy is becoming a real jerk, although I do think his "more appealing" line was meant tongue in cheek. To his credit, I thought he sang 'On Broadway' pretty well, and was okay on the Brian McKnight song. Based on performance, I don't think he deserves to go. Based on attitude, he should have gone 5 weeks ago.

Vonzell - I thought she did better tonight than Simon seemed to think, but he is the professional, after all. She is just a great entertainer and is a pleasure to watch.

Bo - I thought he did great tonight, although what's the deal with the Los Lonely Boys' song 'Heaven'? Didn't that come out last summer? How is that still on the charts?

Carrie - I thought she was cute with her first song, but kinda dull with the second. She sang them both very well, however, so I don't see her going anyplace.


Nov 22, 2001
Vonzell's doing a great job but I think the problem is that she's choosing songs that are unfamiliar to the masses.

Randy said of Scott's first song that it was his best performance. That's not saying much; he was off key in spots. Sadly, he'll probably be around at least another week.

Best thing for Bo would be not to win. He's already gotten great exposure and would have so much more freedom on his own.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
homonger said:
I thought tonight's show was merely tolerable.

Anthony - He was bad, and then he was mediocre. I don't care what train says, I think Anthony is likeable. .
My comment was not directed to whether he was a nice guy but whether one could "hang" with him. I think if you put him and Clay Aiken in a room diabetic kittens would emerge ........but I still wouldn't hang with him.

Once again I agree with your review except I would have been a smidgen tougher on Fat Jerk's second song.

Did anyone see the article in one of the papers yesterday that speculated that the reason FJ was still around was that there was an underground internet movement tring to get the populace to vote for the worst contestant? Apparantly this story has received enough press to elicit a public comment from the network and producers.


Feb 13, 2004
train said:
Did anyone see the article in one of the papers yesterday that speculated that the reason FJ was still around was that there was an underground internet movement tring to get the populace to vote for the worst contestant? Apparantly this story has received enough press to elicit a public comment from the network and producers.
Someone had a weblink posted here for a site titled Vote for the Worst Idol

Those bastards need to brought to justice if they're using technology to swing the vote


El Duderino
Mar 20, 2003
Running Amok
Dammit woman!

:mad: Is my wife posting under my name again?!?!?!? Dammit, where's my belt? Lil'Miss, it's time to pay the piper...


Bo rocks....Carrie is cute...they will be the final two. Bo should just quit now before he wins and has to spend the next twelve months singing hetero-challeneged pop songs on the American Idol tour.

Scott's attitude sucks...he's not a bad singer, but his attitude makes us hate him. If he was humble we'd all probably be rooting for him as the homely underdog.


Feb 13, 2004
DenWa said:
:mad: Is my wife posting under my name again?!?!?!? Dammit, where's my belt? Lil'Miss, it's time to pay the piper...


Bo rocks....Carrie is cute...they will be the final two. Bo should just quit now before he wins and has to spend the next twelve months singing hetero-challeneged pop songs on the American Idol tour.

Scott's attitude sucks...he's not a bad singer, but his attitude makes us hate him. If he was humble we'd all probably be rooting for him as the homely underdog.
As much as I think you are right I really hope your wrong about Bo going on a pop binge after his Idol win. The only thing that gives me hope is that the two British bloaks who produce Idol are Geniuses. I mean look how popular the show is worldwide with its many iterations. What does it matter if they are smart? Because if theyre smart and want to keep it around for a long time as a tour de force on tv, is that as the seasons go by and the Idol winners are crowned, they better make sure these winners have staying power and the only way to really ensure that this happens they have to let the idol winners sing songs that they were meant for and are comfortable with. In turn these are the songs that appeal to the public assuming that the talent is actually there. If the idol winners sing greasy pop shit than Idol becomes a joke (which imho is not just yet!) and therefore in the vested interest of the Idol franchise they want natural stars, not fabricated ones. So far Kelly Clarkson is the only major star of the bunch of recent winners, as Ruben is kind of having a physical falling apart, Clay's claim to second and the only fabricated star so far are working against him and lastly too early to tell for Fantasia. If Bo wins, let him do Blood, Sweat, Tears, Black Crowes, Folk, Metal whatever he feels comfortable with.

PS Denwa although it may seem that I was hitting on your wife in earlier posts, I wasn;t. Not one of these CyberStalkers or anything but I find it interesting that a Husband/Wife Team for Bowling Green Ohio, are posting on TERB. I understand your wife is going to school and I applaud you for supporting her through this period.

Double J

May 28, 2002
Richmond Hill
It makes me feel old that I didn't recognize ANY of the current top 100 songs they sang.

BTW...when the heck did backstreet get back together? Backstreets back? ALRIGHT!


Craving DenWa's Member
Spode said:
If the idol winners sing greasy pop shit than Idol becomes a joke (which imho is not just yet!) and therefore in the vested interest of the Idol franchise they want natural stars, not fabricated ones. So far Kelly Clarkson is the only major star of the bunch of recent winners, as Ruben is kind of having a physical falling apart, Clay's claim to second and the only fabricated star so far are working against him and lastly too early to tell for Fantasia. .
I haven't heard any Fantasia stuff on the radio, but one of her songs is available as a ringer on my cell phone. Oh, man is it awful. I think it's called baby's mama. I almost threw up when I heard the 30 second clip.

I'm slightly amused that you think Den and I are from Bowling Green. How did you come to that conclusion? We're Hockeytown dwellers (that's Detroit, in case the lockout caused some memory loss in the hockey department)
--Don't take it too hard when Vonzell goes home tonight, I'm sure she'll have a great career--



Craving DenWa's Member
Guess I was wrong on the Vonzell thing :p


Feb 13, 2004
Lil'Miss said:
I haven't heard any Fantasia stuff on the radio, but one of her songs is available as a ringer on my cell phone. Oh, man is it awful. I think it's called baby's mama. I almost threw up when I heard the 30 second clip.

I'm slightly amused that you think Den and I are from Bowling Green. How did you come to that conclusion? We're Hockeytown dwellers (that's Detroit, in case the lockout caused some memory loss in the hockey department)
--Don't take it too hard when Vonzell goes home tonight, I'm sure she'll have a great career--

icks-nay on the etroit-de. I was trying to keep it on the downlow for ya.

Anyway after just hearing the words " are going home tonight!" I couldn't help but feel that America had had enough of this pretender. (Sorry lil'miss but I just have to.(sung to the tune of Goodbye Lady))

GoooDBye Fatsoo, GoooDBye Fatsoo, GoooDBye Fatsoo, da dada dada da...

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
It was funny when Scotty was told to join Anthony on the couch, he looked up, and put his hand up to praise the Lord. Did he actually think he was joining Anthony in the top echelon? NOT :confused:

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Joey Jeremiah said:

Spode, can you give us a recap for those who missed this?
I saw it.

Pretty much just one long interview with Cory Clark where he explained how his affair with Paula started.They interviewed some of Cory's friends who claim to have seen the two at Hollywood hot spots together, they also talked to Cory's parents who talked about how Paula used to constantly call and tell them to not say anything to the press and how Paula will make their son a star.

They best part of all is when they played messages Paula left for Cory on his cellphone.

Can't wait to see what Paul has to say about the cell phone messages on ET tomorrow.
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