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Am I the only one who finds "Cheapsters" offensive?


New member
Dec 18, 2005
Women are like fine wine!

Artifacial said:
I've been reading threads by all these "Cheapster Club" people, and quite frankly it is disgusting to me.

Am I crazy to think that the ladies in this profession are actual human beings and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity as any other person in society and not reduced to bargain basement comparisons?

You always get what you pay for! I prefer to spend my money wisely and don't mind paying a little more for quality.

Long John


New member
Apr 29, 2002
right here
As I said...

in my second post, the first one I deleted, I only glanced at the other thread. After taking some time to read the first two pages of that thread, I really do not see anything nasty being said or implied about the women offering the service.

I've told myself I wouldn't glance and comment cuz I get things wrong; like I did here.

My apologies.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
to bad

one time I paid $350 for a "CLASSY" lady, she ripped me off, one time I paid $60 for a "CHEAPIE" she was the best fuck I ever had, so artifacial with your 30 or so posts, quess with I like, and if your not down with that I have two words for ya,, "SUCK IT" {THATS WHAT TRIPLE X WOULD SAY} P.S. I want to enter my name into the CHEAPIE CLUB


New member
Sep 23, 2004
The thing is, prices tend to be cyclic. Sometimes it's a sellers' market. Sometimes a buyers'.

The biggest problem isn't with the customers -- of course they're going to try to get the best value for their dollar, that's their best interest.

The biggest problem is with SPs undercutting each other. When they can't compete on any other level, they compete on price. I know this all too well -- I've been reduced to competing on price too. (If this is how you make your living, you have to roll with the punches.)

It's good for the customers for a while, and they act like they're in hog heaven. I've been through this with customers in this market a few times now!! But eventually the pendulum swings the other way, and the guys who are rejoicing now are crying sour tomorrow. (... or, conversely, the SPs who are rejoicing today are crying sour tomorrow)

Perhaps best thing is to stick to the middle ground -- to those SPs who aren't charging the highest rates in the fattest times nor those customers who are paying the lowest rates in the leanest times.

I've been working since the 1970s (and still thoroughly enjoying myself!) -- but yet, I've seen a lot of cycles come and go. There are those who ride the peaks and valleys and maybe that's just their way. But the best bet for longevity is to stick to the middle ground. If cost of living is going op for you you, then if you're an SP, you can damned well bet it's going up for your customers too -- and if you're a customer, you can damned well bet it's going up for your SP. When people have values above and beyond money, they try to work out something that works for everybody -- but when people are only fixated on money, then they just try to get their best rate today ... at the expense of tomorrow.

Let's not act like oil companies! Let's be smarter than that.



Sex Toy King
Dec 17, 2003
Kingston, ON
rgkv said:
one time I paid $350 for a "CLASSY" lady, she ripped me off, one time I paid $60 for a "CHEAPIE" she was the best fuck I ever had, so artifacial with your 30 or so posts, quess with I like, and if your not down with that I have two words for ya,, "SUCK IT" {THATS WHAT TRIPLE X WOULD SAY} P.S. I want to enter my name into the CHEAPIE CLUB
Bah... leave the poor guy alone. Just because he only has 30 or whatever posts doesn't mean he's not allowed to have an opinion. Just like you are allowed to have yours, I'm allowed to have mine and so on....

And if you're still watching Triple X? (I think you mean Triple H), who has more maturity here?

And I want someone to "suck it" ... I'll pay $250+ to get it done properly. Muahahaha.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
you are right Cyberite, my apoligy to Artifacial, we all are allowed our own opinion, and yes , Tripel H is who I mean, and "HEY IT"S REAL YOU KNOW" so grown men also watch it


Sep 19, 2006
“Am I the only one who finds "Cheapsters" offensive?”


I also think cheapstsers are doing themselves a disservice. They are not buying an inanimate object, they are buying a girls time.

If you want cheap, you can find cheap and it will be cheap and there will be disrespect on both sides.

I am sure that a girl who is working for what she considers to be a discounted price is not going to put as much effort into pleasing her client as someone who feels they are getting what they are worth.

At the same time location has a lot to do with it. I have received better service from girls in Hamilton who want $200 for the hour than girls in downtown Toronto who want $300+. Of course if you want really cheap head off to the Far-East. In Indonesia a BJ used to cost the same as a bottle of beer, the equivalent of $3, but that was twenty years ago.:p


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Artifacial said:
To me, it's merely taking advantage of the less fortunate in the world.
I applaud you for your sympathy to people who are taken advantage of. I hope you carry your ideals to not just SP's but make sure all the goods you buy are made in Canada (or any developed nation) instead of China or Indonesia or Vietnam where they are exploiting workers in sweatshops.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
A friend of mine used to be an MPA. It was a mid-price place, but she would do a $20 special, where the guy had to go in and get naked and hard, and she would just come in with her clothes on, jerk him off and leave. Bargain hunters liked it, but so did she. So I don't think all bargains are bad. What is bad is seeing SPs who are being exploited, are underage, are crack-heads, etc. Basically anyone who is not a freely consenting adult. As people have pointed out, bad situations can occur at any price level.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Alexa Taylor said:
I understand what you're saying and in regards to the concept of bargin hunting, the cheapster club would more likely include those who try to negotiate the escort's rate to something that suits their financial needs. That is definitely insulting. You see it all levels of the sex trade.
But Alexa, we do not negotiate a cheaper price. Simply, when I dont' feel like blowing a bunch of cash I just call a cheaper sp. I see her ad is asking for 60 or 80. I do not go there and ask for a discount. I purposely search the ads to make sure it's in the price I want to pay at that time.

On the flip side, I know there are many instances where guys who pretend to have cash, call an expensive sp and try to haggle. That is truly pathetic.

For the record, I have the cash to hobby on the higher end. I do at times and I do the slum at times. It's all about the mood. If I feel like the thrill of finding a cheap gem, then that's what I'm going to do. I don't see how I or any other cheapster is objectifying women any more or less than other members of this board.

This thread was about disrespect. He thought we were disrespecting the women. In fact he was disrespecting us. As well, WTF is the talk about sex slaves and shit? You think other higher end incalls can't be that kind of organization? You think only the slummy ones are like that?

What about Korean Heaven? You think that place is run by up and coming business people? Grow up, wake up and smell whatever it is you need to realize that not all cheap incalls are slave dens and crack houses. You also need to realize that not all higher end incalls are fluffy clouds and lollipops.

KWI... what the hell is going on. Disgusted indeed.

P.S. - Has this become a class war? LOL


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Final note for me on this thread.

Cheapsters. I think this is a new word that is coined for good. LOL

In any case. One word. Whatever.
I know I don't degrade women. That's all that matters. ;)


Jul 21, 2006
ruck said:
Cheapsters. I think this is a new word that is coined for good.

Greekster said:
iwilllickyoufohours, you got it all wrong! Who trained you for this club?
We are The Cheapie Club, the members are the Cheapsters, the SPs are the Cheapies.
(Posted on: 08-27-2006, 12:46 PM)

I feel so honoured.


Dec 19, 2005
deep inside
Alexa Taylor said:
That's exactly what I was referring to. I've seen and experienced it a few times where a person calls and they know the rate and stated online that it's non-negotiable and they still attempt to anyways. As for the $80 incalls, you would hope someone wouldn't try to negotiate that price down.
Can you reduce it just a little? I got $60 for the hour.. take it or leave it.


East end Hobbiest
Artifacial said:
You have the right to be offended by facials, and I have the right to be offended by people who take advantage of the less fortunate.

The difference between the two level of SP's, is that, if the SP I'm seeing doesn't want to take a facial, she doesn't have to.

The $60-$80 incall girl gets beaten if she says no to anything. (***DISCLAIMER*** In some cases, not all)
And the $60-$80 "illegal immigrant" girl doesn't have to come here and sell her body ... she could have stayed at home, been abused there, let her family starve, or whatever else horror she has come to Toronto to earn a little money to help her and her family cope with back home.

So you only see girls that are high class expensive and could just as easily be working in an office tower at a "respectable" job for half the money, but they do it so they can buy a fancy car and big home instead of "just existing" with a cheap import car and a 2 bedroom condo ... I see girls that earn half the money of a respectable office girl, but without that money her and/or her family would be dead or existing in a living hell.

Seems to me that my $80 might be going for a much better cause than your $800.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
you know this subject is going nowhere, there are people who will pay unlimited amounts of money on whatever they wish and there are people who charge unlimited amounts of money to give those people whatever it is they wish, all the power to both of them. there are people who can't, don't or will not spend unlimited amounts of money and there are people who will give those people whatever it is they wish and do not charge unlimited amounts of money, all the power to both of them, the problem lies with those who can not understand the others point of view, why it should matter which way a person go's is not another persons problem or concern, some sp's and mpa's might argue that the cheap price brings the service down for everyone and hurts their overall income, well ladies and gentlemen, it's called free enterprise, we can all say yes lets raise the price but there will always be someone who will charge less and there will always be someone looking for a cheaper price, those that charge more get it, those that charge less get it, I love this country and I love this freedom we have, to charge whatever I want TO DO whatever I want , if I see a deal and I feel good about it to bad what someone else thinks, same thing with this board, I never seen anything in the "RULES" that says you can only review or get together to discuss non-cheap situations , it's a review board, cheap, expensive, good service, lousy service, beware of this, beware of that, LETS ALL GET ALONG, I gotta go find me a cheap thrill.


Jul 21, 2006
rgkv, the Cheapsters are currently voting on your membership to our forum. So far, the votes are favouring you joining us. Hang in there.
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